#include "ckcsym.h" #define XFATAL fatal /* C K U U S Y -- "User Interface" for Unix Kermit, part Y */ /* Command-Line Argument Parser */ /* Authors: Frank da Cruz , The Kermit Project, Columbia University, New York City Jeffrey E Altman Secure Endpoints Inc., New York City Copyright (C) 1985, 2004, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or the copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions. */ #include "ckcdeb.h" char * bannerfile = NULL; char * helpfile = NULL; extern int xferlog, filepeek, nolinks; extern char * xferfile; extern int debtim; #include "ckcasc.h" #include "ckcker.h" #include "ckucmd.h" #include "ckcnet.h" #include "ckuusr.h" #include "ckcxla.h" #ifdef CK_SSL #include "ck_ssl.h" #endif /* CK_SSL */ #include #ifdef OS2 #include #ifdef KUI #include "ikui.h" extern struct _kui_init kui_init; #endif /* KUI */ #endif /* OS2 */ extern int inserver, fncnv, f_save, xfermode; #ifdef PATTERNS extern int patterns; #endif /* PATTERNS */ #ifndef NOICP extern int cmdint; #endif /* NOICP */ extern int xsuspend; #ifdef NETCONN #ifdef ANYX25 extern int revcall, closgr, cudata; extern char udata[]; extern int x25fd; #endif /* ANYX25 */ #ifndef VMS #ifndef OS2 #ifndef OSK extern #endif /* OSK */ #endif /* OS2 */ #endif /* VMS */ int telnetfd; extern struct keytab netcmd[]; extern int tn_exit; #ifndef NOICP #ifndef NODIAL extern int nnets, nnetdir; /* Network services directory */ extern char *netdir[]; extern char *nh_p[]; /* Network directory entry pointers */ extern char *nh_p2[]; /* Network directory entry nettype */ extern char *nh_px[4][MAXDNUMS + 1]; #endif /* NODIAL */ extern int nhcount; extern char * n_name; /* Network name pointer */ #endif /* NOICP */ #endif /* NETCONN */ #ifndef NOSPL extern int nmac; extern struct mtab *mactab; #endif /* NOSPL */ extern char uidbuf[]; #ifdef CK_LOGIN extern int logintimo; #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ extern char * myname, * dftty; extern int howcalled; extern char *ckxsys, *ckzsys, **xargv, *xarg0, **cmlist, *clcmds; extern int action, cflg, xargc, cnflg, local, quiet, escape, network, mdmtyp, bgset, backgrd, xargs, binary, parity, turn, turnch, duplex, flow, clfils, noinit, stayflg, nettype, cfilef, noherald, cmask, cmdmsk, exitonclose, haveline, justone, cxtype, xfinish, ttnproto; extern long speed; extern char ttname[]; extern char * pipedata, * cmdfil; #ifndef NOXFER extern char *cmarg, *cmarg2; extern int nfils, stdouf, stdinf, displa, maxrps, rpsiz, ckwarn, urpsiz, wslotr, swcapr, ckdelay, recursive, reliable, xreliable, fnspath, fncact, clearrq, setreliable; #ifdef PIPESEND extern int usepipes, pipesend; #endif /* PIPESEND */ extern int protocol; #endif /* NOXFER */ #ifndef NOPUSH extern int nopush; #endif /* NOPUSH */ #ifdef OS2 extern struct keytab os2devtab[]; extern int nos2dev; extern int ttslip; extern int tt_scroll, tt_escape; #ifdef OS2PM extern int os2pm; #endif /* OS2PM */ #endif /* OS2 */ #ifdef CK_NETBIOS extern unsigned char NetBiosAdapter; #endif /* CK_NETBIOS */ #ifdef XFATAL #undef XFATAL #endif /* XFATAL */ #ifdef TNCODE _PROTOTYP(static int dotnarg, (char x) ); #endif /* TNCODE */ #ifdef RLOGCODE _PROTOTYP(static int dorlgarg, (char x) ); #endif /* RLOGCODE */ #ifdef SSHBUILTIN _PROTOTYP(static int dossharg, (char x) ); #endif /* SSHBUILTIN */ int haveftpuid = 0; /* Have FTP user ID */ static int have_cx = 0; /* Have connection */ #ifdef NEWFTP extern char * ftp_host; #endif /* NEWFTP */ extern int what; #ifndef NOICP #ifndef NODIAL extern int nmdm, telephony; extern struct keytab mdmtab[]; extern int usermdm, dialudt; #endif /* NODIAL */ _PROTOTYP(static int pmsg, (char *) ); _PROTOTYP(static int fmsg, (char *) ); static int pmsg(s) char *s; { printf("%s\n", s); return(0); } static int fmsg(s) char *s; { fatal(s); return(0); } #define XFATAL(s) return(what==W_COMMAND?pmsg(s):fmsg(s)) #else #define XFATAL fatal #endif /* NOICP */ #ifndef NOHTTP #define HTTP_GET 1 #define HTTP_PUT 2 #define HTTP_HED 3 #endif /* NOHTTP */ #ifdef CK_URL /* URLs we recognize */ #define URL_FTP 1 #define URL_HTTP 2 #define URL_HTTPS 3 #define URL_IKSD 4 #define URL_TELNET 5 #define URL_LOGIN 6 struct keytab urltab[] = { #ifdef NEWFTP "ftp", URL_FTP, 0, #endif /* NEWFTP */ #ifndef NOHTTP "http", URL_HTTP, 0, "https", URL_HTTPS, 0, #endif /* NOHTTP */ "iksd", URL_IKSD, 0, "kermit", URL_IKSD, 0, "telnet", URL_TELNET, 0, "", 0, 0 }; int nurltab = sizeof(urltab)/sizeof(struct keytab) - 1; #ifndef URLBUFLEN #define URLBUFLEN 1024 #endif /* URLBUFLEN */ static char urlbuf[URLBUFLEN]; struct urldata g_url = {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}; /* u r l p a r s e -- Parse a possible URL */ /* Returns 0 if the candidate does not seem to be a URL. Returns 1 if it might be a URL, with the above pointers set to its pieces: service : [ // ] [ user [ : password ] @ ] host [ : service ] [ / path ] Example: ftp://ds.internic.net:21/rfc/rfc1234.txt url.svc = [ftp] url.usr = [(NULL)] url.psw = [(NULL)] url.hos = [ds.internic.net] url.por = [21] url.pth = [rfc/rfc1234.txt] It might be a URL if it contains a possible service name followed by a a colon (:). Thus "telnet:xyzcorp.com" is a minimal URL, whereas a full-blown example would be: ftp://olga:secret@ftp.xyzcorp.com/public/oofa.txt The caller must verify the results, i.e. that the service string is a real TCP service, etc. This routine just parses the fields. struct urldata defined in ckcker.h */ int urlparse(s,url) char *s; struct urldata * url; { char * p = NULL, * urlbuf = NULL; int x; if (!s || !url) return(0); if (!*s) return(0); makestr(&urlbuf,s); if (url->sav) { /* In case we were called before... */ free(url->sav); url->sav = NULL; } if (url->svc) { free(url->svc); url->svc = NULL; } if (url->hos) { free(url->hos); url->hos = NULL; } if (url->por) { free(url->por); url->por = NULL; } if (url->usr) { free(url->usr); url->usr = NULL; } if (url->psw) { free(url->psw); url->psw = NULL; } if (url->pth) { free(url->pth); url->pth = NULL; } p = urlbuf; /* Was a service requested? */ while (*p && *p != ':') /* Look for colon */ p++; if (*p == ':') { /* Have a colon */ *p++ = NUL; /* Get service name or number */ if (*p == ':') /* a second colon */ *p++ = NUL; /* get rid of that one too */ while (*p == '/') *p++ = NUL; /* and slashes */ #ifdef COMMENT /* Trailing slash is part of path - leave it - jaltman */ x = strlen(p); /* Length of remainder */ if (p[x-1] == '/') /* If there is a trailing slash */ p[x-1] = NUL; /* remove it. */ #endif /* COMMENT */ if (urlbuf[0]) { /* Anything left? */ char *q = p, *r = p, *w = p; makestr(&url->svc,urlbuf); while (*p != NUL && *p != '@') /* look for @ */ p++; if (*p == '@') { /* Signifies user ID, maybe password */ *p++ = NUL; url->hos = p; while (*w != NUL && *w != ':') w++; if (*w == ':') *w++ = NUL; url->usr = r; /* Username */ if (*w) url->psw = w; /* Password */ q = p; } else { /* No username or password */ p = q; url->hos = p; } debug(F111,"urlparse url->usr",url->usr,url->usr); debug(F111,"urlparse url->psw",url->usr,url->psw); debug(F111,"urlparse url->hos",url->usr,url->hos); while (*p != NUL && *p != ':' && *p != '/') /* Port? */ p++; if (*p == ':') { /* TCP port */ *p++ = NUL; r = p; url->por = r; while (*p != NUL && *p != '/') p++; /* '/' is part of path, leave it until we can copy */ if (*p == '/') { makestr(&url->pth,p); /* Path */ *p = NUL; } } else { /* No port */ /* '/' is part of path, leave it */ if (*p == '/') { makestr(&url->pth,p); /* Path */ *p = NUL; } } } /* Copy non-NULL result strings */ if (url->svc) if (*url->svc) { p = url->svc; url->svc = NULL; makestr(&url->svc,p); } if (url->hos) if (*url->hos) { p = url->hos; url->hos = NULL; makestr(&url->hos,p); } if (url->por) if (*url->por) { p = url->por; url->por = NULL; makestr(&url->por,p); } /* WARNING (Wed Oct 9 16:09:03 2002): We now allow the username and password to be empty strings. These are treated differently from null pointers: an empty string means the URL included username and/or password fields that were empty, e.g. ftp://:@ftp.xyzcorp.com/somepath/somefile, which causes the client to prompt for the username and/or password. */ if (url->usr) /* if (*url->usr) */ { p = url->usr; url->usr = NULL; makestr(&url->usr,p); } if (url->psw) /* if (*url->psw) */ { p = url->psw; url->psw = NULL; makestr(&url->psw,p); } /* Save a copy of the full url if one was found. */ if (url->svc) makestr(&url->sav,s); free(urlbuf); return(url->svc ? 1 : 0); } return(0); } #endif /* CK_URL */ #ifndef NOCMDL char *hlp1[] = { #ifndef NOICP " [filename] [-x arg [-x arg]...[-yyy]..] [ = text ] ]\n", #else "[-x arg [-x arg]...[-yyy]..]\n", #endif /* NOICP */ "\n", " -x is an option requiring an argument, -y an option with no argument.\n", " If the first command-line argument is the name of a file, interactive-\n", " mode commands are executed from the file. The '=' argument tells Kermit\n", " not to parse the remainder of the command line, but to make the words\n", " following '=' available as \\%1, \\%2, ... \\%9. The command file \ (if any)\n", " is executed before the command-line options.\n", "\n", #ifndef NOICP "If no action command is included, or -S is, then after the command line is\n", "executed, Kermit issues its prompt and waits for you to type commands.\n", #else "Operation by command-line options only.\n", #endif /* NOICP */ "" }; static char *hlp2[] = { " [option-list] host[:port] [port]\n", " The option-list consists of zero, one, or more of:\n", " -8 Negotiate Telnet Binary in both directions\n", " -a Require use of Telnet authentication\n", " -d Turn on debug mode\n", " -E No escape character\n", " -K Refuse use of authentication; do not send username\n", " -l user Set username and request Telnet authentication\n", " -L Negotiate Telnet Binary Output only\n", " -x Require Encryption\n", " -D Disable forward-X\n", " -T cert=file Use certificate in file\n", " -T key=file Use private key in file\n", " -T crlfile=file Use CRL in file\n", " -T crldir=dir Use CRLs in directory\n", " -T cipher=string Use only ciphers in string\n", " -f Forward credentials to host\n", " -k realm Set default Kerberos realm\n", "" }; static char *hlp3[] = { /* rlogin */ " [option-list] host[:port] [port]\n", " The option-list consists of zero, one, or more of:\n", " -d Turn on debug mode\n", " -l user Set username\n", "" }; static char *hlp4[] = { /* ssh */ " [option-list] host[:port] [port]\n", " The option-list consists of zero, one, or more of:\n", " -d Turn on debug mode\n", " -l user Set username\n", "" }; /* Command-line option help lines. Update this when adding new options! */ char * opthlp[128]; /* Option help */ char * arghlp[128]; /* Argument for option */ int optact[128]; /* Action-option flag */ VOID fatal2(msg1,msg2) char *msg1, *msg2; { char buf[256]; if (!msg1) msg1 = ""; if (!msg2) msg2 = ""; ckmakmsg(buf,256,"\"",msg1,"\" - ",msg2); #ifndef NOICP if (what == W_COMMAND) printf("%s\n",buf); else #endif /* NOICP */ fatal((char *)buf); } static SIGTYP #ifdef CK_ANSI cl_int(int dummy) #else /* CK_ANSI */ cl_int(dummy) int dummy; #endif /* CK_ANSI */ { /* Command-line interrupt handler */ doexit(BAD_EXIT,1); SIGRETURN; } #ifdef NEWFTP extern int ftp_action, ftp_cmdlin; static int xx_ftp(host, port) char * host, * port; { #ifdef CK_URL extern int haveurl; #endif /* CK_URL */ extern char * ftp_logname; int use_tls = 0; char * p; if (port) if (!*port) port = NULL; if (!host) return(0); if (!*host) return(0); debug(F111,"ftp xx_ftp host",ftp_host,haveftpuid); debug(F111,"ftp xx_ftp uidbuf 1",uidbuf,haveftpuid); ftp_cmdlin = 1; /* 1 = FTP started from command line */ if (nfils > 0) ftp_cmdlin++; /* 2 = same plus file transfer */ #ifndef NOURL debug(F111,"ftp xx_ftp g_url.usr",g_url.usr,g_url.usr); if (haveurl && g_url.usr) { /* Wed Oct 9 15:15:22 2002 */ if (!*(g_url.usr)) { /* Force username prompt if */ haveftpuid = 0; /* "ftp://:@host" given. */ uidbuf[0] = NUL; makestr(&ftp_logname,NULL); } debug(F111,"ftp xx_ftp uidbuf 2",uidbuf,haveftpuid); } #endif /* NOURL */ debug(F111,"ftp xx_ftp uidbuf 3",uidbuf,haveftpuid); if (haveftpuid) { makestr(&ftp_logname,uidbuf); debug(F111,"ftp_logname",ftp_logname,haveftpuid); } if (!port) { if ((p = ckstrchr(ftp_host,':'))) *p++ = NUL; port = p; } if (!port) { #ifdef CK_URL if (haveurl) { if (g_url.por) port = g_url.por; else if (g_url.svc) port = g_url.svc; else port = "ftp"; } else #endif /* CK_URL */ port = "ftp"; } #ifdef CK_SSL if (haveurl && g_url.svc) use_tls = !ckstrcmp("ftps",g_url.svc,-1,0); #endif /* CK_SSL */ if (ftpopen(ftp_host,port,use_tls) < 1) return(-1); debug(F111,"ftp xx_ftp action",ckctoa((char)ftp_action),nfils); if (nfils > 0) { switch (ftp_action) { case 'g': return(cmdlinget(stayflg)); case 'p': case 's': return(cmdlinput(stayflg)); } } return(1); } #endif /* NEWFTP */ #ifndef NOHTTP static char * http_hlp[] = { " -h This message.\n", " -d Debug to debug.log.\n", " -S Stay (issue command prompt when done).