#!/bin/bash # src2pkg.setup # Copyright 2007-2010 Gilbert Ashley # When you run the command 'src2pkg --setup' this script gets run by src2pkg. # This script builds the binaries and libraries needed by src2pkg to function properly. The src2pkg package # contains no binaries when first installed, so this script must be run to setup src2pkg for use on your system. # This method is used to ensure that the binaries and libraries work properly on your system, no matter # which architecture and OS version you are running. It also provides a check to be sure that your system # has the basic tools needed to compile software. Otherwise src2pkg would not work anyway. # This script will try to detect the type of system it is being run on, and if possible, create and install a # package of the src2pkg-helpers. But, you can specify the type of package it will create and install by # passing the environmental variable SYSTEM_TYPE to this script, using any of the following values: # tgz, deb, rpm, pet, tazpkg or 'generic' (generic can be used for systems which have no package manager) # example: # SYSTEM_TYPE=generic bash src2pkg.setup # or by running src2pkg itself this way: # SYSTEM_TYPE=generic src2pkg --setup NAME=src2pkg-helpers SRC2PKG_HELPERS_VERSION=1.0 LIBSENTRY_VERSION=0.6.8 TAR_VERSION=1.13a COREUTILS_VERSION=5.2.1a UNIONFS_FUSE_VERSION=0.23 BUILD=1 VERSION=${SRC2PKG_HELPERS_VERSION} # we use this arbitrary location because of possible problems if /tmp is mounted on tmpfs TEMP_DIR=/usr/src/src2pkg/builds/src2pkg-helpers SRC_DIR=${TEMP_DIR}/src2pkg-helpers-${VERSION} PKG_DIR=${TEMP_DIR}/PKG PKG_DEST_DIR=/usr/src/src2pkg/src2pkg-helpers if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]] ; then echo "You must be logged in as 'root' to setup src2pkg-helpers" exit 1 fi # Since this scripts is run from src2pkg, /usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin is the first element of # the PATH. We won't to avoid using programs in that path, because these tools will be # replaced during any package upgrade and that confuses the shell and 'which' for path in /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin ; do if [ -x $path/cat ] ; then CAT=$path/cat break fi done for path in /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin ; do if [ -x $path/chmod ] ; then CHMOD=$path/chmod break fi done for path in /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin ; do if [ -x $path/cp ] ; then CP=$path/cp break fi done for path in /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin ; do if [ -x $path/mkdir ] ; then MKDIR=$path/mkdir break fi done for path in /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin ; do if [ -x $path/mv ] ; then MV=$path/mv break fi done for path in /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin ; do if [ -x $path/rm ] ; then RM=$path/rm break fi done # ANSI COLORS CRE="" NORMAL="" # RED: Failure or error message RED="" # GREEN: Success message GREEN="" # YELLOW: Warnings YELLOW="" # BLUE: Summary messages BLUE="" # CYAN: Current Process CYAN="" ############################################# # functions for building the sources and various package types ################## # build the sources build_sources() { cd $TEMP_DIR ; echo -n $BLUE"Unpacking sources - "$NORMAL tar xjf "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION.tar.bz2 echo $GREEN"OK"$NORMAL ( cd $SRC_DIR ### make the library ( cd libsentry-$LIBSENTRY_VERSION ; echo -n $BLUE"Creating libsentry - "$NORMAL make &> /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then ${MKDIR} -p $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/lib ${CP} -f libsentry.so $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/lib ${CHMOD} 755 $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/lib/libsentry.so # create a file which we can use to show the VERSION ${MKDIR} -p $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin echo ${SRC2PKG_HELPERS_VERSION} > $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin/version echo $GREEN"OK"$NORMAL else echo $RED"Ooops! "$NORMAL"Can't live without it..." exit 1 fi ) ### now do the bins # make tar ( cd tar-$TAR_VERSION ; echo -n $BLUE"Creating tar-1.13 - "$NORMAL touch * CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" ./configure --disable-nls --with-ncursesw --enable-widec &> /dev/null make &> /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then ${MKDIR} -p $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin ${CP} -f src/tar $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin/tar-1.13 ${CHMOD} 755 $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin/tar-1.13 echo $GREEN"OK"$NORMAL else echo $RED"Failed! "$NORMAL"Error is non-fatal. Continuing..." fi ) # make the coreutils ( cd coreutils-$COREUTILS_VERSION ; echo -n $BLUE"Creating coreutils - "$NORMAL touch * CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" ./configure --disable-nls &> /dev/null make &> /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then cd src for PROG in cat chmod chown cp ginstall groups link ln mkdir mknod mv readlink rm rmdir stat touch unlink; do ${CP} -f $PROG $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin ${CHMOD} 755 $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin/$PROG done # this is already in the doinst.sh, but do it anyway for systems with no pkgtool ( cd $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin ; ln -sf ginstall install ) echo $GREEN"OK"$NORMAL else echo $RED"Failed! "$NORMAL"Error is non-fatal. Continuing..." fi ) # if fuse is installed build unionfs-fuse if [[ -f /usr/include/fuse.h ]] || [[ -f /usr/local/include/fuse.h ]] ; then if [[ -L /lib/libfuse.so ]] || [[ -L /usr/lib/libfuse.so ]] \ || [[ -L /lib64/libfuse.so ]] || [[ -L /usr/lib64/libfuse.so ]] ; then echo -n $BLUE"Creating unionfs-fuse - "$NORMAL ( cd unionfs-fuse-$UNIONFS_FUSE_VERSION patch -p0 < $SRC_DIR/unionfs-fuse-gcc44.diff &> /dev/null make &> /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then ${CP} src/unionfs $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin ${CHMOD} 755 $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin/unionfs echo $GREEN"OK"$NORMAL else echo $RED"Failed! "$NORMAL"Error is non-fatal. Continuing..." fi ) fi else echo $CYAN"Notice - "$NORMAL"Skipping creation of unionfs-fuse -you don't have fuse installed." fi ) } # end build_sources ################## # For Slackware, create a tgz package create_tgz() { echo - $BLUE"Creating Slackware-type tgz package - "$NORMAL # remove any old package(s) ${RM} -f "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz # install install ${MKDIR} -p "$PKG_DIR"/install ${CP} "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/slack-desc "$PKG_DIR"/install ${CP} "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/doinst.sh "$PKG_DIR"/install (cd $PKG_DIR makepkg -l n -c n "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echo $GREEN"Done"$NORMAL echo $CYAN"Notice - "$NORMAL"The finished package: src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz" echo " is located in: $PKG_DEST_DIR" # install new package -upgrading if necessary cd $PKG_DEST_DIR echo - $BLUE"Installing Slackware-type tgz package - "$NORMAL upgradepkg --install-new --reinstall ./src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echo $GREEN"Done "$NORMAL"src2pkg is now ready to use." else echo $RED"Failed! "$NORMAL echo "Failed to install package: src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz" exit 1 fi else echo $RED"Failed! "$NORMAL echo "Failed to create package: src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz" exit 1 fi ) } # end create_tgz # For KISS, create a txz package create_txz() { echo - $BLUE"Creating KISS txz package - "$NORMAL # remove any old package(s) ${RM} -f "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-${BUILD}_KISS.tgz # install install ${MKDIR} -p "$PKG_DIR"/install ${CP} "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/pkg-desc "$PKG_DIR"/install ${CP} "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/doinst.sh "$PKG_DIR"/install (cd $PKG_DIR makepkg -l n -c n "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-${BUILD}_KISS.txz if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echo $GREEN"Done"$NORMAL echo $CYAN"Notice - "$NORMAL"The finished package: src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-${BUILD}_KISS.txz" echo " is located in: $PKG_DEST_DIR" # install new package -upgrading if necessary cd $PKG_DEST_DIR echo - $BLUE"Installing KISS txz package - "$NORMAL upgradepkg --install-new --reinstall ./src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-${BUILD}_KISS.txz if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echo $GREEN"Done "$NORMAL"src2pkg is now ready to use." else echo $RED"Failed! "$NORMAL echo "Failed to install package: src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-${BUILD}_KISS.txz" exit 1 fi else echo $RED"Failed! "$NORMAL echo "Failed to create package: src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-${BUILD}_KISS.txz" exit 1 fi ) } # end create_txz # For debian, create a *.deb package create_deb() { # delete any existing deb package ARCH=$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH) ${RM} -f "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/${NAME}_${VERSION}-${BUILD}_${ARCH}.deb echo -n $BLUE"Creating deb package - "$NORMAL (cd $TEMP_DIR INSTALLED_SIZE="$(du -s -k $PKG_DIR |white_out |cut -f1 -d ' ')K" echo "Package: ${NAME}${TAG}" > $TEMP_DIR/control.tmp echo "Version: $VERSION-$BUILD" >> $TEMP_DIR/control.tmp echo "Architecture: $ARCH" >> $TEMP_DIR/control.tmp echo "Installed-Size: $INSTALLED_SIZE" >> $TEMP_DIR/control.tmp echo "Maintainer: Gilbert Ashley " >> $TEMP_DIR/control.tmp echo "Description: Helper programs and library for src2pkg" >> $TEMP_DIR/control.tmp echo "Homepage: http://amigolinux.org" >> $TEMP_DIR/control.tmp ( cd "$PKG_DIR" && find * -type f -exec md5sum {} \; > $TEMP_DIR/md5sums ) ( cd "$PKG_DIR" && tar -c --use-compress-program gzip -f data.tar.gz . ) ( cd "$PKG_DIR" && find * ! -name data.tar.gz -exec ${RM} -rf {} \; &> /dev/null ) echo "2.0" > "$PKG_DIR"/debian-binary ${MKDIR} -p "$PKG_DIR"/control ${CAT} $TEMP_DIR/control.tmp > "$PKG_DIR/control/control" ${RM} -f $TEMP_DIR/control.tmp ${CAT} $TEMP_DIR/md5sums > "$PKG_DIR"/control/md5sums ${RM} -f $TEMP_DIR/md5sums ${CAT} $PKG_DEST_DIR/doinst.sh > "$PKG_DIR"/control/postinst (cd "$PKG_DIR" ; tar --owner=root --group=root -c -z control -f control.tar.gz ) ( cd $PKG_DIR && ${RM} -rf control) ) ( cd "$PKG_DEST_DIR" ; ar rc ${NAME}_${VERSION}-${BUILD}_${ARCH}.deb "$PKG_DIR/debian-binary" "$PKG_DIR/control.tar.gz" "$PKG_DIR/data.tar.gz" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then echo $GREEN"Done"$NORMAL echo $BLUE"Package Creation - "$GREEN"Successful!"