Prefix, Operating Program Program Released Dir Machine System Language Version yy/mm/dd Contributor cp a (various)Generic CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a (various)Generic CPM80 3.0 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Access Matrix CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Acorn BBC Micro CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Acorn BBC Torch CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Action Discovery CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Amstrad CPC 6128 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Amstrad PCW 8256 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Apple II CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cn8 c Argos Pro PC CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 Birmingham U cp a BigBoard II CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Cifer 1886 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Cifer 1886 CPM80 3.0 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Comart Communica CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Compupro IF 3/4 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a CPT-85xx CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Cromemco CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cn8 c Daisy PCi CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 Birmingham U c86 c DEC Rainbow CPM86 ASM86 2.9 84/12/03 Columbia U cp a DEC VT-180 Robin CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a DECmate-II,III CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Delphi 100 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Epson PX8 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cn8 c Fallon 2000 CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 Birmingham U cp a Ferguson BigB.I CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cn8 c FTS PCi CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 Birmingham U c86 c Fujitsu Micro16s CPM86 ASM86 2.9 85/09/23 WRIST Inc c86 c Future FX20/FX30 CPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 Birmingham U cp a Heath H8 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Heath/Zenith-100 CPM85 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Heath/Zenith-89 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a HP-125 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cn8 c ICL PC 2 CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 87/05/17 Nottingham U cn8 c ICL PC Quattro CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 87/05/17 Nottingham U cp a Ithaca Intersys CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Kaypro 4 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Kaypro II CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Lobo Max-80 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Merlin M2215 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Micromint SB180 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a MorrowDecisionI CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a MorrowMicroDec.I CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a NCR Decisionmate CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA c86 c NEC APC CPM86 ASM86 2.9 84/12/03 U Washington cp a Nokia MikroMikko CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a NorthstarAdvanta CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a NorthstarHorizon CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Ohio Scientific CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cn8 c Orion PCi CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 Birmingham U cp a Osborne 1 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a PMC Micromate101 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Rair Black Box CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a RM380ZF CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a RM380ZM CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Sanyo 1100 MBC CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a ScreenTyper CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Superbrain CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA c86 c Tektronix 4170 CPM86 ASM86 2.9 84/12/03 TransEra Corp. cp a Telcon Zorba CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Teletek Skymastr CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Teletek/ADM-22 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Torch Unicorn 5 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a TRS-80 Model 4 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a TRS-80 Model II CPM80 2.25 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA um c UMicro U-MAN1000 CP/M-68K C and Asm - 86/04/10 Lancaster U cp a USmicroSalesS100 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Vector Graphics CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA c86 c Victor/Sirius 1 CPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/07/07 Utah State U cp a Video Genie CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Xerox 820 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA cp a Z80MUdevelpmtSys CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M.Freeman BPA
Use a regular FTP client to retrieve them in text mode. Example:
$ ftp User: anonymous Password: your-email-address ftp> cd kermit/a ftp> mget ftp> ascii ftp> get cp*.* ftp> bye
CLICK HERE for more information about how to use FTP.
The CP/M-80 and CP/M-85 files are all in the kermit/a directory. Get the files cp*.* and then read the cpaaaa.hlp file for further instructions.
The others (CP/M-86, CP/M-68K, Concurrent CP/M-86, etc) are in the kermit/? directory listed in the second column, with the filename prefix listed in the first column. For example, to get the Concurrent CP/M version:
ftp> cd kermit/c ftp> prompt ftp> mget cn8*.*
Each version comes as a pair of Intel HEX files (*.hex); the main Kermit program and a system-dependent overlay. Instructions for piecing them together, and for use, are in the documentation: