# ****************************************************************** # * CNPRINT.CMD For CNPRINT Versions 3.30/3.31 (DOS, VMS and UNIX) * # ****************************************************************** # Copyright YIDAO CAI (~{2LR@5@~}), 1992-2001 # All Rights Reserved. # Free for non-commercial and personal use only. # # Last modified on January 28, 2001 # # This file should be kept in the same directory where the fonts are kept, # or in a directory pointed by HBFPATH. # # Put your system PS printing command (DOS: port name) and/or your default # Big5/JIS/KSC/unicode HBF file name below. Leave one space after the ":". # If you mainly deal with BIG5, Japanese, Korean or unicode files, change # the default encoding accordingly. You can also change other default # settings, such as paper size, paper margins, etc. # # From V3.20/3.21 you may use unicode fonts to print GB/Big5/JIS/KSC files. # Thus you may choose a unicode font as the default font for all of them. # # Lines headed by # are comments # Please leave one or more SPACEs after the ":", e.g. # #PS_PRINT_COMMAND: laser <-- YES, correct #PS_PRINT_COMMAND:laser <-- NO, incorrect # # put PostScript print command (or port name in DOS, like LPT2:) bellow # for UNIX/Linux computers, this is usually "lpr" #PS_PRINT_COMMAND: nprint -S SHOP -q BTNRH_POSTDOC_LASER_0 -U test -n PS_PRINT_COMMAND: # # put default GB font (HBF/HTF/TTF) name below (such as cnj24.hbf) DEFAULT_GB_FONT: cnj48.hbf # # put default BIG5 font (HBF/HTF/TTF) name below (such as cn5b24.hbf) DEFAULT_BIG5FONT: cn5a24.hbf # # put default JIS (Japanese) font (HBF/HTF/TTF) name below (such as # cnjb24.hbf) DEFAULT_JIS_FONT: kanji48.hbf # # put default KSC font (HBF/HTF/TTF) name below (such as cnkb24.hbf) DEFAULT_KSC_FONT: cnkm24.hbf # # put default UNICODE font (HBF/HTF/TTF) name below (such as cnub24.hbf) DEFAULT_UTF_FONT: mssong.htf # # if you mainly print GB/BIG5/Japanese/KSC/unicode files, put the default # encoding below (GB, BIG5, JIS, KSC or UNICODE, in upper case). The # default "unicode" type is "utf8" DEFAULT_ENCODING: GB # # if paper size used by your printer is not A (8.5x11), change the # paper size below (width, length in inch) DEFAULT_PAPERSIZE: 8.5 11. # # put paper margins below (Left/Right/Top/Bottom, in mm, minimum 3mm, # 1 inch = 25.4 mm), first for Portrait mode, then for Landscape mode PAPER_MARGINS: 26.1 21.9 25.2 25.8 15.3 15.2 20. 22. # # char sizes for Portrait mode and Landscape mode (in points, # 1 inch = 72 points); char space and line space (1=standard) below SIZE_SPACE: 13.5 11.6 1. 1. # # put character width/height or height/width below. Change ONE value # only, leave the other as 1. WIDTH-HEIGHT: 1. 