\n", " -Y Do not execute Kermit initialization file.\n", " -q Quiet (suppress most messages).\n", " -u name Username.\n", " -P password Password.\n", " -g pathname Get remote pathname.\n", " -p pathname Put remote pathname.\n", " -H pathname Head remote pathname.\n", " -l pathname Local path for -g, -p, and -H.\n", #ifdef CK_SSL " -z opt[=value] Security options...\n", " cert=file Client certificate file\n", " certsok Accept all certificates\n", " key=file Client private key file\n", " secure Use SSL\n", " verify=n 0 = none, 1 = peer , 2 = certificate required\n", #endif /* CK_SSL */ "" }; #define HT_CERTFI 0 #define HT_OKCERT 1 #define HT_KEY 2 #define HT_SECURE 3 #define HT_VERIFY 4 static struct keytab httpztab[] = { { "cert", HT_CERTFI, CM_ARG }, { "certsok", HT_OKCERT, 0 }, { "key", HT_KEY, CM_ARG }, { "secure", HT_SECURE, 0 }, { "verify", HT_VERIFY, CM_ARG }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nhttpztab = sizeof(httpztab) / sizeof(struct keytab) - 1; #endif /* NOHTTP */ /* U S A G E */ VOID usage() { #ifdef MINIX conol("Usage: "); conol(xarg0); conol(" [-x arg [-x arg]...[-yyy]..] ]\n"); #else conol("Usage: "); conol(xarg0); if (howcalled == I_AM_KERMIT || howcalled == I_AM_IKSD || howcalled == I_AM_SSHSUB) conola(hlp1); else if (howcalled == I_AM_TELNET) conola(hlp2); else if (howcalled == I_AM_RLOGIN) conola(hlp3); else if (howcalled == I_AM_SSH) conola(hlp4); if (howcalled == I_AM_KERMIT || howcalled == I_AM_IKSD || howcalled == I_AM_SSHSUB) { int c; conoll(""); conoll("Complete listing of command-line options:"); conoll(""); for (c = 31; c < 128; c++) { if (!opthlp[c]) continue; if (arghlp[c]) { printf(" -%c %s\n", (char)c, (optact[c] ? " (action option)" : "") ); printf(" %s\n",opthlp[c]); printf(" Argument: %s\n\n",arghlp[c]); } else { /* Option without arg */ printf(" -%c %s%s\n", (char)c, opthlp[c], (optact[c]?" (action option)":"") ); printf(" Argument: (none)\n\n"); } } #ifdef OS2ORUNIX printf("To prevent this message from scrolling, use '%s -h | more'.\n", xarg0); #endif /* OS2ORUNIX */ printf("For a list of extended options use '%s --help'.\n", xarg0); } #endif /* MINIX */ } /* C M D L I N -- Get arguments from command line */ int cmdlin() { char x; /* Local general-purpose char */ extern int haveurl; #ifdef NEWFTP char * port = NULL; #endif /* NEWFTP */ #ifndef NOXFER cmarg = ""; /* Initialize globals */ cmarg2 = ""; #endif /* NOXFER */ action = 0; cflg = 0; signal(SIGINT,cl_int); /* Here we handle different "Command Line Personalities" */ #ifdef TCPSOCKET #ifndef NOHTTP if (howcalled == I_AM_HTTP) { /* If I was called as HTTP... */ char rdns[128]; #ifdef OS2 char * agent = "Kermit 95"; #else char * agent = "C-Kermit"; #endif /* OS2 */ debug(F100,"http personality","",0); #ifdef CK_URL if (haveurl) { int type; char * lfile; type = lookup(urltab,g_url.svc,nurltab,NULL); if (!(type == URL_HTTP || type == URL_HTTPS)) { printf("?Internal Error: HTTP command line processing\n"); debug(F100,"Error: HTTP command line processing","",0); doexit(BAD_EXIT,1); } rdns[0] = '\0'; lfile = ""; x = (http_open(g_url.hos,g_url.por ? g_url.por : g_url.svc, type == URL_HTTPS, rdns,128,NULL) == 0); if (x) { #ifdef KUI char asname[CKMAXPATH+1]; #endif /* KUI */ if (!quiet) { if (rdns[0]) printf("Connected to %s [%s]\r\n",g_url.hos,rdns); else printf("Connected to %s\r\n",g_url.hos); } if (g_url.pth) zstrip(g_url.pth,&lfile); else g_url.pth = "/"; if (!*lfile) lfile = "index.html"; #ifdef KUI if (uq_file(NULL, /* K95 GUI: Put up file box. */ NULL, /* (not tested...) */ 4, NULL, lfile, asname, CKMAXPATH+1 ) > 0) lfile = asname; #endif /* KUI */ x = http_get(agent, NULL, /* hdrlist */ g_url.usr, g_url.psw, 0, lfile, g_url.pth, 0 /* stdio */ ); x = (http_close() == 0); } else { if (!quiet) printf("?HTTP Connection failed.\r\n"); } doexit(x ? GOOD_EXIT : BAD_EXIT, -1); } else #endif /* CK_URL */ { int http_action = 0; char * host = NULL, * svc = NULL, * lpath = NULL; char * user = NULL, * pswd = NULL, * path = NULL; char * xp; while (--xargc > 0) { /* Go through command line words */ xargv++; debug(F111,"cmdlin http xargv",*xargv,xargc); xp = *xargv+1; if (**xargv == '-') { /* Got an option */ int xx; x = *(*xargv+1); /* Get the option letter */ switch (x) { case 'd': /* Debug */ #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debtim = 1; } else { deblog = debopn("debug.log",0); } #endif /* DEBUG */ break; case 'S': /* Stay */ case 'Y': /* No initialization file */ break; /* (already done in prescan) */ case 'q': /* Quiet */ quiet = 1; break; case 'u': /* Options that require arguments */ case 'P': case 'g': case 'p': case 'H': case 'l': if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("Invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("Missing argument"); } switch (x) { case 'u': user = *xargv; break; case 'P': pswd = *xargv; break; case 'l': if (http_action != HTTP_PUT) lpath = *xargv; break; case 'g': http_action = HTTP_GET; path = *xargv; debug(F111,"cmdlin http GET",path,http_action); break; case 'p': http_action = HTTP_PUT; path = *xargv; break; case 'H': http_action = HTTP_HED; path = *xargv; } break; #ifdef CK_SSL case 'z': { /* *xargv contains a value of the form tag=value */ /* we need to lookup the tag and save the value */ int x,y,z; char * p, * q; makestr(&p,*xargv); y = ckindex("=",p,0,0,1); if (y > 0) p[y-1] = '\0'; x = lookup(httpztab,p,nhttpztab,&z); if (x < 0) { printf("?Invalid security option: \"%s\"\n",p); } else { printf("Security option: \"%s",p); if (httpztab[z].flgs & CM_ARG) { q = &p[y]; if (!*q) fatal("?Missing required value"); } /* -z options w/args */ switch (httpztab[z].kwval) { case HT_CERTFI: makestr(&ssl_rsa_cert_file,q); break; case HT_OKCERT: ssl_certsok_flag = 1; break; case HT_KEY: makestr(&ssl_rsa_key_file,q); break; case HT_SECURE: svc="https"; break; case HT_VERIFY: if (!rdigits(q)) printf("?Bad number: %s\n",q); ssl_verify_flag = atoi(q); break; } } free(p); break; } #endif /* CK_SSL */ case 'h': /* Help */ default: printf("Usage: %s host [ options... ]\n",xarg0); conola(http_hlp); doexit(GOOD_EXIT,-1); } } else { /* No dash - must be hostname */ host = *xargv; if (xargc > 1) { svc = *(xargv+1); if (svc) if (*svc == '-' || !*svc) svc = NULL; if (svc) { xargv++; xargc--; } } } } if (!svc) svc = ""; if (!*svc) svc = "http"; if (!host) XFATAL("No http host given"); /* Check action args before opening the connection */ if (http_action) { if (http_action == HTTP_PUT) { if (!lpath) XFATAL("No local path for http PUT"); } if (!path) XFATAL("No remote path for http action"); } /* Now it's OK to open the connection */ rdns[0] = NUL; x = (http_open(host, svc,!ckstrcmp("https",svc,-1,0),rdns,128,NULL ) == 0); if (!x) { if (!quiet) printf("?HTTP Connection failed.\r\n"); doexit(BAD_EXIT,-1); } if (!quiet) { if (rdns[0]) printf("Connected to %s [%s]\r\n",host,rdns); else printf("Connected to %s\r\n",host); } if (http_action) { int pcpy = 0; if (http_action != HTTP_PUT) { /* Supply default */ if (!lpath) { /* local path... */ zstrip(path,&lpath); if (!lpath) lpath = ""; if (!*lpath) lpath = "index.html"; } } if (*path != '/') { char * p = (char *) malloc(strlen(path)+2); if (!p) fatal("?Memory allocation error\n"); *p = '/'; strcpy(&p[1],path); /* safe */ path = p; pcpy = 1; } switch (http_action) { case HTTP_GET: x = http_get(agent,NULL,user,pswd,0,lpath,path,0); break; case HTTP_PUT: x = http_put(agent,NULL,"text/HTML", user,pswd,0,lpath,path,NULL,0); break; case HTTP_HED: x = http_head(agent,NULL,user,pswd,0,lpath,path,0); break; } debug(F101,"cmdline http result","",x); x = (http_close() == 0); if (pcpy) free(path); doexit(x ? GOOD_EXIT : BAD_EXIT, -1); } return(0); } } else #endif /* NOHTTP */ #ifdef NEWFTP if (howcalled == I_AM_FTP) { /* If I was called as FTP... */ debug(F100,"ftp personality","",0); #ifdef CK_URL if (haveurl) doftparg('U'); else #endif /* CK_URL */ { while (--xargc > 0) { /* Go through command line words */ xargv++; debug(F111,"cmdlin ftp xargv",*xargv,xargc); if (**xargv == '-') { /* Got an option */ int xx; x = *(*xargv+1); /* Get the option letter */ xx = doftparg(x); if (xx < 0) { if (what == W_COMMAND) return(0); else doexit(BAD_EXIT,1); } } else { /* No dash - must be hostname */ makestr(&ftp_host,*xargv); if (xargc > 1) { port = *(xargv+1); if (port) if (*port == '-' || !*port) port = NULL; if (port) { xargv++; xargc--; } } debug(F110,"cmdlin ftp host",ftp_host,0); debug(F110,"cmdlin ftp port",port,0); } } /* while */ } /* if (haveurl) */ if (ftp_host) { int xx; #ifdef NODIAL xx = xx_ftp(ftp_host,port); if (xx < 0 && (haveurl || ftp_cmdlin > 1)) doexit(BAD_EXIT,-1); #else #ifdef NOICP xx = xx_ftp(ftp_host,port); if (xx < 0 && (haveurl || ftp_cmdlin > 1)) doexit(BAD_EXIT,-1); #else if (*ftp_host == '=') { /* Skip directory lookup */ xx = xx_ftp(&ftp_host[1],port); if (xx < 0 && (haveurl || ftp_cmdlin > 1)) doexit(BAD_EXIT,-1); } else { /* Want lookup */ int i; nhcount = 0; /* Check network directory */ debug(F101,"cmdlin nnetdir","",nnetdir); if (nnetdir > 0) /* If there is a directory... */ lunet(ftp_host); /* Look up the name */ else /* If no directory */ nhcount = 0; /* we didn't find anything there */ #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debug(F101,"cmdlin lunet nhcount","",nhcount); if (nhcount > 0) { debug(F110,"cmdlin lunet nh_p[0]",nh_p[0],0); debug(F110,"cmdlin lunet nh_p2[0]",nh_p2[0],0); debug(F110,"cmdlin lunet nh_px[0][0]", nh_px[0][0],0); } } #endif /* DEBUG */ if (nhcount == 0) { xx = xx_ftp(ftp_host,port); if (xx < 0 && (haveurl || ftp_cmdlin > 1)) doexit(BAD_EXIT,-1); } else { for (i = 0; i < nhcount; i++) { if (ckstrcmp(nh_p2[i],"tcp/ip",6,0)) continue; makestr(&ftp_host,nh_p[i]); debug(F110,"cmdlin calling xx_ftp",ftp_host,0); if (!quiet) printf("Trying %s...\n",ftp_host); if (xx_ftp(ftp_host,port) > -1) break; } } } #endif /* NODIAL */ #endif /* NOICP */ if (!ftpisconnected()) doexit(BAD_EXIT,-1); } return(0); } #endif /* NEWFTP */ #ifdef TNCODE if (howcalled == I_AM_TELNET) { /* If I was called as Telnet... */ while (--xargc > 0) { /* Go through command line words */ xargv++; debug(F111,"cmdlin telnet xargv",*xargv,xargc); if (**xargv == '=') return(0); if (!strcmp(*xargv,"--")) /* getopt() conformance */ return(0); #ifdef VMS else if (**xargv == '/') continue; #endif /* VMS */ else if (**xargv == '-') { /* Got an option (begins with dash) */ int xx; x = *(*xargv+1); /* Get the option letter */ debug(F111,"cmdlin telnet args 1",*xargv,xargc); xx = dotnarg(x); debug(F101,"cmdlin telnet doarg","",xx); debug(F111,"cmdlin telnet args 2",*xargv,xargc); if (xx < 0) { #ifndef NOICP if (what == W_COMMAND) return(0); else #endif /* NOICP */ { #ifdef OS2 sleep(1); /* Give it a chance... */ #endif /* OS2 */ doexit(BAD_EXIT,1); /* Go handle option */ } } } else { /* No dash must be hostname */ ckstrncpy(ttname,*xargv,TTNAMLEN+1); debug(F110,"cmdlin telnet host",ttname,0); #ifndef NOICP #ifndef NODIAL nhcount = 0; /* Check network directory */ debug(F101,"cmdlin telnet nnetdir","",nnetdir); if (nnetdir > 0) /* If there is a directory... */ lunet(*xargv); /* Look up the name */ else /* If no directory */ nhcount = 0; /* we didn't find anything there */ #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debug(F101,"cmdlin telnet lunet nhcount","",nhcount); if (nhcount > 0) { debug(F110,"cmdlin telnet lunet nh_p[0]",nh_p[0],0); debug(F110,"cmdlin telnet lunet nh_p2[0]",nh_p2[0],0); debug(F110,"cmdlin telnet lunet nh_px[0][0]", nh_px[0][0],0); } } #endif /* DEBUG */ if (nhcount > 0 && nh_p2[0]) /* If network type specified */ if (ckstrcmp(nh_p2[0],"tcp/ip",6,0)) /* it must be TCP/IP */ nhcount = 0; if (nhcount == 1) { /* Still OK, so make substitution */ ckstrncpy(ttname,nh_p[0],TTNAMLEN+1); debug(F110,"cmdlin telnet lunet substitution",ttname,0); } #endif /* NODIAL */ #endif /* NOICP */ if (--xargc > 0 && !haveurl) { /* Service from command line? */ xargv++; ckstrncat(ttname,":",TTNAMLEN+1); ckstrncat(ttname,*xargv,TTNAMLEN+1); debug(F110,"cmdlin telnet host2",ttname,0); } #ifndef NOICP #ifndef NODIAL else if (nhcount) { /* No - how about in net directory? */ if (nh_px[0][0]) { ckstrncat(ttname,":",TTNAMLEN+1); ckstrncat(ttname,nh_px[0][0],TTNAMLEN+1); } } #endif /* NODIAL */ #endif /* NOICP */ local = 1; /* Try to open the connection */ nettype = NET_TCPB; mdmtyp = -nettype; if (ttopen(ttname,&local,mdmtyp,0) < 0) { XFATAL("can't open host connection"); } network = 1; /* It's open */ #ifdef CKLOGDIAL dolognet(); #endif /* CKLOGDIAL */ #ifndef NOXFER reliable = 1; /* It's reliable */ xreliable = 1; /* ... */ setreliable = 1; #endif /* NOXFER */ cflg = 1; /* Connect */ stayflg = 1; /* Stay */ tn_exit = 1; /* Telnet-like exit condition */ quiet = 1; exitonclose = 1; /* Exit when connection closes */ #ifndef NOSPL if (local) { if (nmac) { /* Any macros defined? */ int k; /* Yes */ k = mlook(mactab,"on_open",nmac); /* Look this up */ if (k >= 0) { /* If found, */ if (dodo(k,ttname,0) > -1) /* set it up, */ parser(1); /* and execute it */ } } } #endif /* NOSPL */ break; } } return(0); } #endif /* TNCODE */ #ifdef RLOGCODE else if (howcalled == I_AM_RLOGIN) { /* If I was called as Rlogin... */ while (--xargc > 0) { /* Go through command line words */ xargv++; debug(F111,"cmdlin rlogin xargv",*xargv,xargc); if (**xargv == '=') return(0); if (!strcmp(*xargv,"--")) /* getopt() conformance */ return(0); #ifdef VMS else if (**xargv == '/') continue; #endif /* VMS */ else if (**xargv == '-') { /* Got an option (begins with dash) */ int xx; x = *(*xargv+1); /* Get the option letter */ debug(F111,"cmdlin rlogin args 1",*xargv,xargc); xx = dorlgarg(x); debug(F101,"cmdlin rlogin doarg","",xx); debug(F111,"cmdlin rlogin args 2",*xargv,xargc); if (xx < 0) { #ifndef NOICP if (what == W_COMMAND) return(0); else #endif /* NOICP */ { #ifdef OS2 sleep(1); /* Give it a chance... */ #endif /* OS2 */ doexit(BAD_EXIT,1); /* Go handle option */ } } } else { /* No dash must be hostname */ ckstrncpy(ttname,*xargv,TTNAMLEN+1); debug(F110,"cmdlin rlogin host",ttname,0); #ifndef NOICP #ifndef NODIAL nhcount = 0; /* Check network directory */ debug(F101,"cmdlin rlogin nnetdir","",nnetdir); if (nnetdir > 0) /* If there is a directory... */ lunet(*xargv); /* Look up the name */ else /* If no directory */ nhcount = 0; /* we didn't find anything there */ #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debug(F101,"cmdlin rlogin lunet nhcount","",nhcount); if (nhcount > 0) { debug(F110,"cmdlin rlogin lunet nh_p[0]",nh_p[0],0); debug(F110,"cmdlin rlogin lunet nh_p2[0]",nh_p2[0],0); debug(F110,"cmdlin rlogin lunet nh_px[0][0]", nh_px[0][0],0); } } #endif /* DEBUG */ if (nhcount > 0 && nh_p2[0]) /* If network type specified */ if (ckstrcmp(nh_p2[0],"tcp/ip",6,0)) /* it must be TCP/IP */ nhcount = 0; if (nhcount == 1) { /* Still OK, so make substitution */ ckstrncpy(ttname,nh_p[0],TTNAMLEN+1); debug(F110,"cmdlin rlogin lunet substitution",ttname,0); } #endif /* NODIAL */ #endif /* NOICP */ if (!haveurl) { /* Service from command line? */ ckstrncat(ttname,":login",TTNAMLEN+1); debug(F110,"cmdlin rlogin host2",ttname,0); } local = 1; /* Try to open the connection */ nettype = NET_TCPB; mdmtyp = -nettype; if (ttopen(ttname,&local,mdmtyp,0) < 0) { XFATAL("can't open host connection"); } network = 1; /* It's open */ #ifdef CKLOGDIAL dolognet(); #endif /* CKLOGDIAL */ #ifndef NOXFER reliable = 1; /* It's reliable */ xreliable = 1; /* ... */ setreliable = 1; #endif /* NOXFER */ cflg = 1; /* Connect */ stayflg = 1; /* Stay */ tn_exit = 1; /* Telnet-like exit condition */ quiet = 1; exitonclose = 1; /* Exit when connection closes */ #ifndef NOSPL if (local) { if (nmac) { /* Any macros defined? */ int k; /* Yes */ k = mlook(mactab,"on_open",nmac); /* Look this up */ if (k >= 0) { /* If found, */ if (dodo(k,ttname,0) > -1) /* set it up, */ parser(1); /* and execute it */ } } } #endif /* NOSPL */ break; } } return(0); } #endif /* RLOGCODE */ #endif /* TCPSOCKET */ #ifdef SSHBUILTIN if (howcalled == I_AM_SSH) { /* If I was called as SSH... */ extern char * ssh_hst, * ssh_cmd, * ssh_prt; debug(F100,"ssh personality","",0); #ifdef CK_URL if (haveurl) { makestr(&ssh_hst,g_url.hos); makestr(&ssh_prt,g_url.svc); ckstrncpy(ttname,ssh_hst,TTNAMLEN+1); ckstrncat(ttname,":",TTNAMLEN+1); ckstrncat(ttname,ssh_prt,TTNAMLEN+1); } else #endif /* CK_URL */ { while (--xargc > 0) { /* Go through command line words */ xargv++; debug(F111,"cmdlin ssh xargv",*xargv,xargc); if (**xargv == '=') return(0); if (!strcmp(*xargv,"--")) /* getopt() conformance */ return(0); #ifdef VMS else if (**xargv == '/') continue; #endif /* VMS */ /* Got an option (begins with dash) */ else if (**xargv == '-') { int xx; x = *(*xargv+1); /* Get the option letter */ debug(F111,"cmdlin args 1",*xargv,xargc); xx = dossharg(x); debug(F101,"cmdlin doarg","",xx); debug(F111,"cmdlin args 2",*xargv,xargc); if (xx < 0) { #ifndef NOICP if (what == W_COMMAND) return(0); else #endif /* NOICP */ { #ifdef OS2 sleep(1); /* Give it a chance... */ #endif /* OS2 */ doexit(BAD_EXIT,1); /* Go handle option */ } } } else { /* No dash must be hostname */ ckstrncpy(ttname,*xargv,TTNAMLEN+1); makestr(&ssh_hst,ttname); debug(F110,"cmdlin ssh host",ttname,0); #ifndef NOICP #ifndef NODIAL nhcount = 0; /* Check network directory */ debug(F101,"cmdlin nnetdir","",nnetdir); if (nnetdir > 0) /* If there is a directory... */ lunet(*xargv); /* Look up the name */ else /* If no directory */ nhcount = 0; /* we didn't find anything there */ #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debug(F101,"cmdlin lunet nhcount","",nhcount); if (nhcount > 0) { debug(F110,"cmdlin lunet nh_p[0]",nh_p[0],0); debug(F110,"cmdlin lunet nh_p2[0]",nh_p2[0],0); debug(F110, "cmdlin lunet nh_px[0][0]",nh_px[0][0],0); } } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* If network type specified */ /* it must be TCP/IP */ if (nhcount > 0 && nh_p2[0]) if (ckstrcmp(nh_p2[0],"tcp/ip",6,0)) nhcount = 0; if (nhcount == 1) { /* Still OK, so make substitution */ ckstrncpy(ttname,nh_p[0],TTNAMLEN+1); makestr(&ssh_hst,ttname); debug(F110,"cmdlin lunet substitution",ttname,0); } #endif /* NODIAL */ #endif /* NOICP */ /* Service from command line? */ if (--xargc > 0 && !haveurl) { xargv++; ckstrncat(ttname,":",TTNAMLEN+1); ckstrncat(ttname,*xargv,TTNAMLEN+1); makestr(&ssh_prt,*xargv); debug(F110,"cmdlin telnet host2",ttname,0); } #ifdef COMMENT /* Do not substitute net dir service for ssh port */ #ifndef NOICP #ifndef NODIAL /* No - how about in net directory? */ else if (nhcount) { if (nh_px[0][0]) { ckstrncat(ttname,":",TTNAMLEN+1); ckstrncat(ttname,nh_px[0][0],TTNAMLEN+1); makestr(&ssh_prt,nh_px[0][0]); } } #endif /* NODIAL */ #endif /* NOICP */ #endif /* COMMENT */ break; } } } local = 1; /* Try to open the connection */ nettype = NET_SSH; mdmtyp = -nettype; if (ttopen(ttname,&local,mdmtyp,0) < 0) { XFATAL("can't open host connection"); } network = 1; /* It's open */ #ifdef CKLOGDIAL dolognet(); #endif /* CKLOGDIAL */ #ifndef NOXFER reliable = 1; /* It's reliable */ xreliable = 1; /* ... */ setreliable = 1; #endif /* NOXFER */ cflg = 1; /* Connect */ stayflg = 1; /* Stay */ tn_exit = 1; /* Telnet-like exit condition */ quiet = 1; exitonclose = 1; /* Exit when connection closes */ #ifndef NOSPL if (local) { if (nmac) { /* Any macros defined? */ int k; /* Yes */ k = mlook(mactab,"on_open",nmac); /* Look this up */ if (k >= 0) { /* If found, */ if (dodo(k,ttname,0) > -1) /* set it up, */ parser(1); /* and execute it */ } } } #endif /* NOSPL */ return(0); } #endif /* SSHBUILTIN */ if (howcalled == I_AM_SSHSUB) return(0); /* From here down: We were called as "kermit" or "iksd". If we were started directly from a Kermit script file, the filename of the script is in argv[1], so skip past it. */ if (xargc > 1) { int n = 1; if (*xargv[1] != '-') { #ifdef KERBANG /* If we were started with a Kerbang script, the script */ /* arguments were already picked up in prescan / cmdini() */ /* and there is nothing here for us anyway. */ if (!strcmp(xargv[1],"+")) return(0); #endif /* KERBANG */ if (cfilef) { /* Command file found in prescan() */ xargc -= n; /* Skip past it */ xargv += n; cfilef = 0; debug(F101,"cmdlin cfilef set to 0","",cfilef); } } } /* Regular Unix-style command line parser, mostly conforming with 'A Proposed Command Syntax Standard for Unix Systems', Hemenway & Armitage, Unix/World, Vol.1, No.3, 1984. */ while (--xargc > 0) { /* Go through command line words */ xargv++; debug(F111,"cmdlin xargv",*xargv,xargc); if (**xargv == '=') return(0); if (!strcmp(*xargv,"--")) /* getopt() conformance */ return(0); #ifdef VMS else if (**xargv == '/') continue; #endif /* VMS */ else if (**xargv == '-') { /* Got an option (begins with dash) */ int xx; x = *(*xargv+1); /* Get the option letter */ debug(F111,"cmdlin args 1",*xargv,xargc); xx = doarg(x); debug(F101,"cmdlin doarg","",xx); debug(F111,"cmdlin args 2",*xargv,xargc); if (xx < 0) { #ifndef NOICP if (what == W_COMMAND) return(0); else #endif /* NOICP */ { #ifdef OS2 sleep(1); /* Give it a chance... */ #endif /* OS2 */ doexit(BAD_EXIT,1); /* Go handle option */ } } } else if (!haveurl) { /* No dash where expected */ char xbuf[32]; char buf[128]; int k; k = ckstrncpy(xbuf,*xargv,40); if (k > 30) { xbuf[30] = '.'; xbuf[29] = '.'; xbuf[28] = '.'; } xbuf[31] = NUL; ckmakmsg(buf, 128, "invalid command-line option, type \"", myname, " -h\" for help", NULL ); fatal2(xbuf,buf); } } #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { #ifndef NOICP debug(F101,"cmdlin what","",what); #endif /* NOICP */ debug(F101,"cmdlin action","",action); #ifndef NOXFER debug(F101,"cmdlin stdouf","",stdouf); #endif /* NOXFER */ } #endif /* DEBUG */ #ifdef NOICP if (!action && !cflg && !cnflg) { debug(F100,"cmdlin NOICP fatal no action","",0); XFATAL("?No actions specified on command line"); } #else if (inserver && what == 0) { /* Internet Kermit server checks */ if (local || (action != 0 && action != 'x')) { if (local) printf("local\r\n"); if (action) printf("action=%c\r\n",action); debug(F100,"cmdlin fatal 1","",0); XFATAL("No actions or connections allowed with -A"); } } #endif /* NOICP */ #ifndef NOLOCAL if (!local) { if ((action == 'c') || (cflg != 0)) { debug(F100,"cmdlin fatal 2","",0); XFATAL("-l or -j or -X required"); } } #endif /* NOLOCAL */ #ifndef NOXFER if (*cmarg2 != 0) { if ((action != 's') && (action != 'r') && (action != 'v')) { debug(F100,"cmdlin fatal 3","",0); XFATAL("-a without -s, -r, or -g"); } if (action == 'r' || action == 'v') { #ifdef CK_TMPDIR if (isdir(cmarg2)) { /* -a is a directory */ if (!zchdir(cmarg2)) { /* try to change to it */ debug(F100,"cmdlin fatal 4","",0); XFATAL("can't change to '-a' directory"); } else cmarg2 = ""; } else #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ if (zchko(cmarg2) < 0) { debug(F100,"cmdlin fatal 5","",0); XFATAL("write access to -a file denied"); } } } if ((action == 'v') && (stdouf) && (!local)) { if (is_a_tty(1)) { debug(F100,"cmdlin fatal 6","",0); XFATAL("unredirected -k can only be used in local mode"); } } if ((action == 's') || (action == 'v') || (action == 'r') || (action == 'x')) { if (local) displa = 1; if (stdouf) { displa = 0; quiet = 1; } } if (quiet) displa = 0; /* No display if quiet requested */ #endif /* NOXFER */ #ifdef DEBUG if (action) debug(F000,"cmdlin returns action","",action); else debug(F101,"cmdlin returns action","",action); #endif /* DEBUG */ return(action); /* Then do any requested protocol */ } /* Extended argument parsing: --keyword[:value] (or =value) */ /* XA_xxxx symbols are defined in ckuusr.h. If you add a new one, also remember to update doshow(), SHXOPT section, in ckuus5.c. */ struct keytab xargtab[] = { #ifdef CK_LOGIN { "anonymous", XA_ANON, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ { "bannerfile", XA_BAFI, CM_ARG }, { "cdfile", XA_CDFI, CM_ARG }, { "cdmessage", XA_CDMS, CM_ARG }, { "cdmsg", XA_CDMS, CM_ARG|CM_INV }, #ifdef KUI { "changedim", XA_CHGD, CM_PRE }, #endif /* KUI */ #ifndef NOCSETS { "charset", XA_CSET, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* NOCSETS */ #ifdef IKSDB { "database", XA_DBAS, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, { "dbfile", XA_DBFI, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* IKSDB */ #ifdef KUI { "facename", XA_FNAM, CM_ARG|CM_PRE|CM_INV }, { "fontname", XA_FNAM, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, { "fontsize", XA_FSIZ, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* KUI */ #ifdef COMMENT #ifdef NEWFTP { "ftp", XA_FTP, CM_ARG }, #endif /* NEWFTP */ #endif /* COMMENT */ #ifndef NOLOCAL #ifdef OS2 { "height", XA_ROWS, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* OS2 */ #endif /* NOLOCAL */ { "help", XA_HELP, 0 }, #ifndef NOHELP { "helpfile", XA_HEFI, CM_ARG }, #endif /* NOHELP */ #ifdef CK_LOGIN { "initfile", XA_ANFI, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ #ifdef OS2 { "lockdown", XA_LOCK, CM_PRE }, #ifdef KUI { "maximize", XA_WMAX, CM_PRE }, { "minimize", XA_WMIN, CM_PRE }, { "nobars", XA_NOBAR, CM_PRE }, #endif /* KUI */ { "noescape", XA_NOESCAPE, CM_PRE }, #endif /* OS2 */ { "nointerrupts",XA_NOIN, CM_PRE }, #ifdef KUI { "nomenubar", XA_NOMN, CM_PRE }, #endif /* KUI */ { "noperms", XA_NPRM, 0 }, #ifndef NOPUSH { "nopush", XA_NOPUSH, CM_PRE }, #endif /* NOPUSH */ #ifdef OS2 { "noscroll", XA_NOSCROLL, CM_PRE }, #endif /* OS2 */ #ifdef KUI { "nostatusbar", XA_NOSB, CM_PRE }, { "notoolbar", XA_NOTB, CM_PRE }, #endif /* KUI */ #ifdef COMMENT { "password", XA_PASS, CM_ARG|CM_INV }, #endif /* COMMENT */ #ifdef CK_LOGIN #ifndef NOXFER #ifdef CK_PERM { "permissions", XA_PERM, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, { "perms", XA_PERM, CM_ARG|CM_PRE|CM_INV }, #endif /* CK_PERM */ #endif /* NOXFER */ #ifdef UNIX { "privid", XA_PRIV, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* UNIX */ #ifndef NOLOCAL #ifndef NOCSETS { "rcharset", XA_CSET, CM_ARG|CM_PRE|CM_INV }, #endif /* NOCSETS */ #endif /* NOLOCAL */ #ifdef UNIX { "root", XA_ROOT, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #else /* UNIX */ #ifdef CKROOT { "root", XA_ROOT, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* CKROOT */ #endif /* UNIX */ #ifdef KUI { "scalefont", XA_SCALE, CM_PRE }, #endif /* KUI */ #ifdef COMMENT #ifdef SSHBUILTIN { "ssh", XA_SSH, CM_ARG }, #endif /* SSHBUILTIN */ #endif /* COMMENT */ #ifdef CKSYSLOG { "syslog", XA_SYSL, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* CKSYSLOG */ #ifndef NOLOCAL #ifdef COMMENT #ifdef TNCODE { "telnet", XA_TEL, CM_ARG }, #endif /* TNCODE */ #endif /* COMMENT */ { "termtype", XA_TERM, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* NOLOCAL */ { "timeout", XA_TIMO, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #ifndef NOLOCAL #ifdef OS2 { "title", XA_TITL, CM_ARG }, #endif /* OS2 */ #ifndef NOSPL { "user", XA_USER, CM_ARG }, #endif /* NOSPL */ #endif /* NOLOCAL */ { "userfile", XA_USFI, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, { "version", XA_VERS, 0 }, #ifndef NOLOCAL #ifdef OS2 { "width", XA_COLS, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* OS2 */ #endif /* NOLOCAL */ #ifdef CKWTMP { "wtmpfile", XA_WTFI, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, { "wtmplog", XA_WTMP, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* CKWTMP */ #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ { "xferfile", XA_IKFI, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, { "xferlog", XA_IKLG, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #ifndef NOLOCAL #ifdef KUI { "xpos", XA_XPOS, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, { "ypos", XA_YPOS, CM_ARG|CM_PRE }, #endif /* KUI */ #endif /* NOLOCAL */ {"", 0, 0 } }; int nxargs = sizeof(xargtab)/sizeof(struct keytab) - 1; static struct keytab oktab[] = { { "0", 0, 0 }, { "1", 1, 0 }, { "2", 2, 0 }, { "3", 3, 0 }, { "4", 4, 0 }, { "5", 5, 0 }, { "6", 6, 0 }, { "7", 7, 0 }, { "8", 8, 0 }, { "9", 9, 0 }, { "false", 0, 0 }, { "no", 0, 0 }, { "off", 0, 0 }, { "ok", 1, 0 }, { "on", 1, 0 }, { "true", 1, 0 }, { "yes", 1, 0 } }; static int noktab = sizeof(oktab)/sizeof(struct keytab); #define XARGBUFL 32 char * xopthlp[XA_MAX+1]; /* Extended option help */ char * xarghlp[XA_MAX+1]; /* Extended argument for option */ static VOID inixopthlp() { int i, j; for (i = 0; i <= XA_MAX; i++) { /* Initialize all to null */ xopthlp[i] = NULL; xarghlp[i] = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < nxargs; i++) { /* Then for each defined keyword */ j = xargtab[i].kwval; /* index by associated value */ if (j < 0 || j > XA_MAX) continue; switch (j) { #ifdef CK_LOGIN case XA_ANON: /* "--anonymous" */ xopthlp[j] = "--anonymous:{on,off} [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "Whether to allow anonymous IKSD logins"; break; #ifdef UNIX case XA_PRIV: xopthlp[j] = "--privid:{on,off} [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "Whether to allow privileged IDs to login to IKSD"; break; #endif /* UNIX */ #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ case XA_BAFI: /* "--bannerfile" */ xopthlp[j] = "--bannerfile:"; xarghlp[j] = "File to display upon startup or IKSD login"; break; case XA_CDFI: /* "--cdfile" */ xopthlp[j] = "--cdfile:"; xarghlp[j] = "File to display when server changes directory"; break; case XA_CDMS: /* "--cdmessage" */ xopthlp[j] = "--cdmessage:{on,off}"; xarghlp[j] = "Whether to display CD message file"; break; case XA_HELP: /* "--help" */ xopthlp[j] = "--help"; xarghlp[j] = "Print this help text about extended options"; break; case XA_HEFI: /* "--help" */ xopthlp[j] = "--helpfile:"; xarghlp[j] = "File containing custom info for HELP command"; break; case XA_IKFI: /* "--xferfile" */ xopthlp[j] = "--xferfile: [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "Name of ftpd-like logfile."; break; case XA_IKLG: /* "--xferlog" */ xopthlp[j] = "--xferlog:{on,off} [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "Whether to keep an ftpd-like logfile."; break; #ifdef CK_LOGIN case XA_ANFI: /* "--initfile" */ xopthlp[j] = "--initfile: [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "Initialization file for anonymous users."; break; #ifdef CK_PERM case XA_PERM: /* "--permissions" */ xopthlp[j] = "--permissions: [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "Permissions for files uploaded by anonymous users."; break; #endif /* CK_PERM */ #ifdef UNIX case XA_ROOT: /* "--root" */ xopthlp[j] = "--root: [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "File-system root for anonymous users."; break; #else /* UNIX */ #ifdef CKROOT case XA_ROOT: /* "--root" */ xopthlp[j] = "--root: [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "File-system root for anonymous users."; break; #endif /* CKROOT */ #endif /* UNIX */ #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ #ifdef CKSYSLOG case XA_SYSL: /* "--syslog" */ xopthlp[j] = "--syslog: [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "Syslog recording level, 0-6."; break; #endif /* CKSYSLOG */ case XA_USFI: /* "--userfile" */ xopthlp[j] = "--userfile: [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "Forbidden user file."; break; #ifdef CKWTMP case XA_WTFI: /* "--wtmpfile" */ xopthlp[j] = "--wtmpfile: [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "Name of wtmp logfile."; break; case XA_WTMP: /* "--wtmplog" */ xopthlp[j] = "--wtmplog:{on,off} [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "Whether to keep a wtmp logfile."; break; #endif /* CKWTMP */ #ifdef CK_LOGIN case XA_TIMO: /* "--timeout" */ xopthlp[j] = "--timeout: [IKSD only]"; xarghlp[j] = "How long to wait for login before closing the connection."; break; #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ case XA_NOIN: xopthlp[j] = "--nointerrupts"; xarghlp[j] = "Disable keyboard interrupts."; break; #ifdef IKSDB case XA_DBAS: xopthlp[j] = "--database:{on,off}"; xarghlp[j] = "Enable/Disable IKSD database (IKSD only)"; break; case XA_DBFI: xopthlp[j] = "--dbfile:"; xarghlp[j] = "Specify IKSD database file (IKSD only)"; break; #endif /* IKSDB */ #ifdef CK_PERMS case XA_NPRM: xopthlp[j] = "--noperms"; xarghlp[j] = "Disable file-transfer Permissions attribute."; break; #endif /* CK_PERMS */ #ifdef KUI case XA_CHGD: xopthlp[j] = "--changedim"; xarghlp[j] = "Change Dimension on Window Resize"; case XA_SCALE: xopthlp[j] = "--scalefont"; xarghlp[j] = "Scale Font on Window Resize"; case XA_WMAX: xopthlp[j] = "--maximize"; xarghlp[j] = "start K95G window maximized."; break; case XA_WMIN: xopthlp[j] = "--minimize"; xarghlp[j] = "start K95G window minimized."; break; case XA_XPOS: xopthlp[j] = "--xpos:n"; xarghlp[j] = "X-coordinate of window position (number)."; break; case XA_YPOS: xopthlp[j] = "--ypos:n"; xarghlp[j] = "Y-coordinate of window position (number)."; break; case XA_FNAM: xopthlp[j] = "--fontname:s (or --facename:s)"; xarghlp[j] = "Font/typeface name: string with _ replacing blank."; break; case XA_FSIZ: xopthlp[j] = "--fontsize:n"; xarghlp[j] = "Font point size (number)."; break; case XA_NOMN: xopthlp[j] = "--nomenubar"; xarghlp[j] = "No Menu Bar"; break; case XA_NOTB: xopthlp[j] = "--notoolbar"; xarghlp[j] = "No Tool Bar"; break; case XA_NOSB: xopthlp[j] = "--nostatusbar"; xarghlp[j] = "No Status Bar"; break; case XA_NOBAR: xopthlp[j] = "--nobars"; xarghlp[j] = "No Menu, Status, or Tool Bars"; break; #endif /* KUI */ #ifndef NOPUSH case XA_NOPUSH: xopthlp[j] = "--nopush"; xarghlp[j] = "Disable external command execution."; break; #endif /* NOPUSH */ #ifdef OS2 case XA_LOCK: xopthlp[j] = "--lockdown"; xarghlp[j] = "Enable all lockdown options."; break; case XA_NOSCROLL: xopthlp[j] = "--noscroll"; xarghlp[j] = "Disable scrollback operations."; break; case XA_NOESCAPE: xopthlp[j] = "--noescape"; xarghlp[j] = "Disable escape from connect mode."; break; case XA_ROWS: xopthlp[j] = "--height:n"; xarghlp[j] = "Screen height (number of rows)."; break; case XA_COLS: xopthlp[j] = "--width:n"; xarghlp[j] = "Screen width (number of columns)."; break; case XA_TITL: xopthlp[j] = "--title:string"; xarghlp[j] = "Window Title."; break; #endif /* OS2 */ case XA_CSET: xopthlp[j] = "--rcharset:name"; xarghlp[j] = "Name of remote terminal character set."; break; case XA_TERM: xopthlp[j] = "--termtype:name"; #ifdef OS2 xarghlp[j] = "Choose terminal emulation."; #else xarghlp[j] = "Choose terminal type."; #endif /* OS2 */ break; case XA_USER: xopthlp[j] = "--user:name"; #ifndef NETCONN xarghlp[j] = "Username (for network login)"; #else xarghlp[j] = "Username."; #endif /* NETCONN */ break; } } } VOID iniopthlp() { int i; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { optact[i] = 0; switch(i) { #ifdef OS2 case '#': /* K95 Startup Flags */ opthlp[i] = "Kermit 95 Startup Flags"; arghlp[i] = "\n"\ " 1 - turn off Win95 special fixes\n"\ " 2 - do not load optional network dlls\n"\ " 4 - do not load optional tapi dlls\n"\ " 8 - do not load optional kerberos dlls\n"\ " 16 - do not load optional zmodem dlls\n"\ " 32 - use stdin for input instead of the console\n"\ " 64 - use stdout for output instead of the console\n"\ " 128 - do not terminate process in response to Session Logoff"; break; #endif /* OS2 */ case '0': /* In the middle */ opthlp[i] = "100% transparent CONNECT mode for \"in-the-middle\" operation"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case '8': opthlp[i] = "Connection is 8-bit clean"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; #ifdef NEWFTP case '9': opthlp[i] = "Make a connection to an FTP server"; arghlp[i] = "IP-address-or-hostname[:optional-TCP-port]"; break; #endif /* NEWFTP */ #ifdef IKSD case 'A': opthlp[i] = "Kermit is to be started as an Internet service"; #ifdef NT arghlp[i] = " socket handle of incoming connection"; #else /* NT */ arghlp[i] = NULL; #endif /* NT */ break; #endif /* IKSD */ case 'B': opthlp[i] = "Kermit is running in Batch or Background (no controlling terminal)"; break; #ifndef NOSPL case 'C': opthlp[i] = "Interactive-mode Commands to be executed"; arghlp[i] = "Commands separated by commas, list in doublequotes"; break; #endif /* NOSPL */ case 'D': opthlp[i] = "Delay before starting to send"; arghlp[i] = "Number of seconds"; break; case 'E': opthlp[i] = "Exit automatically when connection closes"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; #ifdef TCPSOCKET case 'F': opthlp[i] = "Make a TCP connection"; arghlp[i] = "Numeric file descriptor of open TCP connection"; break; #endif /* TCPSOCKET */ case 'G': opthlp[i] = "GET from server, send to standard output"; arghlp[i] = "Remote file specification"; optact[i] = 1; break; case 'H': opthlp[i] = "Suppress program startup Herald and greeting"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'I': opthlp[i] = "Connection is reliable, streaming is allowed"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; #ifdef TCPSOCKET case 'J': opthlp[i] = "'Be like Telnet'"; arghlp[i] = "IP hostname/address optionally followed by service"; break; #endif /* TCPSOCKET */ case 'L': opthlp[i] = "Recursive directory descent for files in -s option"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'M': opthlp[i] = "My user name (for use with Telnet, Rlogin, etc)"; arghlp[i] = "Username string"; break; #ifdef NETBIOS case 'N': opthlp[i] = "NETBIOS adapter number"; arghlp[i] = "Number"; break; #endif /* NETBIOS */ case 'O': /* Be a server for One command only */ opthlp[i] = "Be a server for One command only"; arghlp[i] = NULL; optact[i] = 1; break; case 'P': opthlp[i] = "Don't convert file (Path) names"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'Q': opthlp[i] = "Quick (FAST) Kermit protocol settings"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'R': /* Remote-Only */ opthlp[i] = "Remote-only (makes IF REMOTE true)"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'S': /* "Stay" - enter interactive */ opthlp[i] = "Stay (enter command parser after action options)"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'T': /* Text file transfer mode */ opthlp[i] = "Transfer files in Text mode"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; #ifdef ANYX25 case 'U': /* X.25 call user data */ opthlp[i] = "X.25 call User data"; arghlp[i] = "Call-user-data string"; break; #endif /* ANYX25 */ case 'V': /* No automatic filetype switching */ opthlp[i] = "Disable automatic per-file text/binary switching"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; #ifdef COMMENT #ifdef OS2 case 'W': /* Win32 Window Handle */ opthlp[i] = ""; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; #endif /* OS2 */ #endif /* COMMENT */ #ifdef ANYX25 case 'X': /* SET HOST to X.25 address */ opthlp[i] = "Make an X.25 connection"; arghlp[i] = "X.25 or X.121 address"; break; #endif /* ANYX25 */ case 'Y': /* No initialization file */ opthlp[i] = "Skip initialization file"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; #ifdef ANYX25 case 'Z': /* SET HOST to X.25 file descriptor */ opthlp[i] = "Make an X.25 connection"; arghlp[i] = "Numeric file descriptor of open X.25 