This is a list of the different LinuxFocus logos LF-tag-small.gif -- old icon small LF-tag.gif -- old icon Topicon.gif -- old icon with white background border-short.jpg -- brown big icon, multilingual magazin lfdolphin.transparent.xcf -- the dolphin from LF lflogo.gif -- new logo transparent lflogo.xcf -- gimp file lflogo_button.gif -- new logo as button lflogo_button.jpg -- new logo as button, jpg does not look nice lflogo_button.xcf -- gimp file lflogo_sbutton.gif -- new logo as small button lflogo_sbutton.jpg -- jpg file lflogo_sbutton.xcf -- gimp file lflogo_button_exact.gif -- like lflogo_button but sting fits exactly lflogo_button_exact.xcf -- gimp file