1. # # European language mode: 0 auto; 1 yes; -1 no. EUROPEAN_LANGUAGE: 0 # # Page number positions for horizontal and vertical mode (0, no page number; # 1-3, top left, middle, right; 4-6, bottom left, middle, right) PAGE_NUMBER_POSITION: 6 4 # # address label information: nx ny xp yp xinc yinc (inch) 0/1 # nx, ny: numbers of labels on horizontal and vertical directions; # (xp, yp): position of lower-left corner of the lower-left label; # (xinc, yinc): size of label # if 7th number = 1, ignore newline character after @[LB] or @[LB##] #ADDRESS_LABEL: 2 5 .85 1.0 4.1 2.05 ADDRESS_LABEL: 3 10 .25 .58 2.83 1 1 # # Table file(s) containing GB<->BIG5 mapping data (two files allowed) DEFAULT_GBB5_TABLEFILE: g2bchar.tab g2bword.tab # # PostScript language level, level 2 is required for using TTF fonts POSTSCRIPT_LANGUAGE_LEVEL: 2 # # ******** You are advised NOT to make any change below ******** # ******** if you don't know what you are doing ******** # # [Advanced users] you may specify/add/change the path of the temporal # file generated by CNPRINT TEMPFILE: CNPRINT.TMP # # [Advanced users] you may specify the device resolution (in dpi, # default 300) it may (or may not) improve the print quality DEVICERES: 600 # # ******** ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGES BELOW ******** # # The data base arrange the width of English character for each font # from 32 to 160, with that of Courier as 10000. Helvetica DATA: 4633 4633 5916 9266 9266 14816 11116 3700 5549 5549 DATA: 6483 9733 4633 9733 4633 4633 9266 9266 9266 9266 DATA: 9266 9266 9266 9266 9266 9266 4633 4633 9733 9733 DATA: 9733 9266 16916 11116 11116 12033 12033 11116 10183 12966 DATA: 12033 4633 8333 11116 9266 13883 12033 12966 11116 12966 DATA: 12033 11116 10183 12033 11116 15733 11116 11116 10183 4633 DATA: 4633 4633 7816 9266 3699 9266 9266 8333 9266 9266 DATA: 4633 9266 9266 3699 3699 8333 3700 13883 9266 9266 DATA: 9266 9266 5549 8333 4633 9266 8333 12033 8333 8333 DATA: 8333 5566 4333 5566 9733 4633 12033 9266 9266 9266 DATA: 9266 9266 9266 8333 9266 9266 9266 4633 4633 4633 DATA: 11116 11116 11116 14816 16666 9266 9266 9266 9266 9266 DATA: 8333 12966 12033 9266 9266 9266 10183 4633 9266 Helvetica-Bold DATA: 4633 5549 7899 9266 9266 14816 12033 4633 5549 5549 DATA: 6483 9733 4633 9733 4633 4633 9266 9266 9266 9266 DATA: 9266 9266 9266 9266 9266 9266 5549 5549 9733 9733 DATA: 9733 10183 16249 12033 12033 12033 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DATA: 4633 8333 8333 4633 4633 7399 4633 12033 8333 8333 DATA: 8333 8333 6483 6483 4633 8333 7399 11116 7399 7399 DATA: 6483 6666 4583 6666 9016 4166 11116 8333 7399 8333 DATA: 8333 8333 8333 7399 7399 7399 7399 4633 4633 4633 DATA: 10183 10183 10183 11116 14816 8333 8333 8333 8333 8333 DATA: 7399 12033 12033 8333 8333 8333 8333 4166 8333 Times-Roman DATA: 4166 5549 6799 8333 8333 13883 12966 5549 5549 5549 DATA: 8333 9399 4166 9399 4166 4633 8333 8333 8333 8333 DATA: 8333 8333 8333 8333 8333 8333 4633 4633 9399 9399 DATA: 9399 7399 15349 12033 11116 11116 12033 10183 9266 12033 DATA: 12033 5549 6483 12033 10183 14816 12033 12033 9266 12033 DATA: 11116 9266 10183 12033 12033 15733 12033 12033 10183 5549 DATA: 4633 5549 7816 8333 5549 7399 8333 7399 8333 7399 DATA: 5549 8333 8333 4633 4633 8333 4633 12966 8333 8333 DATA: 8333 8333 5549 6483 4633 8333 8333 12033 8333 8333 DATA: 7399 8000 3333 8000 9016 4166 11116 8333 7399 7399 DATA: 7399 7399 7399 7399 7399 