connection"; break; #endif /* ANYX25 */ case 'a': /* as-name */ opthlp[i] = "As-name for file(s) in -s, -r, or -g"; arghlp[i] = "As-name string (alternative filename)"; break; case 'b': /* Set bits-per-second for serial */ opthlp[i] = "Speed for serial device"; arghlp[i] = "Numeric Bits per second"; break; case 'c': /* Connect before */ optact[i] = 1; opthlp[i] = "CONNECT before transferring files"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'd': /* DEBUG */ opthlp[i] = "Create debug.log file (a second -d adds timestamps)"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'e': /* Extended packet length */ opthlp[i] = "Maximum length for incoming file-transfer packets"; arghlp[i] = "Length in bytes"; break; case 'f': /* finish */ optact[i] = 1; opthlp[i] = "Send Finish command to a Kermit server"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'g': /* get */ optact[i] = 1; opthlp[i] = "GET file(s) from a Kermit server"; arghlp[i] = "Remote file specification"; break; case 'h': /* help */ optact[i] = 1; #ifdef OS2ORUNIX opthlp[i] = "Print this message (pipe thru 'more' to prevent scrolling)"; #else "Print this message"; #endif /* OS2ORUNIX */ arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'i': /* Treat files as binary */ opthlp[i] ="Transfer files in binary mode"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; #ifdef TCPSOCKET case 'j': /* SET HOST (TCP/IP socket) */ opthlp[i] = "Make a TCP connection"; arghlp[i] = "TCP host name/address and optional service name or number"; break; #endif /* TCPSOCKET */ case 'k': /* receive to stdout */ optact[i] = 1; opthlp[i] = "RECEIVE file(s) to standard output"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'l': /* SET LINE */ opthlp[i] = "Make connection on serial communications device"; arghlp[i] = "Serial device name"; break; case 'm': /* Modem type */ opthlp[i] = "Modem type for use with -l device"; arghlp[i] = "Modem name as in SET MODEM TYPE command"; break; case 'n': /* connect after */ optact[i] = 1; opthlp[i] = "CONNECT after transferring files"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; #ifdef ANYX25 case 'o': /* X.25 closed user group */ opthlp[i] = "X.25 closed user group"; arghlp[i] = "User group string"; break; #endif /* ANYX25 */ case 'p': /* SET PARITY */ opthlp[i] = "Parity"; arghlp[i] = "One of the following: even, odd, mark, none, space"; break; case 'q': /* Quiet */ opthlp[i] = "Quiet (suppress most messages)"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'r': /* receive */ optact[i] = 1; opthlp[i] = "RECEIVE file(s)"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 's': /* send */ optact[i] = 1; opthlp[i] = "SEND file(s)"; arghlp[i] = "One or more file specifications"; break; case 't': /* Line turnaround handshake */ opthlp[i] = "XON Turnaround character for half-duplex connections"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; #ifdef ANYX25 case 'u': /* X.25 reverse charge call */ opthlp[i] = "X.25 reverse charge call"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; #endif /* ANYX25 */ case 'v': /* Vindow size */ opthlp[i] = "Window size"; arghlp[i] = "Number, 1 to 32"; break; case 'w': /* Writeover */ opthlp[i] = "Incoming files Write over existing files"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'x': /* Server */ optact[i] = 1; opthlp[i] = "Be a Kermit SERVER"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; case 'y': /* Alternate init-file name */ opthlp[i] = "Alternative initialization file"; arghlp[i] = "File specification"; break; case 'z': /* Not background */ opthlp[i] = "Force foreground behavior"; arghlp[i] = NULL; break; default: opthlp[i] = NULL; arghlp[i] = NULL; } } inixopthlp(); } int doxarg(s,pre) char ** s; int pre; { #ifdef IKSD #ifdef CK_LOGIN extern int ckxsyslog, ckxwtmp, ckxanon; #ifdef UNIX extern int ckxpriv; #endif /* UNIX */ #ifdef CK_PERMS extern int ckxperms; #endif /* CK_PERMS */ extern char * anonfile, * userfile, * anonroot; #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ #ifdef CKWTMP extern char * wtmpfile; #endif /* CKWTMP */ #endif /* IKSD */ extern int srvcdmsg; extern char * cdmsgfile[], * cdmsgstr; char tmpbuf[CKMAXPATH+1]; int i, x, y, z, havearg = 0; char buf[XARGBUFL], c, * p; if (nxargs < 1) return(-1); c = *(*s + 1); /* Hyphen or Plus sign */ p = *s + 2; for (i = 0; *p && i < XARGBUFL; i++) { buf[i] = *p++; if (buf[i] == '=' || buf[i] == ':') { havearg = 1; buf[i] = NUL; break; } else if (buf[i] < ' ') { buf[i] = NUL; break; } } if (i > XARGBUFL - 1) return(-1); buf[i] = NUL; x = lookup(xargtab,buf,nxargs,&z); /* Lookup the option keyword */ if (x < 0) /* On any kind of error */ return(-1); /* fail. */ /* Handle prescan versus post-initialization file */ if (((xargtab[z].flgs & CM_PRE) || (c == '+')) && !pre) return(0); else if (pre && !(xargtab[z].flgs & CM_PRE) && (c != '+')) return(0); /* Ensure that argument is given if and only if required */ p = havearg ? *s + i + 3 : NULL; if ((xargtab[z].flgs & CM_ARG) && !havearg) return(-1); else if ((!(xargtab[z].flgs & CM_ARG)) && havearg) return(-1); switch (x) { /* OK to process this option... */ #ifdef CKSYSLOG case XA_SYSL: /* IKS: Syslog level */ y = 0; if (isdigit(*p)) { while (*p) { if (*p < '0' || *p > '9') return(-1); y = y * 10 + (*p++ - '0'); } } else { y = lookup(oktab,p,noktab,&z); if (y > 0) y = SYSLG_DF; /* Yes = default logging level */ } #ifndef SYSLOGLEVEL /* If specified on cc command line, user can't change it. */ if (!inserver) /* Don't allow voluminous syslogging */ if (y > SYSLG_FA) /* by ordinary users. */ y = SYSLG_FA; #endif /* SYSLOGLEVEL */ if (y < 0) return(-1); #ifdef DEBUG if (y >= SYSLG_DB) if (!deblog) deblog = debopn("debug.log",0); #endif /* DEBUG */ #ifdef SYSLOGLEVEL /* If specified on cc command line, user can't change it. */ y = SYSLOGLEVEL; #endif /* SYSLOGLEVEL */ ckxsyslog = y; /* printf("ckxsyslog=%d\n",ckxsyslog); */ break; #endif /* CKSYSLOG */ #ifdef CK_LOGIN #ifdef CKWTMP case XA_WTMP: /* IKS: wtmp log */ y = lookup(oktab,p,noktab,&z); if (y < 0) return(-1); ckxwtmp = y; /* printf("ckxwtmp=%d\n",ckxwtmp); */ break; case XA_WTFI: /* IKS: wtmp logfile */ if (zfnqfp(p,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) p = tmpbuf; makestr(&wtmpfile,p); /* printf("wtmpfile=%s\n",wtmpfile); */ break; #endif /* CKWTMP */ case XA_ANON: /* IKS: Anonymous login allowed */ y = lookup(oktab,p,noktab,&z); if (y < 0) return(-1); ckxanon = y; /* printf("ckxanon=%d\n",ckxanon); */ break; #ifdef UNIX case XA_PRIV: /* IKS: Priv'd login allowed */ y = lookup(oktab,p,noktab,&z); if (y < 0) return(-1); ckxpriv = y; /* printf("ckxpriv=%d\n",ckxpriv); */ break; #endif /* UNIX */ #ifdef CK_PERMS case XA_PERM: /* IKS: Anonymous Upload Permissions */ y = 0; while (*p) { if (*p < '0' || *p > '7') return(-1); y = y * 8 + (*p++ - '0'); } ckxperms = y; /* printf("ckxperms=%04o\n",ckxperms); */ break; #endif /* CK_PERMS */ case XA_ANFI: /* Anonymous init file */ if (!isabsolute(p)) if (zfnqfp(p,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) p = tmpbuf; makestr(&anonfile,p); /* printf("anonfile=%s\n",anonfile); */ break; case XA_USFI: /* IKS: Forbidden user file */ if (!isabsolute(p)) if (zfnqfp(p,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) p = tmpbuf; makestr(&userfile,p); /* printf("userfile=%s\n",userfile); */ break; case XA_ROOT: /* IKS: Anonymous root */ if (!isabsolute(p)) if (zfnqfp(p,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) p = tmpbuf; makestr(&anonroot,p); /* printf("anonroot=%s\n",anonroot); */ break; #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ case XA_CDFI: /* CD filename */ #ifdef COMMENT /* Do NOT expand this one! */ if (zfnqfp(p,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) p = tmpbuf; #endif /* COMMENT */ makelist(p,cdmsgfile,16); makestr(&cdmsgstr,p); /* printf("cdmsgstr=%s\n",cdmsgstr); */ break; case XA_CDMS: /* CD messages */ y = lookup(oktab,p,noktab,&z); if (y < 0) return(-1); srvcdmsg = y; /* printf("srvcdmsg=%d\n",srvcdmsg); */ break; #ifndef NOXFER case XA_IKLG: /* Transfer log on/off */ y = lookup(oktab,p,noktab,&z); if (y < 0) return(-1); xferlog = y; /* printf("xferlog=%d\n",xferlog); */ break; case XA_IKFI: /* Transfer log file */ if (!isabsolute(p)) if (zfnqfp(p,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) p = tmpbuf; makestr(&xferfile,p); xferlog = 1; /* printf("xferfile=%s\n",xferfile); */ break; case XA_BAFI: /* IKS: banner (greeting) file */ if (!isabsolute(p)) if (zfnqfp(p,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) p = tmpbuf; makestr(&bannerfile,p); /* printf("bannerfile=%s\n",bannerfile); */ break; #endif /* NOXFER */ #ifndef NOHELP case XA_HELP: /* Help */ /* printf("help\n"); */ for (i = 0; i <= XA_MAX; i++) if (xopthlp[i]) printf("%s\n %s\n\n",xopthlp[i],xarghlp[i]); if (stayflg || what == W_COMMAND) break; else doexit(GOOD_EXIT,-1); #endif /* NOHELP */ #ifndef NOHELP case XA_HEFI: /* IKS: custom help file */ if (!isabsolute(p)) if (zfnqfp(p,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) p = tmpbuf; makestr(&helpfile,p); /* printf("helpfile=%s\n",helpfile); */ break; #endif /* NOHELP */ #ifdef CK_LOGIN case XA_TIMO: if (!rdigits(p)) return(-1); logintimo = atoi(p); /* printf("logintimo=%d\n",p); */ break; #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ case XA_NOIN: /* No interrupts */ #ifndef NOICP cmdint = 0; #endif /* NOICP */ xsuspend = 0; break; #ifdef IKSDB case XA_DBFI: { extern char * dbdir, * dbfile; extern int dbenabled; struct zfnfp * zz; if ((zz = zfnqfp(p,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf))) { char *s, *s2 = NULL; makestr(&dbdir,zz->fpath); makestr(&dbfile,zz->fpath); for (s = dbdir; *s; s++) { if (ISDIRSEP(*s)) s2 = s+1; } if (s2) *s2 = NUL; debug(F110,"XA_DBFI dbdir",dbdir,0); debug(F110,"XA_DBFI dbfile",dbfile,0); dbenabled = 1; } break; } case XA_DBAS: { extern int dbenabled; y = lookup(oktab,p,noktab,&z); if (y < 0) return(-1); dbenabled = y; break; } #endif /* IKSDB */ case XA_VERS: { extern char * ck_s_ver, * ck_s_xver; printf("%s",ck_s_ver); if (*ck_s_xver) printf(" [%s]\n",ck_s_xver); printf("\n"); if (stayflg || what == W_COMMAND) break; else doexit(GOOD_EXIT,-1); } #ifndef NOXFER #ifdef CK_PERMS case XA_NPRM: { extern int atlpri, atlpro, atgpri, atgpro; atlpri = 0; atlpro = 0; atgpri = 0; atgpro = 0; break; } #endif /* CK_PERMS */ #endif /* NOXFER */ #ifdef KUI case XA_SCALE: kui_init.resizeMode = 1; break; case XA_CHGD: kui_init.resizeMode = 2; break; case XA_WMAX: kui_init.nCmdShow = SW_MAXIMIZE; break; case XA_WMIN: kui_init.nCmdShow = SW_MINIMIZE; break; case XA_XPOS: if (!rdigits(p)) return(-1); kui_init.pos_init++; kui_init.pos_x = atoi(p); break; case XA_YPOS: if (!rdigits(p)) return(-1); kui_init.pos_init++; kui_init.pos_y = atoi(p); break; case XA_FNAM: { extern struct _kui_init kui_init; extern struct keytab * term_font; extern struct keytab * _term_font; extern int tt_font, ntermfont; int x, z; if (ntermfont == 0) BuildFontTable(&term_font, &_term_font, &ntermfont); if (!(term_font && _term_font && ntermfont > 0)) { printf("?Unable to construct Font Facename Table\n"); return(0); } x = lookup(term_font,p,ntermfont,&z); if (x < 0) { x = lookup(_term_font,p,ntermfont,&z); if (x < 0) { printf("?Invalid Font Facename: %s\n",p); return(0); } } tt_font = x; kui_init.face_init++; makestr(&kui_init.facename,term_font[z].kwd); break; } case XA_FSIZ: { extern struct _kui_init kui_init; extern int tt_font_size; char * q; int halfpoint = 0; kui_init.font_init++; for ( q=p ; *q ; q++ ) { if ( *q == '.') { *q++ = '\0'; if (!rdigits(q)) return(-1); if (!