PACKAGE NAME: gnopernicus-1.1.2-i586-3gsb.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./packages/accessibility PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 966 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 7600 K PACKAGE MD5: e055aa04eabba2edeac045f8ef20eec6 ./packages/accessibility/gnopernicus-1.1.2-i586-3gsb.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: at-spi,GConf,gtk+2,libglade,libgnome,libgnomeui,libxml2,gnome-speech,gnome-mag PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: gnopernicus: gnopernicus (Low vision access to GNOME) gnopernicus: gnopernicus: The Gnopernicus project enables users with limited vision (or no gnopernicus: vision) to use the Gnome desktop and applications effectively. By gnopernicus: providing automated focus tracking and fullscreen magnification, gnopernicus: Gnopernicus will aid low-vision Gnome users, and its screen reader gnopernicus: features will allow low-vision and blind users access to standard gnopernicus: GTK+2 and Java-based GUI applications via speech and braille output. gnopernicus: gnopernicus: gnopernicus: