# Data file for mpc_sqrt. # # Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 INRIA # # This file is part of GNU MPC. # # GNU MPC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your #o ption) any later version. # # GNU MPC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ . # # The line format respects the parameter order in function prototype as # follow: # # INEX_RE INEX_IM PREC_ROP_RE ROP_RE PREC_ROP_IM ROP_IM PREC_OP_RE OP_RE PREC_OP_IM OP_IM RND_RE RND_IM # # see sin.dat for precisions # special values (following ISO C99 standard) 0 0 53 +inf 53 -inf 53 -inf 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 +0 53 -inf 53 -inf 53 -1 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 -inf 53 -inf 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 +inf 53 -inf 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 +inf 53 -inf 53 +1 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 +inf 53 -inf 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 inf 53 -inf 53 nan N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 -inf 53 -1 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 +0 53 -1 53 -1 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 +1 53 -1 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 +inf 53 -1 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 -1 53 nan N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 -inf 53 -0 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 +1 53 -1 53 -0 53 -2 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 -0 53 -0 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 +0 53 -0 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 +1 53 +1 53 -0 53 +2 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 +inf 53 -0 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 -0 53 nan N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 -inf 53 +0 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 +1 53 -1 53 +0 53 -2 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 -0 53 +0 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 +0 53 +0 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 +1 53 +1 53 +0 53 +2 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 +inf 53 +0 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 +0 53 nan N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 -inf 53 +1 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 +1 53 -0 53 +1 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 +1 53 +0 53 +1 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 +inf 53 +1 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 +1 53 nan N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 -inf 53 +inf 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 -0 53 +inf 53 -1 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 -0 53 +inf 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 +0 53 +inf 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 +0 53 +inf 53 +1 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 +inf 53 +inf 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 nan 53 +inf 53 nan N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 -inf 53 nan 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 nan 53 -1 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 nan 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 nan 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 nan 53 +1 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 +inf 53 nan 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 nan 53 nan N N # purely real argument # sqrt(x +i*0) = sqrt(x) +i*0, when x>0 # sqrt(x -i*0) = sqrt(x) -i*0, when x>0 # sqrt(x +i*0) = +0 +i*sqrt(-x) +i*0, when x<0 # sqrt(x -i*0) = +0 -i*sqrt(-x) +i*0, when x<0 + 0 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 +0 53 2 17 +0 N N 0 + 53 +0 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 54 -2 16 +0 Z N + 0 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 -0 55 2 15 -0 U N 0 - 53 +0 53 -0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 56 -2 14 -0 D N - 0 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 53 +0 57 2 13 +0 Z Z 0 - 53 +0 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 58 -2 12 +0 U Z - 0 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 53 -0 59 2 11 -0 D Z 0 + 53 +0 53 -0x5a827999fcef30p-54 60 -2 10 -0 N Z + 0 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 +0 61 2 9 +0 U U 0 + 53 +0 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 62 -2 8 +0 D U + 0 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 -0 63 2 7 -0 N U 0 + 53 +0 53 -0x5a827999fcef30p-54 64 -2 6 -0 Z U - 0 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 53 +0 65 2 5 +0 D D 0 - 53 +0 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 66 -2 4 +0 N D - 0 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 53 -0 67 2 3 -0 Z D 0 - 53 +0 53 -0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 68 -2 2 -0 U D # purely imaginary argument # sqrt(+/-0 +i*y) = sqrt(y/2) * (1 +i), when y >0 # sqrt(+/-0 +i*y) = sqrt(-y/2) * (1 -i), when y < 0 + + 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 +0 53 4 N N - + 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 51 -0 54 4 Z N + - 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 -0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 49 +0 55 -4 U N - - 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 53 -0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 47 -0 56 -4 D N - - 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 45 +0 57 4 Z Z + - 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 43 -0 58 4 U Z - + 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 53 -0x5a827999fcef30p-54 41 +0 59 -4 D Z + + 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 -0x5a827999fcef30p-54 39 -0 60 -4 N Z + + 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 37 +0 61 4 U U - + 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 35 -0 62 4 D U + + 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 -0x5a827999fcef30p-54 33 +0 63 -4 N U - + 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 53 -0x5a827999fcef30p-54 31 -0 64 -4 Z U - - 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 29 +0 65 4 D D + - 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 27 -0 66 4 N D - - 53 0x5a827999fcef30p-54 53 -0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 25 +0 67 -4 Z D + - 53 0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 53 -0x16a09e667f3bcdp-52 23 -0 68 -4 U D # z=(-1.95050937e+25,-2.65087379e-39) + - 24 0x7.2fb038p-164 24 -0x1.011258p32 24 -0x1.0225d4p64 24 -0xe.6ec760p-132 N N # z=(-1.89432151e+24,-1.06397210e+09) ? ? 24 0x0.001954c04p0 24 -0x1.407478p40 24 -0x1.912360p80 24 -0x3.f6aed0p28 N N # bugs fixed in r160 2008-07-15 - + 19 0b11101001001001001100p+39 19 -0b1010110101100111011p-236 19 0b1.101010001010100000p+117 19 -0b1.001110111101100001p-158 N Z - + 2 0b11p+100 2 -0b11p+100 2 -0 2 -0b11p+203 N Z 0 + 2 0 2 -0b10p+117 2 -0b11p+235 2 -0 N Z # close to infinite loop reported by Emmanuel Thome, 22 Oct 2010, # and all its variants of signs and directed roundings - + 375 1 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281177 375 1 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 N N + + 375 0x1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281177 375 1 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 U U - - 375 1 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef5fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffep-202281177 375 1 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 D D - + 375 1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef5fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffep-202281177 375 1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 D U - - 375 1 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef5fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffep-202281177 375 1 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 Z Z - - 375 1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281177 375 1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 N N + + 375 0x1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef5fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffep-202281177 375 1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 U U - - 375 1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281177 375 1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 D D - + 375 1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef5fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffep-202281177 375 1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 Z Z + - 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281177 375 1 375 -1 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 N N + + 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281177 375 0x1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004 375 -1 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 U U - - 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef5fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffep-202281177 375 1 375 -1 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 D D - - 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef5fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffep-202281177 375 1 375 -1 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 Z Z + + 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281177 375 -1 375 -1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 N N + + 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281177 375 -1 375 -1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 U U - - 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef5fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffep-202281177 375 -0x1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004 375 -1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 D D - + 375 0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef5fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffep-202281177 375 -1 375 -1 375 -0xf.8a8aae3080b3dd665e316d262fd54c1ca22a83dc9acb92ef6p-202281176 Z Z