*q || atoi(q) == 0) break; /* no halfpoint */ halfpoint = 1; if (atoi(q) != 5) printf("? Font sizes are treated in half-point increments\n"); break; } } if (!rdigits(p)) return(-1); tt_font_size = kui_init.font_size = 2 * atoi(p) + halfpoint; break; } case XA_NOMN: kui_init.nomenubar = 1; break; case XA_NOTB: kui_init.notoolbar = 1; break; case XA_NOSB: kui_init.nostatusbar = 1; break; case XA_NOBAR: kui_init.nomenubar = 1; kui_init.notoolbar = 1; kui_init.nostatusbar = 1; break; #endif /* KUI */ #ifndef NOPUSH case XA_NOPUSH: nopush = 1; break; #endif /* NOPUSH */ #ifdef OS2 case XA_LOCK: tt_scroll = 0; tt_escape = 0; #ifndef NOPUSH nopush = 1; #endif #ifdef KUI kui_init.nomenubar = 1; kui_init.notoolbar = 1; kui_init.nostatusbar = 1; #endif break; case XA_NOSCROLL: tt_scroll = 0; break; case XA_NOESCAPE: tt_escape = 0; break; #endif /* OS2 */ #ifndef NOLOCAL case XA_TERM: { /* Terminal type */ extern struct keytab ttyptab[]; extern int nttyp; #ifdef TNCODE extern char * tn_term; #endif /* TNCODE */ #ifdef OS2 int x, z; extern int tt_type, tt_type_mode; x = lookup(ttyptab,p,nttyp,&z); if (x < 0) return(-1); tt_type_mode = tt_type = x; #endif /* OS2 */ #ifdef TNCODE makestr(&tn_term,p); #endif /* TNCODE */ break; } case XA_CSET: { /* Remote Character Set */ #ifndef NOCSETS #ifdef CKOUNI extern struct keytab txrtab[]; extern int ntxrtab; x = lookup(txrtab,p,ntxrtab,&z); #else /* CKOUNI */ extern struct keytab ttcstab[]; extern int ntermc; x = lookup(ttcstab,p,ntermc,&z); #endif /* CKOUNI */ if (x < 0) return(-1); setremcharset(z,4 /* TT_GR_ALL (in ckuus7.c) */); #else /* NOCSETS */ return(-1); #endif /* NOCSETS */ break; } case XA_ROWS: { /* Screen rows (height) */ #ifdef OS2 extern int row_init; #else /* OS2 */ extern int tt_rows; #endif /* OS2 */ if (!rdigits(p)) return(-1); #ifdef OS2 if (!os2_settermheight(atoi(p))) return(-1); row_init++; #else /* Not OS/2 */ tt_rows = atoi(p); #endif /* OS2 */ break; } case XA_COLS: { /* Screen columns (width) */ #ifdef OS2 extern int col_init; #else /* OS2 */ extern int tt_cols; #endif /* OS2 */ if (!rdigits(p)) return(-1); #ifdef OS2 if (!os2_settermwidth(atoi(p))) return(-1); col_init++; #else /* Not OS/2 */ tt_cols = atoi(p); #endif /* OS2 */ break; } #ifdef OS2 case XA_TITL: os2settitle(p,1); break; #endif /* OS2 */ #ifdef COMMENT /* TO BE FILLED IN ... */ case XA_TEL: /* Make a Telnet connection */ case XA_FTP: /* Make an FTP connection */ case XA_SSH: /* Make an SSH connection */ #endif /* COMMENT */ #ifndef NOSPL case XA_USER: /* Username for login */ #ifdef IKSD if (!inserver) #endif /* IKSD */ { ckstrncpy(uidbuf,*xargv,UIDBUFLEN); haveftpuid = 1; } break; #endif /* NOSPL */ #endif /* NOLOCAL */ default: return(-1); } return(0); } #ifdef IKSD #ifdef IKSDCONF #define IKS_ANON 0 #define IKS_BAFI 1 #define IKS_CDFI 2 #define IKS_CDMS 3 #define IKS_HEFI 4 #define IKS_ANFI 5 #define IKS_USFI 6 #define IKS_IKLG 7 #define IKS_IKFI 8 #define IKS_DBAS 9 #define IKS_DBFI 10 #define IKS_PERM 11 #define IKS_PRIV 12 #define IKS_ROOT 13 #define IKS_TIMO 14 #define IKS_WTFI 15 #define IKS_WTMP 16 #define IKS_SRVR 17 #define IKS_NOIN 18 #define IKS_INIT 19 #define IKS_ANLG 20 #define IKS_ACCT 21 #define IKS_NTDOM 22 #define IKS_SYSL 23 #ifdef CK_LOGIN static struct keytab iksantab[] = { #ifdef OS2 { "account", IKS_ACCT, 0 }, #endif /* OS2 */ { "initfile", IKS_ANFI, 0 }, { "login", IKS_ANLG, 0 }, #ifdef UNIX { "root", IKS_ROOT, 0 }, #else #ifdef CKROOT { "root", IKS_ROOT, 0 }, #endif /* CKROOT */ #endif /* UNIX */ { "", 0, 0 } }; static int niksantab = sizeof(iksantab) / sizeof(struct keytab) - 1; #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ static struct keytab ikstab[] = { #ifdef CK_LOGIN { "anonymous", IKS_ANON, 0 }, #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ { "bannerfile", IKS_BAFI, 0 }, { "cdfile", IKS_CDFI, 0 }, { "cdmessage", IKS_CDMS, 0 }, { "cdmsg", IKS_CDMS, CM_INV }, #ifdef IKSDB { "database", IKS_DBAS, 0 }, { "dbfile", IKS_DBFI, 0 }, #endif /* IKSDB */ #ifdef CK_LOGIN #ifdef NT { "default-domain", IKS_NTDOM, 0 }, #endif /* NT */ #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ #ifndef NOHELP { "helpfile", IKS_HEFI, 0 }, #endif /* NOHELP */ { "initfile", IKS_INIT, 0 }, { "no-initfile", IKS_NOIN, 0 }, #ifdef CK_LOGIN #ifdef CK_PERM { "permissions", IKS_PERM, 0 }, { "perms", IKS_PERM, CM_INV }, #endif /* CK_PERM */ #ifdef UNIX { "privid", IKS_PRIV, 0 }, #endif /* UNIX */ { "server-only", IKS_SRVR, 0 }, #ifdef CKSYSLOG { "syslog", IKS_SYSL, 0 }, #endif /* CKSYSLOG */ { "timeout", IKS_TIMO, 0 }, { "userfile", IKS_USFI, 0 }, #ifdef CKWTMP { "wtmpfile", IKS_WTFI, 0 }, { "wtmplog", IKS_WTMP, 0 }, #endif /* CKWTMP */ #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ { "xferfile", IKS_IKFI, 0 }, { "xferlog", IKS_IKLG, 0 } }; static int nikstab = sizeof(ikstab) / sizeof(struct keytab); #endif /* IKSDCONF */ #ifndef NOICP int setiks() { /* SET IKS */ #ifdef IKSDCONF #ifdef CK_LOGIN extern int ckxsyslog, ckxwtmp, ckxanon; #ifdef UNIX extern int ckxpriv; #endif /* UNIX */ #ifdef CK_PERMS extern int ckxperms; #endif /* CK_PERMS */ extern char * anonfile, * userfile, * anonroot; #ifdef OS2 extern char * anonacct; #endif /* OS2 */ #ifdef NT extern char * iks_domain; #endif /* NT */ #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ #ifdef CKWTMP extern char * wtmpfile; #endif /* CKWTMP */ extern int srvcdmsg, success, iksdcf, rcflag, noinit, arg_x; extern char * cdmsgfile[], * cdmsgstr, *kermrc; extern xx_strp xxstring; int x, y, z; char *s; char tmpbuf[CKMAXPATH+1]; if ((y = cmkey(ikstab,nikstab,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(y); #ifdef CK_LOGIN if (y == IKS_ANON) { if ((y = cmkey(iksantab,niksantab,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(y); } #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ switch (y) { #ifdef CKSYSLOG case IKS_SYSL: /* IKS: Syslog level */ if ((z = cmkey(oktab,noktab,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); #ifndef SYSLOGLEVEL /* If specified on cc command line, user can't change it. */ if (!inserver) /* Don't allow voluminous syslogging */ if (y > SYSLG_FA) /* by ordinary users. */ y = SYSLG_FA; #endif /* SYSLOGLEVEL */ if (y < 0) return(-1); #ifdef DEBUG if (y >= SYSLG_DB) if (!deblog) deblog = debopn("debug.log",0); #endif /* DEBUG */ #ifdef SYSLOGLEVEL /* If specified on cc command line, user can't change it. */ y = SYSLOGLEVEL; #endif /* SYSLOGLEVEL */ ckxsyslog = y; /* printf("ckxsyslog=%d\n",ckxsyslog); */ break; #endif /* CKSYSLOG */ #ifdef CK_LOGIN #ifdef NT case IKS_NTDOM: if ((z = cmtxt( "DOMAIN to be used for user authentication when none is specified", "", &s,xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); if (!*s) s= NULL; makestr(&iks_domain,s); break; #endif /* NT */ #ifdef OS2 case IKS_ACCT: if ((z = cmtxt("Name of local account to use for anonymous logins", "GUEST", &s,xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); if (*s) { makestr(&anonacct,s); } else if ( anonacct ) { free(anonacct); anonacct = NULL; } break; #endif /* OS2 */ case IKS_ANLG: if ((z = cmkey(oktab,noktab,"","no",xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); ckxanon = z; #ifdef OS2 if (ckxanon && !anonacct) makestr(&anonacct,"GUEST"); #endif /* OS2 */ break; #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ case IKS_BAFI: if ((z = cmifi("Filename","",&s,&x,xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if (x) { printf("?Wildcards not allowed\n"); return(-9); } debug(F110,"bannerfile before zfnqfp()",s,0); if (zfnqfp(s,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) { debug(F110,"bannerfile after zfnqfp()",tmpbuf,0); s = tmpbuf; } if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); if (*s) makestr(&bannerfile,s); break; case IKS_CDFI: if ((z = cmtxt("list of cd message file names","READ.ME", &s,xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); if (*s) { makelist(s,cdmsgfile,16); makestr(&cdmsgstr,s); } break; case IKS_CDMS: if ((z = cmkey(oktab,noktab,"","no",xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); srvcdmsg = z; break; case IKS_HEFI: if ((z = cmifi("Filename","",&s,&x,xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if (x) { printf("?Wildcards not allowed\n"); return(-9); } if (zfnqfp(s,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) s = tmpbuf; if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); if (*s) makestr(&helpfile,s); break; case IKS_ANFI: if ((z = cmifi("Filename","",&s,&x,xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if (x) { printf("?Wildcards not allowed\n"); return(-9); } if (zfnqfp(s,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) s = tmpbuf; if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); if (*s) makestr(&anonfile,s); break; case IKS_USFI: if ((z = cmifi("Filename","",&s,&x,xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if (x) { printf("?Wildcards not allowed\n"); return(-9); } if (zfnqfp(s,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) s = tmpbuf; if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); if (*s) makestr(&userfile,s); break; case IKS_IKFI: if ((z = cmifi("Filename","",&s,&x,xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if (x) { printf("?Wildcards not allowed\n"); return(-9); } if (zfnqfp(s,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) s = tmpbuf; if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); if (*s) { makestr(&xferfile,s); xferlog = 1; } break; case IKS_IKLG: if ((z = cmkey(oktab,noktab,"","no",xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); xferlog = z; break; #ifdef CK_LOGIN #ifdef CK_PERM case IKS_PERM: if ((z = cmtxt("Octal file permssion code","000", &s,xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if (z < 0) return(z); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); y = 0; while (*s) { if (*s < '0' || *s > '7') return(-9); y = y * 8 + (*s++ - '0'); } ckxperms = y; break; #endif /* CK_PERM */ #ifdef UNIX case IKS_PRIV: /* IKS: Priv'd login allowed */ if ((z = cmkey(oktab,noktab,"","no",xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); ckxpriv = z; break; #endif /* UNIX */ case IKS_ROOT: /* IKS: Anonymous root */ if ((z = cmdir("Name of disk and/or directory","",&s, xxstring)) < 0 ) { if (z != -3) return(z); } if (*s) { if (zfnqfp(s,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) s = tmpbuf; } else s = ""; if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); if (*s) makestr(&anonroot,s); /* printf("anonroot=%s\n",anonroot); */ break; case IKS_TIMO: z = cmnum("login timeout, seconds","0",10,&x,xxstring); if (z < 0) return(z); if (x < 0 || x > 7200) { printf("?Value must be between 0 and 7200\r\n"); return(-9); } if ((z = cmcfm()) < 0) return(z); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); logintimo = x; break; #ifdef CKWTMP case IKS_WTMP: /* IKS: wtmp log */ if ((z = cmkey(oktab,noktab,"","no",xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); ckxwtmp = z; break; case IKS_WTFI: /* IKS: wtmp logfile */ if ((z = cmifi("Filename","",&s,&x,xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if (x) { printf("?Wildcards not allowed\n"); return(-9); } if (zfnqfp(s,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf)) s = tmpbuf; if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); if (*s) makestr(&wtmpfile,s); break; #endif /* CKWTMP */ #endif /* CK_LOGIN */ #ifdef IKSDB case IKS_DBFI: { extern char * dbdir, * dbfile; extern int dbenabled; struct zfnfp * zz; if ((z = cmifi("Filename","",&s,&x,xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if (x) { printf("?Wildcards not allowed\n"); return(-9); } zz = zfnqfp(s,CKMAXPATH,tmpbuf); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); if (zz) { makestr(&dbdir,zz->fpath); makestr(&dbfile,(char *)tmpbuf); dbenabled = 1; } else return(success = 0); break; } case IKS_DBAS: { extern int dbenabled; if ((z = cmkey(oktab,noktab,"","no",xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); dbenabled = z; break; } #endif /* IKSDB */ case IKS_INIT: if ((z = cmtxt("Alternate init file specification","", &s,xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if (z < 0) return(z); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); ckstrncpy(kermrc,s,KERMRCL); rcflag = 1; /* Flag that this has been done */ break; case IKS_NOIN: if ((z = cmkey(oktab,noktab,"","no",xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); noinit = z; break; case IKS_SRVR: if ((z = cmkey(oktab,noktab,"","no",xxstring)) < 0) return(z); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (iksdcf) return(success = 0); arg_x = z; break; default: return(-9); } return(success = (inserver ? 1 : 0)); #else /* IKSDCONF */ if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); return(success = 0); #endif /* IKSDCONF */ } #endif /* NOICP */ #endif /* IKSD */ /* D O A R G -- Do a command-line argument. */ int #ifdef CK_ANSIC doarg(char x) #else doarg(x) char x; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ /* doarg */ { int i, n, y, z, xx; long zz; char *xp; #ifdef NETCONN extern char *line, *tmpbuf; /* Character buffers for anything */ #endif /* NETCONN */ #ifdef IKSD /* Internet Kermit Server set some way besides -A... */ if (inserver) dofast(); #endif /* IKSD */ xp = *xargv+1; /* Pointer for bundled args */ debug(F111,"doarg entry",xp,xargc); while (x) { debug(F000,"doarg arg","",x); switch (x) { /* Big switch on arg */ #ifndef COMMENT case '-': /* Extended commands... */ if (doxarg(xargv,0) < 0) { XFATAL("Extended option error"); } /* Full thru... */ case '+': /* Extended command for prescan() */ return(0); #else /* NOICP */ case '-': case '+': XFATAL("Extended options not configured"); #endif /* NOICP */ #ifndef NOSPL case 'C': { /* Commands for parser */ char * s; xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("No commands given for -C"); } s = *xargv; /* Get the argument (must be quoted) */ if (!