7399 7399 4633 4633 4633 DATA: 12033 12033 10183 11116 14816 8333 8333 8333 8333 8333 DATA: 8333 12033 12033 8333 8333 8333 8333 4166 7399 Times-Bold DATA: 4166 5549 9250 8333 8333 16666 13883 5549 5549 5549 DATA: 8333 9499 4166 9500 4166 4633 8333 8333 8333 8333 DATA: 8333 8333 8333 8333 8333 8333 5549 5549 9499 9499 DATA: 9499 8333 15500 12033 11116 12033 12033 11116 10183 12966 DATA: 12966 6483 8333 12966 11116 15733 12033 12966 10183 12966 DATA: 12033 9266 11116 12033 12033 16666 12033 12033 11116 5549 DATA: 4633 5549 9683 8333 5549 8333 9266 7399 9266 7399 DATA: 5549 8333 9266 4633 5549 9266 4633 13883 9266 8333 DATA: 9266 9266 7399 6483 5549 9266 8333 12033 8333 8333 DATA: 7399 6566 3666 6566 8666 4166 12033 9266 7399 8333 DATA: 8333 8333 8333 7399 7399 7399 7399 4633 4633 4633 DATA: 12033 12033 11116 12033 16666 8333 8333 8333 9266 9266 DATA: 8333 12966 12033 8333 8333 8333 9266 4166 8333 Palatino-Italic DATA: 4166 5549 8333 8333 8333 14816 12966 4633 5549 5549 DATA: 6483 10099 4166 10100 4166 4933 8333 8333 8333 8333 DATA: 8333 8333 8333 8333 8333 8333 4166 4166 10099 10099 DATA: 10099 8333 12449 12033 10183 11116 12966 10183 9266 12033 DATA: 12966 5549 5549 11116 9266 15733 12966 12966 10183 12966 DATA: 11116 9266 10183 12966 12033 15733 12033 11116 11116 5549 DATA: 10099 5549 10099 8333 4633 7399 7716 6783 8333 6483 DATA: 4633 8333 8333 4633 4633 7399 4633 12966 9266 7399 DATA: 8333 7716 6483 6483 5549 9266 8333 12033 8333 8333 DATA: 7399 5549 10099 5550 10099 4166 11116 9266 6483 7399 DATA: 7399 7399 7399 6783 6483 6483 6483 4633 4633 4633 DATA: 12@033 12033 10183 10633 15683 7399 7399 7399 9266 9266 DATA: 8333 12966 12966 8333 8333 8333 8333 4166 7399 Palatino-Bold DATA: 4166 4633 6699 8333 8333 14816 13883 4633 5549 5549 DATA: 7399 10099 4166 10100 4166 4933 8333 8333 8333 8333 DATA: 8333 8333 8333 8333 8333 8333 4166 4166 10099 10099 DATA: 10099 7399 12449 12966 11116 12033 13883 10183 9266 13883 DATA: 13883 6483 6483 12966 10183 16666 13883 13883 10183 13883 DATA: 12033 10183 11116 12966 12966 16666 11116 11116 11116 5549 DATA: 10099 5549 10099 8333 4633 8333 10183 7399 10183 8333 DATA: 6483 9266 10183 5550 5549 10183 5549 14816 10183 9266 DATA: 10183 10183 6483 7399 5549 10183 9266 13883 8333 9266 DATA: 8333 5166 10099 5166 10099 4166 12033 10183 8333 8333 DATA: 8333 8333 8333 7399 8333 8333 8333 5549 5549 5549 DATA: 12966 12966 10183 12966 16666 9266 9266 9266 10183 10183 DATA: 9266 13883 12966 8333 8333 8333 10183 4166 8333 AvantGarde-Book DATA: 4616 4916 5150 9233 9233 12916 12616 5850 6149 6149 DATA: 7083 10099 4616 10100 4616 7283 9233 9233 9233 9233 DATA: 9233 9233 9233 9233 9233 9233 4616 4616 10099 10099 DATA: 10099 9849 14449 12333 9566 13549 12399 8933 8083 14533 DATA: 11383 3766 8033 9849 7700 15316 12333 14483 9866 14516 DATA: 10116 8300 7099 10916 11699 16000 10149 9866 8000 5850 DATA: 10083 5849 10099 8333 5850 11383 11366 10783 11416 10833 DATA: 5233 11216 10166 3333 3383 8366 3333 15633 10166 10916 DATA: 11366 11366 5016 6466 5649 10133 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