- B>csdZ %dkZ&dkZ'dkZ(dkZ*dZBdZ_dZxdZdZ dfdYZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZ edjo e ndS(s%(program)s -- create a ZEO instance. Usage: %(program)s home [port] Given an "instance home directory" and some configuration options (all of which have default values), create the following: /etc/zeo.conf -- ZEO config file /etc/zeoctl.conf -- zdctl+zdrun config file /var/ -- Directory for data files: Data.fs etc. /log/ -- Directory for log files: zeo.log and zeoctl.log /bin/runzeo -- the zeo server runner /bin/zeoctl -- start/stop script (a shim for zdctl.py) The script will not overwrite existing files; instead, it will issue a warning if an existing file is found that differs from the file that would be written if it didn't exist. Nsq# ZEO configuration file %%define INSTANCE_HOME %(instance_home)s address %(port)d read-only false invalidation-queue-size 100 # monitor-address PORT # transaction-timeout SECONDS path $INSTANCE_HOME/var/Data.fs level info path $INSTANCE_HOME/log/zeo.log s# %(package)sctl configuration file %%define INSTANCE_HOME %(instance_home)s program $INSTANCE_HOME/bin/runzeo socket-name $INSTANCE_HOME/etc/%(package)s.zdsock daemon true forever false backoff-limit 10 exit-codes 0, 2 directory $INSTANCE_HOME default-to-interactive true # user zope python %(python)s zdrun %(zope_home)s/zdaemon/zdrun.py # This logfile should match the one in the %(package)s.conf file. # It is used by zdctl's logtail command, zdrun/zdctl doesn't write it. logfile $INSTANCE_HOME/log/%(package)s.log level info path $INSTANCE_HOME/log/%(package)sctl.log sc#!/bin/sh # %(PACKAGE)s instance start script # The following two lines are for chkconfig. On Red Hat Linux (and # some other systems), you can copy or symlink this script into # /etc/rc.d/init.d/ and then run chkconfig(8), to automatically start # %(PACKAGE)s at boot time. # chkconfig: 345 90 10 # description: start a %(PACKAGE)s server PYTHON="%(python)s" ZOPE_HOME="%(zope_home)s" INSTANCE_HOME="%(instance_home)s" CONFIG_FILE="$INSTANCE_HOME/etc/%(package)sctl.conf" PYTHONPATH="$ZOPE_HOME" export PYTHONPATH ZDCTL="$ZOPE_HOME/zdaemon/zdctl.py" exec "$PYTHON" "$ZDCTL" -C "$CONFIG_FILE" ${1+"$@"} s8#!/bin/sh # %(PACKAGE)s instance start script PYTHON="%(python)s" ZOPE_HOME="%(zope_home)s" INSTANCE_HOME="%(instance_home)s" CONFIG_FILE="$INSTANCE_HOME/etc/%(package)s.conf" PYTHONPATH="$ZOPE_HOME" export PYTHONPATH ZEO_RUN="$ZOPE_HOME/ZEO/runzeo.py" exec "$PYTHON" "$ZEO_RUN" -C "$CONFIG_FILE" ${1+"$@"} cstidGHdS(Ns All done.(sZEOInstanceBuildersrun(((s5/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/mkzeoinst.pysmainssZEOInstanceBuildercs/tZdZdZdZRS(Nc sy,titidddg\}}Wn3tij o!}|GHtidnXti i tid}|o/t h|d<}|GHtint |ddgjo d|GHtidn|d}ti i| oti i|}nxbti D]<}ti iti i|do|} PnqCWd GHtid|dot|d}n d }t||i| ||}|i||dS( NishshelpiisprogramsUsage: %s home [port]sZopes*Can't find the Zope home (not in sys.path)i'(sgetoptssyssargvsoptssargsserrorsmsgsexitsosspathsbasenamesprograms__doc__slens instance_homesisabssabspathsentrysexistssjoins zope_homesintsports checkportsselfs get_paramssparamsscreate( sselfsargssportsprograms instance_homesparamssentrysmsgsoptss zope_home((s5/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/mkzeoinst.pysruns:,    %    csGhdd<dd<|d<|d<|d<tid