*s) /* If empty quotes */ s = NULL; /* ignore this option */ if (s) { makestr(&clcmds,s); /* Make pokeable copy */ s = clcmds; /* Change tabs to spaces */ while (*s) { if (*s == '\t') *s = ' '; s++; } } break; } #endif /* NOSPL */ #ifndef NOXFER case 'D': /* Delay */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing delay value"); } z = atoi(*xargv); /* Convert to number */ if (z > -1) /* If in range */ ckdelay = z; /* set it */ else { XFATAL("bad delay value"); } break; #endif /* NOXFER */ case 'E': /* Exit on close */ #ifdef NETCONN tn_exit = 1; #endif /* NETCONN */ exitonclose = 1; break; #ifndef NOICP case 'S': /* "Stay" - enter interactive */ stayflg = 1; /* command parser after executing */ xfinish = 0; /* command-line actions. */ break; #endif /* NOICP */ case 'T': /* File transfer mode = text */ binary = XYFT_T; xfermode = XMODE_M; /* Transfer mode manual */ filepeek = 0; #ifdef PATTERNS patterns = 0; #endif /* PATTERNS */ break; case '7': break; #ifdef IKSD case 'A': { /* Internet server */ /* Already done in prescan() */ /* but implies 'x' && 'Q' */ #ifdef OS2 char * p; if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } #ifdef NT /* Support for Pragma Systems Telnet/Terminal Servers */ p = getenv("PRAGMASYS_INETD_SOCK"); if (!(p && atoi(p) != 0)) { xargv++, xargc--; if (xargc < 1 || **xargv == '-') { XFATAL("missing socket handle"); } } #else /* NT */ xargv++, xargc--; if (xargc < 1 || **xargv == '-') { XFATAL("missing socket handle"); } #endif /* NT */ #endif /* OS2 */ #ifdef NOICP /* If no Interactive Command Parser */ action = 'x'; /* -A implies -x. */ #endif /* NOICP */ #ifndef NOXFER dofast(); #endif /* NOXFER */ break; } #endif /* IKSD */ #ifndef NOXFER case 'Q': /* Quick (i.e. FAST) */ dofast(); break; #endif /* NOXFER */ case 'R': /* Remote-Only */ break; /* This is handled in prescan(). */ #ifndef NOSERVER case 'x': /* server */ case 'O': /* (for One command only) */ if (action) { XFATAL("conflicting actions"); } if (x == 'O') justone = 1; xfinish = 1; action = 'x'; break; #endif /* NOSERVER */ #ifndef NOXFER case 'f': /* finish */ if (action) { XFATAL("conflicting actions"); } action = setgen('F',"","",""); break; #endif /* NOXFER */ case 'r': { /* receive */ if (action) { XFATAL("conflicting actions"); } action = 'v'; break; } #ifndef NOXFER case 'k': /* receive to stdout */ if (action) { XFATAL("conflicting actions"); } stdouf = 1; action = 'v'; break; case 's': { /* send */ int fil2snd, rc; if (!recursive) nolinks = 0; /* Follow links by default */ if (action) { XFATAL("conflicting actions"); } if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling after -s"); } nfils = 0; /* Initialize file counter */ fil2snd = 0; /* Assume nothing to send */ z = 0; /* Flag for stdin */ cmlist = xargv + 1; /* Remember this pointer */ while (++xargv, --xargc > 0) { /* Traverse the list */ #ifdef PIPESEND if (usepipes && protocol == PROTO_K && **xargv == '!') { cmarg = *xargv; cmarg++; debug(F110,"doarg pipesend",cmarg,0); nfils = -1; z = 1; pipesend = 1; } else #endif /* PIPESEND */ if (**xargv == '-') { /* Check for sending stdin */ if (strcmp(*xargv,"-") != 0) /* next option? */ break; z++; /* "-" alone means send from stdin. */ #ifdef RECURSIVE } else if (!strcmp(*xargv,".")) { fil2snd = 1; nfils++; recursive = 1; nolinks = 2; #endif /* RECURSIVE */ } else /* Check if file exists */ if ((rc = zchki(*xargv)) > -1 || (rc == -2)) { if (rc != -2) fil2snd = 1; nfils++; /* Bump file counter */ } else if (iswild(*xargv) && nzxpand(*xargv,0) > 0) { /* or contains wildcard characters matching real files */ fil2snd = 1; nfils++; } } xargc++, xargv--; /* Adjust argv/argc */ if (!fil2snd && z == 0) { #ifdef VMS XFATAL("%CKERMIT-E-SEARCHFAIL, no files for -s"); #else XFATAL("No files for -s"); #endif /* VMS */ } if (z > 1) { XFATAL("-s: too many -'s"); } if (z == 1 && fil2snd) { XFATAL("invalid mixture of filenames and '-' in -s"); } debug(F101,"doarg s nfils","",nfils); debug(F101,"doarg s z","",z); if (nfils == 0) { /* no file parameters were specified */ if (is_a_tty(0)) { /* (used to be is_a_tty(1) - why?) */ XFATAL("sending from terminal not allowed"); } else stdinf = 1; } debug(F101,"doarg s stdinf","",stdinf); debug(F111,"doarg",*xargv,nfils); action = 's'; break; } case 'g': /* get */ case 'G': /* get to stdout */ if (action) { XFATAL("conflicting actions"); } if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling after -g"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc == 0) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing filename for -g"); } if (x == 'G') stdouf = 1; cmarg = *xargv; action = 'r'; break; #endif /* NOXFER */ #ifndef NOLOCAL case 'c': /* connect before */ cflg = 1; break; case 'n': /* connect after */ cnflg = 1; break; #endif /* NOLOCAL */ case 'h': /* help */ usage(); #ifndef NOICP if (stayflg || what == W_COMMAND) break; else #endif /* NOICP */ doexit(GOOD_EXIT,-1); #ifndef NOXFER case 'a': /* "as" */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling after -a"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing name in -a"); } cmarg2 = *xargv; debug(F111,"doarg a",cmarg2,xargc); break; #endif /* NOXFER */ #ifndef NOICP case 'Y': /* No initialization file */ noinit = 1; break; case 'y': /* Alternate init-file name */ noinit = 0; if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling after -y"); } xargv++, xargc--; if (xargc < 1) { XFATAL("missing filename in -y"); } /* strcpy(kermrc,*xargv); ... already done in prescan()... */ break; #endif /* NOICP */ #ifndef NOXFER case 'I': /* Assume we have an "Internet" */ reliable = 1; /* or other reliable connection */ xreliable = 1; setreliable = 1; /* I'm not so sure about this -- what about VMS? (next comment) */ clearrq = 1; /* therefore the channel is clear */ #ifndef VMS /* Since this can trigger full control-character unprefixing, we need to ensure that our terminal or pty driver is not doing Xon/Xoff; otherwise we can become deadlocked the first time we receive a file that contains Xoff. */ flow = FLO_NONE; #endif /* VMS */ break; #endif /* NOXFER */ #ifndef NOLOCAL case 'l': /* SET LINE */ #ifdef NETCONN #ifdef ANYX25 case 'X': /* SET HOST to X.25 address */ #ifdef SUNX25 case 'Z': /* SET HOST to X.25 file descriptor */ #endif /* SUNX25 */ #endif /* ANYX25 */ #ifdef TCPSOCKET case 'J': case 'j': /* SET HOST (TCP/IP socket) */ #endif /* TCPSOCKET */ #endif /* NETCONN */ #ifndef NOXFER if (x == 'j' || x == 'J' || x == 'X' || x == 'Z') { reliable = 1; /* or other reliable connection */ xreliable = 1; setreliable = 1; } #endif /* NOXFER */ network = 0; if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling after -l or -j"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("communication line device name missing"); } #ifdef NETCONN if (x == 'J') { cflg = 1; /* Connect */ stayflg = 1; /* Stay */ tn_exit = 1; /* Telnet-like exit condition */ exitonclose = 1; } #endif /* NETCONN */ ckstrncpy(ttname,*xargv,TTNAMLEN+1); local = (strcmp(ttname,CTTNAM) != 0); if (local && strcmp(ttname,"0") == 0) local = 0; /* NOTE: We really do not need to call ttopen here, since it should be called again later, automatically, when we first try to condition the device via ttpkt or ttvt. Calling ttopen here has the bad side effect of making the order of the -b and -l options significant when the order of command-line options should not matter. However, the network cases immediately below complicate matters a bit, so we'll settle this in a future edit. */ if (x == 'l') { if (ttopen(ttname,&local,mdmtyp,0) < 0) { XFATAL("can't open device"); } #ifdef CKLOGDIAL dologline(); #endif /* CKLOGDIAL */ debug(F101,"doarg speed","",speed); cxtype = (mdmtyp > 0) ? CXT_MODEM : CXT_DIRECT; speed = ttgspd(); /* Get the speed. */ setflow(); /* Do something about flow control. */ #ifndef NOSPL if (local) { if (nmac) { /* Any macros defined? */ int k; /* Yes */ k = mlook(mactab,"on_open",nmac); /* Look this up */ if (k >= 0) { /* If found, */ if (dodo(k,ttname,0) > -1) /* set it up, */ parser(1); /* and execute it */ } } } #endif /* NOSPL */ #ifdef NETCONN } else { if (x == 'j' || x == 'J') { /* IP network host name */ char * s = line; char * service = tmpbuf; if (xargc > 0) { /* Check if it's followed by */ /* A service name or number */ if (*(xargv+1) && *(*(xargv+1)) != '-') { xargv++, xargc--; ckstrncat(ttname,":",TTNAMLEN+1); ckstrncat(ttname,*xargv,TTNAMLEN+1); } } nettype = NET_TCPB; mdmtyp = -nettype; /* Perhaps already set in init file */ telnetfd = 1; /* Or maybe an open file descriptor */ ckstrncpy(line, ttname, LINBUFSIZ); /* Working copy */ for (s = line; *s != NUL && *s != ':'; s++); if (*s) { *s++ = NUL; ckstrncpy(service, s, TMPBUFSIZ); } else *service = NUL; s = line; #ifndef NODIAL #ifndef NOICP /* Look up in network directory */ x = 0; if (*s == '=') { /* If number starts with = sign */ s++; /* strip it */ while (*s == SP) /* and also any leading spaces */ s++; ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); /* Do this again. */ nhcount = 0; } else if (!isdigit(line[0])) { /* nnetdir will be greater than 0 if the init file has been processed and it contained a SET NETWORK DIRECTORY command. */ xx = 0; /* Initialize this */ if (nnetdir > 0) /* If there is a directory... */ xx = lunet(line); /* Look up the name */ else /* If no directory */ nhcount = 0; /* we didn't find anything there */ if (xx < 0) { /* Lookup error: */ ckmakmsg(tmpbuf, TMPBUFSIZ, "?Fatal network directory lookup error - ", line, "\n", NULL ); XFATAL(tmpbuf); } } #endif /* NOICP */ #endif /* NODIAL */ /* Add service to line specification for ttopen() */ if (*service) { /* There is a service specified */ ckstrncat(line, ":",LINBUFSIZ); ckstrncat(line, service,LINBUFSIZ); ttnproto = NP_DEFAULT; } else { ckstrncat(line, ":telnet",LINBUFSIZ); ttnproto = NP_TELNET; } #ifndef NOICP #ifndef NODIAL if ((nhcount > 1) && !quiet && !backgrd) { printf("%d entr%s found for \"%s\"%s\n", nhcount, (nhcount == 1) ? "y" : "ies", s, (nhcount > 0) ? ":" : "." ); for (i = 0; i < nhcount; i++) printf("%3d. %s %-12s => %s\n", i+1, n_name, nh_p2[i], nh_p[i] ); } if (nhcount == 0) n = 1; else n = nhcount; #else n = 1; nhcount = 0; #endif /* NODIAL */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { #ifndef NODIAL if (nhcount >= 1) { /* Copy the current entry to line */ ckstrncpy(line,nh_p[i],LINBUFSIZ); /* Check to see if the network entry contains a service */ for (s = line ; (*s != NUL) && (*s != ':'); s++) ; /* If directory does not have a service ... */ /* and the user specified one */ if (!*s && *service) { ckstrncat(line, ":",LINBUFSIZ); ckstrncat(line, service,LINBUFSIZ); } if (lookup(netcmd,nh_p2[i],nnets,&z) > -1) { mdmtyp = 0 - netcmd[z].kwval; } else { printf( "Error - network type \"%s\" not supported\n", nh_p2[i] ); continue; } } #endif /* NODIAL */ } #endif /* NOICP */ ckstrncpy(ttname, line,TTNAMLEN+1); cxtype = CXT_TCPIP; /* Set connection type */ setflow(); /* Set appropriate flow control. */ #ifdef SUNX25 } else if (x == 'X') { /* X.25 address */ nettype = NET_SX25; mdmtyp = -nettype; } else if (x == 'Z') { /* Open X.25 file descriptor */ nettype = NET_SX25; mdmtyp = -nettype; x25fd = 1; #endif /* SUNX25 */ #ifdef STRATUSX25 } else if (x == 'X') { /* X.25 address */ nettype = NET_VX25; mdmtyp = -nettype; #endif /* STRATUSX25 */ #ifdef IBMX25 } else if (x == 'X') { /* X.25 address */ nettype = NET_IX25; mdmtyp = -nettype; #endif /* IBMX25 */ #ifdef HPX25 } else if (x == 'X') { /* X.25 address */ nettype = NET_HX25; mdmtyp = -nettype; #endif /* HPX25 */ } if (ttopen(ttname,&local,mdmtyp,0) < 0) { XFATAL("can't open host connection"); } network = 1; #ifdef CKLOGDIAL dolognet(); #endif /* CKLOGDIAL */ cxtype = CXT_X25; /* Set connection type */ setflow(); /* Set appropriate flow control. */ #ifndef NOSPL if (local) { if (nmac) { /* Any macros defined? */ int k; /* Yes */ k = mlook(mactab,"on_open",nmac); /* Look this up */ if (k >= 0) { /* If found, */ if (dodo(k,ttname,0) > -1) /* set it up, */ parser(1); /* and execute it */ } } } #endif /* NOSPL */ #endif /* NETCONN */ } /* add more here -- decnet, etc... */ haveline = 1; break; #ifdef ANYX25 case 'U': /* X.25 call user data */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing call user data string"); } ckstrncpy(udata,*xargv,MAXCUDATA); if ((int)strlen(udata) <= MAXCUDATA) { cudata = 1; } else { XFATAL("Invalid call user data"); } break; case 'o': /* X.25 closed user group */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing closed user group index"); } z = atoi(*xargv); /* Convert to number */ if (z >= 0 && z <= 99) { closgr = z; } else { XFATAL("Invalid closed user group index"); } break; case 'u': /* X.25 reverse charge call */ revcall = 1; break; #endif /* ANYX25 */ #endif /* NOLOCAL */ case 'b': /* Bits-per-second for serial device */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing bps"); } zz = atol(*xargv); /* Convert to long int */ i = zz / 10L; #ifndef NOLOCAL if (ttsspd(i) > -1) /* Check and set it */ #endif /* NOLOCAL */ speed = ttgspd(); /* and read it back. */ #ifndef NOLOCAL else { XFATAL("unsupported transmission rate"); } #endif /* NOLOCAL */ break; #ifndef NODIAL #ifndef NOICP case 'm': /* Modem type */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling after -m"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("modem type missing"); } y = lookup(mdmtab,*xargv,nmdm,&z); if (y < 0) { XFATAL("unknown modem type"); } usermdm = 