I will mark a new features with NEW. The [bracket] shows the binary program you can call directly. The convention of program name vxxxmenu = just a menu program, sometimes without menu (like vuser) vxxxconf = a quick/wizard configurator. vxxxadd = add a new item. vxxxset = set item(s) vxxxdel = delete item(s) vxxxweb = will launch a web browser TOP MENU [vasm] NEW: the menu is changed. Now VASM contains only 8 top level menu. Autosetup, user, xwindow, service, network, hardware, filesystem. Notice that this is a reverse order. User must set filesystem first then hardware .... until x-window. But after the system is working, x-window setting will be more frequently used than the filesystem. 0 AUTOSETUP (vlautosetup) Setup everything quickly. This is the one that run on VL installation. 1. USER [vuser]. NEW (compare to VL 4.0). Dialog based user administration. Contains: 1.1 ADD [vuseradd] 1.2 DEL [vuserdel] 1.3 PASSWD [vpasswd] 1.4. PASSROOT [vpasswd root] 2. XWINDOW (vxmenu) a menu with the following configurator 2.1 XSETUP [sax]. GUI X configurator 2.2. XCONF[vmkxfree86] or [vxconf]. Text mode xonfigurator. NEW: vxconf is a new X.org configurator. 2.3. XDMSET [vxdmset]. Set display manager NEW since SOHO 4.0 2.4. XWMSET [vxwmset]. Set NEW since SOHO 4.0 2.5. BOOTSET [vbootset]: set defeult boot mode NEW: can select 4 run levels, instead of TUI or TUI. 3. SERVICE [vsrvmenu] Manage services (daemons). This improves the old srvmenu and xboot. 3.1. SRVSET [vsrvset] NEW: can enable/disable services on each 4 run levels. 3.2. INITSET [vinitset] NEW: select sysvinit or vlinit. This is experimental and maybe not in the official release yet. 3.3. BOOTSET [vbootset]: set default boot mode. The same as 2.5. 3.4. CUPSWEB [vcupsweb] NEW: detect, start cups and launch web browser configurator 3.5. SAMBAWEB [vsambaweb] NEW: detect, start SWAT and launch web browser configurator 4. NETWORK[vnetmenu] Network get a BIG improvement. The most important things are allowing multiple inets, simple firewall and support for dnsmasq. Therefore the old netconfig and gateway MUST not be used (they are not compatible anymore !) 4.1. NETCONF [vnetconf] NEW: simple network configurator, replacing netconfig. The walkthrough is almost the same except : - it ask name+domain at once, Not separated anymore - it ask 3 methods, DHCP, STATIC or PROBE 4.2. NAME [vnameset]. NEW: a quick set hostname and DNS server. With the old netconf, we have to run a complete configurator only for setting the hostname. 4.3. INET [vinet] NEW: a menu for managing multiple inets 4.3.1. ADD (vinetadd) NEW: add an inet connection (rc.inet? file) 4.3.2. SET (vinetset) NEW: set an inet. 4.3.3. DEL (vinetdel) NEW: delete an inet. 4.4. MODEM (vmodemset) NEW: this replace pppsetup. Quickly detects the modem, setup /dev/modem, then set pap-secrets if necessasy, It assumes that other settings will be from KPPP, X-ISP or GkDial. 4.5. FIREWALL (vfirewall) NEW: experimental, setup a quick masquerading. It contains many menus, but does not call other external program. NEED EXTENSIVE TESTING !!! 4.6. HOSTS (under development) Manage hostnames (/etc/hosts) to be used by dnsmasq 4.7. DHCP (under development) Manage DHCP record of dnsmasq (/etc/dnsmasq.conf). If the HOSTS and DHCP menu is realized, VL can fully operate as a mini internet sharing gateway. Anybody want to take the chalange ? 5. HARDWARE (vhwmenu) NEW: a menu for managing the hardware 5.1. HWCONF (vhwconf) NEW: detect hardware, a mini version of vlautosetup without network/x-window configuration). 5.2. HWSET (vhwset) NEW: enable/disable hardware initialisation during boot time, inclusing PCMCIA, hotplug, keynap, alsa, etc. 5.3. KEYMAP (vkmapset) IMPROVED: kmapset by Suse-refugee, refurbished to match VASM theme. 5.4. CDSET (vcdset) Only a renamed cdset 5.5. ALSACONF (valsaconf) NEW: a little modified alsaconf. This replaces soundconfig. 6. FILESYSTEM NEW: a harddisk and filesystem management 6.1. BACKUPSYS (vbackupsys) NEW: Backup system files 6.2. MOUNT (vmount) NEW: Manage mount points (/etc/fstab) 6.3. LILO (vliloconf) NEW: liloconf reloaded. The simple method able to add default / tui / gui mode boot, also can detect other linux partitions. 6.4. FDISK (vfdisk) NEW: Just launch cfdisk