/* maclatin.c. Produce a table of Mac Kermit's Extended Latin character set. F. da Cruz, Columbia University, 1992. */ char *name[] = { "A diaeresis", /* 128 */ "A ring", /* 129 */ "C cedilla", /* 130 */ "E acute", /* 131 */ "N tilde", /* 132 */ "O diaeresis", /* 133 */ "U diaeresis", /* 134 */ "a acute", /* 135 */ "a grave", /* 136 */ "a circumflex", /* 137 */ "a diaeresis", /* 138 */ "a tilde", /* 139 */ "a ring", /* 140 */ "c cedilla", /* 141 */ "e acute", /* 142 */ "e grave", /* 143 */ "e circumflex", /* 144 */ "e diaeresis", /* 145 */ "i acute", /* 146 */ "i grave", /* 147 */ "i circumflex", /* 148 */ "i diaeresis", /* 149 */ "n tilde", /* 150 */ "o acute", /* 151 */ "o grave", /* 152 */ "o circumflex", /* 153 */ "o diaeresis", /* 154 */ "o tilde", /* 155 */ "u acute", /* 156 */ "u grave", /* 157 */ "u circumflex", /* 158 */ "u diaeresis", /* 159 */ "Y acute", /* 160 */ "Degree sign, ring above", /* 161 */ "Cent sign", /* 162 */ "Pound Sterling sign", /* 163 */ "Paragraph (section) sign", /* 164 */ "Multiplication sign", /* 165 */ "Pilcrow sign", /* 166 */ "German sharp s", /* 167 */ "Registered trademark symbol", /* 168 */ "Copyright symbol", /* 169 */ "Superscript 2", /* 170 */ "Acute accent", /* 171 */ "Diaeresis", /* 172 */ "Superscript 3", /* 173 */ "AE digraph, A with E", /* 174 */ "O slash, O oblique stroke", /* 175 */ "Superscript 1", /* 176 */ "Plus or minus sign", /* 177 */ "One quarter", /* 178 */ "One half", /* 179 */ "Yen sign", /* 180 */ "Greek mu, micro sign", /* 181 */ "UNUSED", /* 182 */ "UNUSED", /* 183 */ "UNUSED", /* 184 */ "UNUSED", /* 185 */ "Three quarters", /* 186 */ "Feminine ordinal", /* 187 */ "Masculine ordinal", /* 188 */ "UNUSED", /* 189 */ "ae digraph, a with e", /* 190 */ "o slash, o oblique stroke", /* 191 */ "Question mark inverted", /* 192 */ "Exclamation mark inverted", /* 193 */ "Not sign", /* 194 */ "L with stroke", /* 195 */ "Florin sign", /* 196 */ "Grave accent", /* 197 */ "UNUSED", /* 198 */ "Left angle quotation", /* 199 */ "Right angle quotation", /* 200 */ "Broken bar", /* 201 */ "No break space", /* 202 */ "A grave", /* 203 */ "A tilde", /* 204 */ "O tilde", /* 205 */ "OE digraph", /* 206 */ "oe digraph", /* 207 */ "Soft hyphen", /* 208 */ "UNUSED", /* 209 */ "UNUSED", /* 210 */ "UNUSED", /* 211 */ "l with stroke", /* 212 */ "UNUSED", /* 213 */ "Division sign", /* 214 */ "UNUSED", /* 215 */ "y diaeresis", /* 216 */ "Y diaeresis", /* 217 */ "UNUSED", /* 218 */ "International currency symbol", /* 219 */ "Icelandic Eth", /* 220 */ "Icelandic eth", /* 221 */ "Icelandic Thorn", /* 222 */ "Icelandic thorn", /* 223 */ "y acute", /* 224 */ "Center dot, middle dot", /* 225 */ "UNUSED", /* 226 */ "UNUSED", /* 227 */ "UNUSED", /* 228 */ "A circumflex", /* 229 */ "E circumflex", /* 230 */ "A acute", /* 231 */ "E diaeresis", /* 232 */ "E grave", /* 233 */ "I acute", /* 234 */ "I circumflex", /* 235 */ "I diaeresis", /* 236 */ "I grave", /* 237 */ "O acute", /* 238 */ "O circumflex", /* 239 */ "UNUSED", /* 240 */ "O grave", /* 242 */ "U acute", /* 242 */ "U circumflex", /* 243 */ "U grave", /* 244 */ "i dotless", /* 245 */ "Circumflex", /* 246 */ "Tilde", /* 247 */ "Macron, overbar", /* 248 */ "Breve", /* 249 */ "Dot accent", /* 250 */ "Ring above", /* 251 */ "Cedilla", /* 252 */ "Hungarian umlaut", /* 253 */ "Ogonek", /* 254 */ "Caron, hacek" /* 255 */ }; main() { int i; printf("Macintosh Kermit Extended Latin Character Set\n"); printf("char dec col/row oct hex description\n"); for (i = 128; i < 256; i++) { printf("[%c] %3d %02d/%02d %3o %2X %s\n", i, i, i/16, i%16, i, i, name[i-128]); } }