#Maintainer: Carlos Torres pkgname=nchat pkgver=5.2.11 pkgrel=1ct source=( "https://github.com/d99kris/$pkgname/archive/refs/tags/v$pkgver.tar.gz" ) url="https://github.com/d99kris/nchat" slackdesc=( #-----------------------------max_columns------------------------------# "$pkgname (Terminal-based Telegram-WhatsApp client for Linux and macOS)" "$pkgname is a TUI for messaging programs such as Telegram and" "Whatsapp, including features such as customizable color scheme," "jump to unread message, markdown formatted messages, and view and save" "media files." "" "Homepage: $url" ) docs=( "README.md" "DEBUGGING.md" "LICENSE" ) options=( nosrcpack noautodotnew ) ##builddeps: gperf gcc-g++ make cmake-nogui help2man golang build() { cd "$startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver" ( export CGO_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" export GOSUMDB=off GOPROXY=direct GOVCS='*:all' GOTOOLCHAIN=local export GOFLAGS="-buildmode=pie -ldflags=-linkmode=external -buildvcs=false -modcacherw -trimpath" cmake -B build \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR="lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX" \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" . make -j $numjobs -C build ) || return 1 ( make -C build install DESTDIR="$startdir/pkg" ) || return 1 }