$NORMAL" Package location:" echo "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/${NAME}_${VERSION}-${BUILD}_${ARCH}.deb else echo $RED"Failed!"$NORMAL echo "Failed to create debian package" exit 1 fi echo -n $BLUE"Installing Debian package - "$NORMAL dpkg -i $NAME_$VERSION-$BUILD_$ARCH.deb if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then echo $GREEN"Done"$NORMAL echo "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/$NAME_$VERSION-$BUILD_$ARCH.deb else echo $RED"Failed!"$NORMAL echo "Failed to install debian package" exit 1 fi ) } #For an rpm system, create an *.rpm package create_rpm(){ # delete any existing rpm package ${RM} -f "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/$NAME-$VERSION-$BUILD.$ARCH.rpm # if the admin doesn't have these rpm config files, create them if [[ ! -f $HOME/.rpmrc ]] || [[ ! -f $HOME/.rpmmacros ]] ; then create_nonroot_rpm_env fi # this tells rpmrc where to place the final package: export PKG_DEST_DIR SPEC_PATH=$PKG_DEST_DIR/src2pkg-helpers.spec echo -n $BLUE"Creating rpm package - "$NORMAL ${CAT} > "$SPEC_PATH" << EOF Summary: Helper programs and libraries for src2pkg Name: $NAME Version: $VERSION Release: $BUILD License: GPL BuildArch: $ARCH Packager: Gilbert Ashley Group: Development/Tools BuildRoot: $PKG_DIR Provides: libsentry.so Requires: toolchain %description EOF while read LINE ; do if [[ ${LINE:0:${#NAME}} = "$NAME" ]] ; then LINE=$(echo ${LINE#*:}) [[ "$LINE" != "" ]] && echo $LINE >> "$SPEC_PATH" fi done < $PKG_DEST_DIR/slack-desc echo >> "$SPEC_PATH" echo '%post' >> "$SPEC_PATH" ${CAT} $PKG_DEST_DIR/doinst.sh >> "$SPEC_PATH" echo "" >> "$SPEC_PATH" ( cd $PKG_DIR # create list of items in the package find * > ../file.list # start the files section echo "%files" >> "$SPEC_PATH" # dirs must be identified as such while read LINE ; do if [[ -d "${PKG_DIR}/${LINE}" ]] ; then echo -n "%dir " >> "$SPEC_PATH" fi echo "\"/${LINE}\"" >> "$SPEC_PATH" done < ../file.list ${RM} -f ../file.list ) (cd $PKG_DEST_DIR rpmbuild -bb src2pkg-helpers.spec &> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echo $GREEN"Done"$NORMAL echo $BLUE"Finished rpm package is:"$NORMAL echo "$PKG_DEST_DIR/$NAME-$VERSION-$BUILD.$ARCH.rpm" else echo $RED"Failed! "$NORMAL echo "Failed to create package: $NAME-$VERSION-$BUILD.$ARCH.rpm" exit 1 fi echo -n $BLUE"Installing rpm package - "$NORMAL rpm --install --nodeps --force ./$NAME-$VERSION-$BUILD.$ARCH.rpm &> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echo $GREEN"Done "$NORMAL"src2pkg is now ready to use." else echo $RED"Failed! "$NORMAL echo "Failed to install package: $NAME-$VERSION-$BUILD.$ARCH.rpm" exit 1 fi ) } # end create_rpm # For slitaz, create a *.tazpkg create_taz() { # remove any exisiting tazpkg ${RM} -f "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/${NAME}-${VERSION}-${BUILD}.tazpkg echo -n $BLUE"Creating tazpkg package - "$NORMAL ( cd $PKG_DIR # move existing content into a subdir named 'fs' ${MKDIR} fs find * -maxdepth 1 \( -type d ! -name install -a ! -name fs \) -exec ${MV} {} fs/ \; &> /dev/null echo "Helper programs and library for src2pkg" > description.txt ${CAT} > receipt <> receipt <> receipt ${CAT} >> receipt < ../files.list find * -type l -print >> ../files.list ) # make relative paths absolute while read LINE ; do echo "/${LINE}" >> files.list.tmp done < files.list ${MV} -f files.list.tmp files.list while read file; do [ -L "fs/$file" ] && continue [ -f "fs/$file" ] || continue MD5SUM=$(md5sum "fs/$file") MD5SUM="${MD5SUM/ fs\// }" echo $MD5SUM done < files.list > md5sum UNPACKED_SIZE=$(du -chs fs receipt files.list md5sum description.txt 2> /dev/null |tail -n1 | white_out ) UNPACKED_SIZE=${UNPACKED_SIZE%* total} find fs -print | cpio --quiet -o -H newc | gzip > fs.cpio.gz ${RM} -rf fs PACKED_SIZE="$(du -chs fs.cpio.gz receipt files.list md5sum description.txt 2> /dev/null |tail -n 1|white_out )" PACKED_SIZE="$(echo ${PACKED_SIZE%* total})" echo "# SliTaz package receipt." > receipt.tmp echo "# generated by src2pkg" >> receipt.tmp echo "PACKED_SIZE=$PACKED_SIZE" >> receipt.tmp echo "UNPACKED_SIZE=$UNPACKED_SIZE" >> receipt.tmp ${CAT} receipt >> receipt.tmp ${MV} -f receipt.tmp receipt # build the final package find . -print | cpio --quiet -o -H newc > "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/${NAME}-${VERSION}-${BUILD}.tazpkg ) ( cd "$PKG_DEST_DIR" ; if [[ -f ${NAME}-${VERSION}-${BUILD}.tazpkg ]] ; then echo $GREEN"Done"$NORMAL echo $BLUE"Package Creation - "$GREEN"Successful!"$NORMAL" Package location:" echo "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/${NAME}-${VERSION}-${BUILD}.tazpkg else echo $RED"Failed!"$NORMAL echo "Failed to create tazpkg package" exit 1 fi echo -n $BLUE"Installing tazpkg package - "$NORMAL tazpkg install ${NAME}-${VERSION}-${BUILD}.tazpkg --forced &> /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then echo $GREEN"Done "$NORMAL"src2pkg is now ready to use." else echo $RED"Failed!"$NORMAL echo "Failed to install debian package" exit 1 fi ) } # For Puppy, create a PET package create_pet() { # delete any existing pet package TAR_NAME=${NAME}-${VERSION}-${ARCH}-${BUILD} ${RM} -f "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/"$TAR_NAME".pet echo -n $BLUE"Creating pet package - "$NORMAL if [[ -f /etc/DISTRO_SPECS ]] ; then echo "${NAME}-${VERSION}|${NAME}|${VERSION}|${BUILD}|BuildingBlock|||${NAME}-${VERSION}-${BUILD}.pet|unknown|||||" else echo PETMENUDESCR="" > "$PKG_DIR"/$NAME.pet.specs echo PETOFFICIALDEPS="''" >> "$PKG_DIR"/$NAME.pet.specs echo PETREGISTER="'yes'" >> "$PKG_DIR"/$NAME.pet.specs fi ${CP} "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/doinst.sh "$PKG_DIR"/pinstall.sh ${MV} "$PKG_DIR" $TEMP_DIR/src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD (cd $TEMP_DIR tar --owner=root --group=root -cf "$TAR_NAME".tar "$TAR_NAME" &> /dev/null gzip "$TAR_NAME".tar MD5SUM="$(md5sum $TAR_NAME.tar.gz | cut -f 1 -d ' ')" echo -n "$MD5SUM" >> "$TAR_NAME".tar.gz ${MV} "$TAR_NAME".tar.gz "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/"$TAR_NAME".pet if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echo $GREEN"Done "$NORMAL echo $BLUE"Finished pet package is:"$NORMAL echo "$PKG_DEST_DIR/${NAME}-${VERSION}-${ARCH}-${BUILD}.pet" else echo $RED"Failed! "$NORMAL"Failed to create package: ${NAME}-${VERSION}-${ARCH}-${BUILD}.pet" exit 1 fi # change the name back ) ${MV} $TEMP_DIR/src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD "$PKG_DIR" # install the package (cd "$PKG_DEST_DIR" echo -n $BLUE"Installing pet package - "$NORMAL petget ./"$TAR_NAME".pet &> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echo $GREEN"Done "$NORMAL"src2pkg is now ready to use." else echo $RED"Failed! "$NORMAL echo "Failed to install package: ${NAME}-${VERSION}-${ARCH}-${BUILD}.pet" exit 1 fi ) } generic_install() { # for systems which don't have pkgtools, rpm, dpkg, petget or tazpkg ERR= echo -n $BLUE"Installing src2pkg-helpers generically - " ${MKDIR} -p /usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin || ERR=1 ${CP} -a --force $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin/* /usr/libexec/src2pkg/bin || ERR=1 ${MKDIR} -p /usr/libexec/src2pkg/lib || ERR=1 ${CP} -a --force $PKG_DIR/usr/libexec/src2pkg/lib/* /usr/libexec/src2pkg/lib || ERR=1 cd / || ERR=1 sh "$PKG_DEST_DIR"/doinst.sh || ERR=1 if [[ $ERR -ne 1 ]] ; then echo $GREEN"Done"$NORMAL echo "src2pkg is now ready to use." else echo $RED"Failed!"$NORMAL echo "Failed to install debian package" exit 1 fi } # end generic_install # end functions ############################################# # Execution starts here: if [[ "$UPDATE" = "1" ]] ; then echo $CYAN" Notice - "$NORMAL"Updating src2pkg-helpers:" echo " Your installed version of src2pkg-helpers needs to" echo " be updated. src2pkg will now compile, package" echo " and install the new version of src2pkg-helpers." echo "" echo " TEMP_DIR=$TEMP_DIR" echo " Starting build in 5 seconds" else echo $CYAN" Notice - "$NORMAL"Creating src2pkg-helpers:" echo " src2pkg uses a shared library and a few programs" echo " when creating packages. These binaries will be" echo " compiled on your system for best compatibility," echo " and installed. When done, src2pkg is ready for use." echo "" echo " TEMP_DIR=$TEMP_DIR" echo " Starting build in 5 seconds" fi sleep 5 # use src2pkg's own get_flags function for getting the ARCH . /usr/libexec/src2pkg/FUNCTIONS get_flags if [[ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ]] ; then CFLAGS="-m64 -O2 -fPIC -pipe" LIBDIRSUFFIX="64" else CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe" LIBDIRSUFFIX="" fi export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-L/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX,-L/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX" # clean up old dirs if [[ -d $TEMP_DIR ]] ; then ${RM} -rf $TEMP_DIR fi ${MKDIR} -p $TEMP_DIR # build the sources build_sources case $SYSTEM_TYPE in tgz) ${MKDIR} -p "$PKG_DIR"/usr/doc/src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION ${CP} "$SRC_DIR"/README "$PKG_DIR"/usr/doc/src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION ;; *) ${MKDIR} -p "$PKG_DIR"/usr/share/doc/src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION ${CP} "$SRC_DIR"/README "$PKG_DIR"/usr/share/doc/src2pkg-helpers-$VERSION ;; esac # allow specifying the SYSTEM_TYPE if [[ "$SYSTEM_TYPE" = "" ]] ; then # or detect if not given if [[ -f /etc/kiss-version ]] ; then SYSTEM_TYPE="txz" elif [[ $(which makepkg 2> /dev/null) ]] && [[ $(which upgradepkg 2> /dev/null) ]] ; then SYSTEM_TYPE="tgz" elif [[ $(which petget 2> /dev/null) ]] ; then #elif [[ -f /etc/puppyversion ]] || [[ -f /etc/DISTRO_SPECS ]] SYSTEM_TYPE="pet" elif [[ $(which rpm 2> /dev/null) ]] && [[ $(which rpmbuild 2> /dev/null) ]]; then SYSTEM_TYPE="rpm" elif [[ $(which dpkg 2> /dev/null) ]] ; then SYSTEM_TYPE="deb" elif [[ $(which tazpkg 2> /dev/null) ]] ; then SYSTEM_TYPE="tazpkg" else SYSTEM_TYPE="generic" fi fi case $SYSTEM_TYPE in "deb") create_deb ;; "pet") create_pet ;; "rpm") create_rpm ;; "tazpkg") create_taz ;; "tgz") create_tgz ;; "txz") create_txz ;; "generic") generic_install ;; esac ${RM} -rf $TEMP_DIR