-í ULn=csfydklZWn,ej odfd„ƒYZnXdefd„ƒYZdS((sBasesBasecstZRS(N(s__name__s __module__(((s2/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/ICache.pysBases sICachecs€tZdZd„Z d„Z#d„Z*d„Z-d„Z4d„Z7d„Z @d„Z Gd „Z RS( sZEO client cache. __init__(storage, size, client, var) All arguments optional. storage -- name of storage size -- max size of cache in bytes client -- a string; if specified, cache is persistent. var -- var directory to store cache files in cs dS(sPReturns a sequence of object info tuples. An object info tuple is a pair containing an object id and a pair of serialnos, a non-version serialno and a version serialno: oid, (serial, ver_serial) This method builds an index of the cache and returns a sequence used for cache validation. N((((s2/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/ICache.pysopens cs  !dS(sCloses the cache.N((((s2/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/ICache.pysclose scs #(dS(sCall func on every object in cache. func is called with three arguments func(oid, serial, ver_serial) N((sfunc((s2/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/ICache.pysverify#scs *+dS(sRemove object from cache.N((soidsversion((s2/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/ICache.pys invalidate*scs -2dS(s‚Load object from cache. Return None if object not in cache. Return data, serialno if object is in cache. N((soidsversion((s2/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/ICache.pysload-scs 45dS(s Store a new object in the cache.N((soidspsssversionspvssv((s2/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/ICache.pysstore4scs 7>dS(sUpdate an object already in the cache. XXX This method is called to update objects that were modified by a transaction. It's likely that it is already in the cache, and it may be possible for the implementation to operate more efficiently. N((soidsserialsversionsdata((s2/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/ICache.pysupdate7scs @EdS(sŽReturn the version an object is modified in. '' signifies the trunk. Returns None if the object is not in the cache. N((soid((s2/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/ICache.pysmodifiedInVersion@scs GMdS(sCheck if adding size bytes would exceed cache limit. This method is often called just before store or update. The size is a hint about the amount of data that is about to be stored. The cache may want to evict some data to make space. N((ssize((s2/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/ICache.pys checkSizeGs( s__name__s __module__s__doc__sopensclosesverifys invalidatesloadsstoresupdatesmodifiedInVersions checkSize(((s2/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/ICache.pysICaches       N(s InterfacesBases ImportErrorsICache(sBasesICache((s2/usr/pkg/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ZEO/ICache.pys?s