/* File MSNLIB.H * Kermit include file for TCP C modules * * Copyright (C) 1982, 1997, Trustees of Columbia University in the * City of New York. The MS-DOS Kermit software may not be, in whole * or in part, licensed or sold for profit as a software product itself, * nor may it be included in or distributed with commercial products * or otherwise distributed by commercial concerns to their clients * or customers without written permission of the Office of Kermit * Development and Distribution, Columbia University. This copyright * notice must not be removed, altered, or obscured. * * The C code is designed for the small memory model of Microsoft C versions * 5.1 and later, with structures packed on one byte boundaries. No other * options are expected. * * Last edit: * 12 Jan 1995 version 3.14 */ #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif /* Function prototypes */ #ifndef byte typedef unsigned char byte; #endif /* byte */ #ifndef word typedef unsigned int word; #endif /* word */ #ifndef longword typedef unsigned long longword; #endif /* longword */ void outch( byte ); /* print character to stdio */ void outs( byte * ); /* print an ASCIIZ string to stdio */ void outsn( byte *, int ); /* print a string with len max n */ void outhex( byte ); void outhexes( void *, int ); void outdec(int); void ntoa(byte *, unsigned long); unsigned long set_timeout( unsigned int ); unsigned long set_ttimeout( unsigned int ); int chk_timeout( unsigned long ); unsigned long intel( unsigned long ); unsigned intel16( unsigned ); unsigned int checksum( void FAR *ptr, int len ); /* IP checksum */ int ourmod(int, int); int ourdiv(int, int); long ourlmod(long, int); long ourldiv(long, int); /* Library function replacements */ int atoi(byte *); byte * ltoa(long, byte *, int); byte * itoa(int, byte *, int); int isdigit(const byte); byte * strchr(void *, const byte); byte FAR * strchrf(byte FAR *, const byte); byte * strcat(void *, void *); byte * strncat(void *, void *, int); byte * strcpy(void *, void *); byte * strncpy(void *, void *, int); int strlen(void *); int strcmp(void *, void *); int stricmp(void *, void *); int strncmp(byte *, void *, int); void * bcopy(void *, void *, int); void * bcopyff(void FAR *, void FAR *, int); void * memset(void *, byte, int); void * pkt_received(void); int pkt_eth_init(void); int pkt_init(void); int pkt_send(byte *, int); int pkt_release(void); void pkt_buf_release(byte *); void pkt_buf_wipe(void); void enable(void); void disable (void); /* supporting assembly language routines in file msnut1.asm */ longword intel(longword x); word intel16(word x); void FAR * malloc(word x); void free(void FAR *); int fstchr(const char FAR *, word, byte); int destuff(const char FAR *, int, const char FAR *, int, void *, void *); longword aton(byte *); int chkcon(void);