0; usermdm = (y == dialudt) ? x : 0; initmdm(y); break; #endif /* NOICP */ #endif /* NODIAL */ #ifndef NOXFER case 'e': /* Extended packet length */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling after -e"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing length"); } z = atoi(*xargv); /* Convert to number */ if (z > 10 && z <= maxrps) { rpsiz = urpsiz = z; if (z > 94) rpsiz = 94; /* Fallback if other Kermit can't */ } else { XFATAL("Unsupported packet length"); } break; case 'v': /* Vindow size */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing or bad window size"); } z = atoi(*xargv); /* Convert to number */ if (z < 32) { /* If in range */ wslotr = z; /* set it */ if (z > 1) swcapr = 1; /* Set capas bit if windowing */ } else { XFATAL("Unsupported packet length"); } break; #endif /* NOXFER */ case 'i': /* Treat files as binary */ binary = XYFT_B; xfermode = XMODE_M; /* Transfer mode manual */ filepeek = 0; #ifdef PATTERNS patterns = 0; #endif /* PATTERNS */ break; #ifndef NOXFER case 'w': /* Writeover */ ckwarn = 0; fncact = XYFX_X; break; #endif /* NOXFER */ case 'q': /* Quiet */ quiet = 1; break; #ifdef DEBUG case 'd': /* DEBUG */ break; /* Handled in prescan() */ #endif /* DEBUG */ case '0': { /* In the middle */ extern int tt_escape, lscapr; tt_escape = 0; /* No escape character */ flow = 0; /* No Xon/Xoff (what about hwfc?) */ #ifndef NOXFER lscapr = 0; /* No locking shifts */ #endif /* NOXFER */ #ifdef CK_APC { extern int apcstatus; /* No APCs */ apcstatus = APC_OFF; } #endif /* CK_APC */ #ifndef NOLOCAL #ifdef CK_AUTODL setautodl(0,0); /* No autodownload */ #endif /* CK_AUTODL */ #endif /* NOLOCAL */ #ifndef NOCSETS { extern int tcsr, tcsl; /* No character-set translation */ tcsr = 0; tcsl = tcsr; /* Make these equal */ } #endif /* NOCSETS */ #ifdef TNCODE TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_KERMIT) = TN_NG_RF; TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_KERMIT) = TN_NG_RF; TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_KERMIT) = TN_NG_RF; TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_KERMIT) = TN_NG_RF; #endif /* TNCODE */ } /* Fall thru... */ case '8': /* 8-bit clean */ parity = 0; cmdmsk = 0xff; cmask = 0xff; break; case 'V': { extern int xfermode; #ifdef PATTERNS extern int patterns; patterns = 0; /* No patterns */ #endif /* PATTERNS */ xfermode = XMODE_M; /* Manual transfer mode */ filepeek = 0; break; } case 'p': /* SET PARITY */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing parity"); } switch(x = **xargv) { case 'e': case 'o': case 'm': case 's': parity = x; break; case 'n': parity = 0; break; default: { XFATAL("invalid parity"); } } break; case 't': /* Line turnaround handshake */ turn = 1; turnch = XON; /* XON is turnaround character */ duplex = 1; /* Half duplex */ flow = 0; /* No flow control */ break; case 'B': bgset = 1; /* Force background (batch) */ backgrd = 1; break; case 'z': /* Force foreground */ bgset = 0; backgrd = 0; break; #ifndef NOXFER #ifdef RECURSIVE case 'L': recursive = 2; nolinks = 2; fnspath = PATH_REL; break; #endif /* RECURSIVE */ #endif /* NOXFER */ #ifndef NOSPL case 'M': /* My User Name */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing username"); } if ((int)strlen(*xargv) > 63) { XFATAL("username too long"); } #ifdef IKSD if (!inserver) #endif /* IKSD */ { ckstrncpy(uidbuf,*xargv,UIDBUFLEN); haveftpuid = 1; } break; #endif /* NOSPL */ #ifdef CK_NETBIOS case 'N': /* NetBios Adapter Number follows */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling after -N"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing NetBios Adapter number"); } if ((strlen(*xargv) != 1) || (*xargv)[0] != 'X' && (atoi(*xargv) < 0) && (atoi(*xargv) > 9)) { XFATAL("Invalid NetBios Adapter - Adapters 0 to 9 are valid"); } break; #endif /* CK_NETBIOS */ #ifdef NETCONN case 'F': network = 1; if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling after -F"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("network file descriptor missing"); } ckstrncpy(ttname,*xargv,TTNAMLEN+1); nettype = NET_TCPB; mdmtyp = -nettype; telnetfd = 1; local = 1; break; #endif /* NETCONN */ #ifdef COMMENT #ifdef OS2PM case 'P': /* OS/2 Presentation Manager */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling after -P"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("pipe data missing"); } pipedata = *xargv; break; #endif /* OS2PM */ #else case 'P': /* Filenames literal */ fncnv = XYFN_L; f_save = XYFN_L; break; #endif /* COMMENT */ #ifndef NOICP case 'H': noherald = 1; break; #endif /* NOICP */ #ifdef OS2 case 'W': if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling after -W"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1)) { /* could be negative */ XFATAL("Window handle missing"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("Kermit Instance missing"); } /* Action done in prescan */ break; case '#': /* K95 stdio threads */ xargv++, xargc--; /* Skip past argument */ break; /* Action done in prescan */ #endif /* OS2 */ #ifdef NEWFTP case '9': /* FTP */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling after -9"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("FTP server address missing"); } makestr(&ftp_host,*xargv); break; #endif /* NEWFTP */ default: fatal2(*xargv, #ifdef NT "invalid command-line option, type \"k95 -h\" for help" #else #ifdef OS2 "invalid command-line option, type \"k2 -h\" for help" #else "invalid command-line option, type \"kermit -h\" for help" #endif /* OS2 */ #endif /* NT */ ); } if (!xp) break; x = *++xp; /* See if options are bundled */ } return(0); } #ifdef TNCODE /* D O T N A R G -- Do a telnet command-line argument. */ static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC dotnarg(char x) #else dotnarg(x) char x; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ /* dotnarg */ { char *xp; xp = *xargv+1; /* Pointer for bundled args */ debug(F111,"dotnarg entry",xp,xargc); while (x) { debug(F000,"dotnarg arg","",x); switch (x) { /* Big switch on arg */ #ifndef COMMENT case '-': /* Extended commands... */ if (doxarg(xargv,0) < 0) { XFATAL("Extended option error"); } /* Full thru... */ case '+': /* Extended command for prescan() */ return(0); #else /* COMMENT */ case '-': case '+': XFATAL("Extended options not configured"); #endif /* COMMENT */ /* * -8 Negotiate Telnet Binary in both directions * -a Require use of Telnet authentication * -c Do not read the .telnetrc file * -d Turn on debug mode * -E No escape character * -K Refuse use of authentication; do not send username * -l user Set username and request Telnet authentication * -L Negotiate Telnet Binary Output only * -S tos Use the IP type-of-service tos * -x Require Encryption * -D Disable forward-X * -T cert=file Use certificate in file * -T key=file Use private key in file * -T crlfile=file Use CRL in file * -T crldir=dir Use CRLs in directory * -T cipher=string Use only ciphers in string * -X atype Disable use of atype authentication * -f Forward credentials to host * -k realm Set default realm * */ case 'h': /* help */ usage(); doexit(GOOD_EXIT,-1); break; case '8': /* Telnet Binary in both directions */ TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_BINARY) = TN_NG_MU; TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_BINARY) = TN_NG_MU; parity = 0; cmdmsk = 0xff; cmask = 0xff; break; case 'a': /* Require Telnet Auth */ TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) = TN_NG_MU; break; case 'd': #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debtim = 1; } else { deblog = debopn("debug.log",0); } #endif /* DEBUG */ break; case 'E': { /* No Escape character */ extern int tt_escape; tt_escape = 0; } break; case 'K': TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) = TN_NG_RF; uidbuf[0] = NUL; break; case 'l': /* Set username and request telnet authentication */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing username"); } if ((int)strlen(*xargv) > 63) { XFATAL("username too long"); } ckstrncpy(uidbuf,*xargv,UIDBUFLEN); TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) = TN_NG_MU; break; case 'L': /* Require BINARY mode outbound only */ TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_BINARY) = TN_NG_MU; break; case 'x': /* Require Encryption */ TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_MU; TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_MU; break; case 'D': /* Disable use of Forward X */ TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_FORWARD_X) = TN_NG_RF; break; case 'f': /* Forward credentials to host */ { #ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATION extern int forward_flag; forward_flag = 1; #endif break; } case 'k': { #ifdef CK_KERBEROS extern char * krb5_d_realm, * krb4_d_realm; #endif /* CK_KERBEROS */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing realm"); } #ifdef CK_KERBEROS if ((int)strlen(*xargv) > 63) { XFATAL("realm too long"); } makestr(&krb5_d_realm,*xargv); makestr(&krb4_d_realm,*xargv); #endif /* CK_KERBEROS */ break; } case 'T': { if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing cert=, key=, crlfile=, crldir=, or cipher="); } #ifdef CK_SSL if (!strncmp(*xargv,"cert=",5)) { extern char * ssl_rsa_cert_file; makestr(&ssl_rsa_cert_file,&(*xargv[5])); } else if ( !strncmp(*xargv,"key=",4) ) { extern char * ssl_rsa_key_file; makestr(&ssl_rsa_key_file,&(*xargv[4])); } else if ( !strncmp(*xargv,"crlfile=",8) ) { extern char * ssl_crl_file; makestr(&ssl_crl_file,&(*xargv[8])); } else if ( !strncmp(*xargv,"crldir=",7) ) { extern char * ssl_crl_dir; makestr(&ssl_crl_dir,&(*xargv[7])); } else if ( !strncmp(*xargv,"cipher=",7) ) { extern char * ssl_cipher_list; makestr(&ssl_cipher_list,&(*xargv[7])); } else { XFATAL("invalid parameter"); } #endif /* CK_SSL */ break; } default: fatal2(*xargv, "invalid command-line option, type \"telnet -h\" for help" ); } if (!xp) break; x = *++xp; /* See if options are bundled */ } return(0); } #endif /* TNCODE */ #ifdef RLOGCODE /* D O R L G A R G -- Do a rlogin command-line argument. */ static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC dorlgarg(char x) #else dorlgarg(x) char x; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ /* dorlgarg */ { char *xp; xp = *xargv+1; /* Pointer for bundled args */ debug(F111,"dorlgarg entry",xp,xargc); while (x) { debug(F000,"dorlgarg arg","",x); switch (x) { /* Big switch on arg */ #ifndef COMMENT case '-': /* Extended commands... */ if (doxarg(xargv,0) < 0) { XFATAL("Extended option error"); } /* Full thru... */ case '+': /* Extended command for prescan() */ return(0); #else /* COMMENT */ case '-': case '+': XFATAL("Extended options not configured"); #endif /* COMMENT */ /* * -d Debug * -l user Set username * */ case 'h': /* help */ usage(); doexit(GOOD_EXIT,-1); break; case 'd': #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debtim = 1; } else { deblog = debopn("debug.log",0); } #endif /* DEBUG */ break; case 'l': /* Set username and request telnet authentication */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing username"); } if ((int)strlen(*xargv) > 63) { XFATAL("username too long"); } ckstrncpy(uidbuf,*xargv,UIDBUFLEN); break; default: fatal2(*xargv, "invalid command-line option, type \"rlogin -h\" for help" ); } if (!xp) break; x = *++xp; /* See if options are bundled */ } return(0); } #endif /* RLOGCODE */ #ifdef SSHBUILTIN /* D O S S H A R G -- Do a ssh command-line argument. */ static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC dossharg(char x) #else dossharg(x) char x; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ /* dossharg */ { char *xp; xp = *xargv+1; /* Pointer for bundled args */ debug(F111,"dossharg entry",xp,xargc); while (x) { debug(F000,"dossharg arg","",x); switch (x) { /* Big switch on arg */ #ifndef COMMENT case '-': /* Extended commands... */ if (doxarg(xargv,0) < 0) { XFATAL("Extended option error"); } /* Full thru... */ case '+': /* Extended command for prescan() */ return(0); #else /* COMMENTP */ case '-': case '+': XFATAL("Extended options not configured"); #endif /* COMMENT */ /* * -d Debug * -l user Set username * */ case 'h': /* help */ usage(); doexit(GOOD_EXIT,-1); break; case 'd': #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debtim = 1; } else { deblog = debopn("debug.log",0); } #endif /* DEBUG */ break; case 'l': /* Set username and request telnet authentication */ if (*(xp+1)) { XFATAL("invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { XFATAL("missing username"); } if ((int)strlen(*xargv) > 63) { XFATAL("username too long"); } ckstrncpy(uidbuf,*xargv,UIDBUFLEN); break; default: fatal2(*xargv, "invalid command-line option, type \"rlogin -h\" for help" ); } if (!xp) break; x = *++xp; /* See if options are bundled */ } return(0); } #endif /* SSHBUILTIN */ #else /* No command-line interface... */ extern int xargc; int cmdlin() { if (xargc > 1) { XFATAL("Sorry, command-line options disabled."); } } #endif /* NOCMDL */