/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package xmlkit; // -*- mode: java; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- import com.sun.tools.classfile.AccessFlags; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Annotation; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Annotation.*; import com.sun.tools.classfile.AnnotationDefault_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Attributes; import com.sun.tools.classfile.BootstrapMethods_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.CharacterRangeTable_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.ClassFile; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Code_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.CompilationID_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.ConstantPool; import com.sun.tools.classfile.ConstantPool.*; import com.sun.tools.classfile.ConstantPoolException; import com.sun.tools.classfile.ConstantValue_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.DefaultAttribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Deprecated_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Descriptor.InvalidDescriptor; import com.sun.tools.classfile.EnclosingMethod_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Exceptions_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Field; import com.sun.tools.classfile.InnerClasses_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.InnerClasses_attribute.Info; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Instruction; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Instruction.TypeKind; import com.sun.tools.classfile.LineNumberTable_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.LocalVariableTable_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.LocalVariableTypeTable_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Method; import com.sun.tools.classfile.MethodParameters_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Opcode; import com.sun.tools.classfile.RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.RuntimeVisibleAnnotations_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Signature_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.SourceDebugExtension_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.SourceFile_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.SourceID_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.StackMapTable_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.StackMapTable_attribute.*; import com.sun.tools.classfile.StackMap_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.Synthetic_attribute; import com.sun.tools.classfile.TypeAnnotation; import com.sun.tools.classfile.TypeAnnotation.Position; import static com.sun.tools.classfile.TypeAnnotation.TargetType.THROWS; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import xmlkit.XMLKit.Element; /* * @author jrose, ksrini */ public class ClassReader { private static final CommandLineParser CLP = new CommandLineParser("" + "-source: +> = \n" + "-dest: +> = \n" + "-encoding: +> = \n" + "-jcov $ \n -nojcov !-jcov \n" + "-verbose $ \n -noverbose !-verbose \n" + "-keepPath $ \n -nokeepPath !-keepPath \n" + "-keepCP $ \n -nokeepCP !-keepCP \n" + "-keepOrder $ \n -nokeepOrder !-keepOrder \n" + "-continue $ \n -nocontinue !-continue \n" + "-@ >-@ . \n" + "- +? \n" + "\n"); // Protected state for representing the class file. protected Element cfile; // protected Element cpool; // protected Element klass; // protected List thePool; // stringified flattened Constant Pool public static void main(String[] ava) throws IOException { ArrayList av = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(ava)); HashMap props = new HashMap<>(); props.put("-encoding:", "UTF8"); // default props.put("-keepOrder", null); // CLI default props.put("-pretty", "1"); // CLI default props.put("-continue", "1"); // CLI default CLP.parse(av, props); //System.out.println(props+" ++ "+av); File source = asFile(props.get("-source:")); File dest = asFile(props.get("-dest:")); String encoding = props.get("-encoding:"); boolean contError = props.containsKey("-continue"); ClassReader options = new ClassReader(); options.copyOptionsFrom(props); /* if (dest == null && av.size() > 1) { dest = File.createTempFile("TestOut", ".dir", new File(".")); dest.delete(); if (!dest.mkdir()) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create "+dest); System.out.println("Writing results to "+dest); } */ if (av.isEmpty()) { av.add(""); //to enter this loop } boolean readList = false; for (String a : av) { if (readList) { readList = false; InputStream fin; if (a.equals("-")) { fin = System.in; } else { fin = new FileInputStream(a); } BufferedReader files = makeReader(fin, encoding); for (String file; (file = files.readLine()) != null;) { doFile(file, source, dest, options, encoding, contError); } if (fin != System.in) { fin.close(); } } else if (a.equals("-@")) { readList = true; } else if (a.startsWith("-")) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad flag argument: " + a); } else if (source.getName().endsWith(".jar")) { doJar(a, source, dest, options, encoding, contError); } else { doFile(a, source, dest, options, encoding, contError); } } } private static File asFile(String str) { return (str == null) ? null : new File(str); } private static void doFile(String a, File source, File dest, ClassReader options, String encoding, boolean contError) throws IOException { if (!contError) { doFile(a, source, dest, options, encoding); } else { try { doFile(a, source, dest, options, encoding); } catch (Exception ee) { System.out.println("Error processing " + source + ": " + ee); ee.printStackTrace(); } } } private static void doJar(String a, File source, File dest, ClassReader options, String encoding, Boolean contError) throws IOException { try { JarFile jf = new JarFile(source); for (JarEntry je : Collections.list(jf.entries())) { String name = je.getName(); if (!name.endsWith(".class")) { continue; } try { doStream(name, jf.getInputStream(je), dest, options, encoding); } catch (Exception e) { if (contError) { System.out.println("Error processing " + source + ": " + e); e.printStackTrace(); continue; } } } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } } private static void doStream(String a, InputStream in, File dest, ClassReader options, String encoding) throws IOException { File f = new File(a); ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(options); Element e; if (options.verbose) { System.out.println("Reading " + f); } e = cr.readFrom(in); OutputStream out; if (dest == null) { out = System.out; } else { File outf = new File(dest, f.isAbsolute() ? f.getName() : f.getPath()); String outName = outf.getName(); File outSubdir = outf.getParentFile(); outSubdir.mkdirs(); int extPos = outName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (extPos > 0) { outf = new File(outSubdir, outName.substring(0, extPos) + ".xml"); } out = new FileOutputStream(outf); } Writer outw = makeWriter(out, encoding); if (options.pretty || !options.keepOrder) { e.writePrettyTo(outw); } else { e.writeTo(outw); } if (out == System.out) { outw.write("\n"); outw.flush(); } else { outw.close(); } } private static void doFile(String a, File source, File dest, ClassReader options, String encoding) throws IOException { File inf = new File(source, a); if (dest != null && options.verbose) { System.out.println("Reading " + inf); } BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inf)); doStream(a, in, dest, options, encoding); } public static BufferedReader makeReader(InputStream in, String encoding) throws IOException { Reader inw; in = new BufferedInputStream(in); // add buffering if (encoding == null) { inw = new InputStreamReader(in); } else { inw = new InputStreamReader(in, encoding); } return new BufferedReader(inw); // add buffering } public static Writer makeWriter(OutputStream out, String encoding) throws IOException { Writer outw; if (encoding == null) { outw = new OutputStreamWriter(out); } else { outw = new OutputStreamWriter(out, encoding); } return new BufferedWriter(outw); // add buffering } public Element result() { return cfile; } protected InputStream in; protected ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024); // input options public boolean pretty = false; public boolean verbose = false; public boolean keepPath = false; public boolean keepCP = false; public boolean keepBytes = false; public boolean parseBytes = true; public boolean resolveRefs = true; public boolean keepOrder = true; public boolean keepSizes = false; public ClassReader() { cfile = new Element("ClassFile"); } public ClassReader(ClassReader options) { this(); copyOptionsFrom(options); } public void copyOptionsFrom(ClassReader options) { pretty = options.pretty; verbose = options.verbose; keepPath = options.keepPath; keepCP = options.keepCP; keepOrder = options.keepOrder; } public void copyOptionsFrom(Map options) { if (options.containsKey("-pretty")) { pretty = (options.get("-pretty") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-verbose")) { verbose = (options.get("-verbose") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-keepPath")) { keepPath = (options.get("-keepPath") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-keepCP")) { keepCP = (options.get("-keepCP") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-keepOrder")) { keepOrder = (options.get("-keepOrder") != null); } } protected String getCpString(int i) { return thePool.get(i); } public Element readFrom(InputStream in) throws IOException { try { this.in = in; ClassFile c = ClassFile.read(in); // read the file header if (c.magic != 0xCAFEBABE) { throw new RuntimeException("bad magic number " + Integer.toHexString(c.magic)); } cfile.setAttr("magic", "" + c.magic); int minver = c.minor_version; int majver = c.major_version; cfile.setAttr("minver", "" + minver); cfile.setAttr("majver", "" + majver); readCP(c); readClass(c); return result(); } catch (InvalidDescriptor | ConstantPoolException ex) { throw new IOException("Fatal error", ex); } } public Element readFrom(File file) throws IOException { try (InputStream strm = new FileInputStream(file)) { Element e = readFrom(new BufferedInputStream(strm)); if (keepPath) { e.setAttr("path", file.toString()); } return e; } } private void readClass(ClassFile c) throws IOException, ConstantPoolException, InvalidDescriptor { klass = new Element("Class"); cfile.add(klass); String thisk = c.getName(); klass.setAttr("name", thisk); AccessFlags af = new AccessFlags(c.access_flags.flags); klass.setAttr("flags", flagString(af, klass)); if (!"java/lang/Object".equals(thisk)) { klass.setAttr("super", c.getSuperclassName()); } for (int i : c.interfaces) { klass.add(new Element("Interface", "name", getCpString(i))); } readFields(c, klass); readMethods(c, klass); readAttributesFor(c, c.attributes, klass); klass.trimToSize(); } private void readFields(ClassFile c, Element klass) throws IOException { int len = c.fields.length; Element fields = new Element(len); for (Field f : c.fields) { Element field = new Element("Field"); field.setAttr("name", getCpString(f.name_index)); field.setAttr("type", getCpString(f.descriptor.index)); field.setAttr("flags", flagString(f.access_flags.flags, field)); readAttributesFor(c, f.attributes, field); field.trimToSize(); fields.add(field); } if (!keepOrder) { fields.sort(); } klass.addAll(fields); } private void readMethods(ClassFile c, Element klass) throws IOException { int len = c.methods.length; Element methods = new Element(len); for (Method m : c.methods) { Element member = new Element("Method"); member.setAttr("name", getCpString(m.name_index)); member.setAttr("type", getCpString(m.descriptor.index)); member.setAttr("flags", flagString(m.access_flags.flags, member)); readAttributesFor(c, m.attributes, member); member.trimToSize(); methods.add(member); } if (!keepOrder) { methods.sort(); } klass.addAll(methods); } private AccessFlags.Kind getKind(Element e) { switch(e.getName()) { case "Class": return AccessFlags.Kind.Class; case "InnerClass": return AccessFlags.Kind.InnerClass; case "Field": return AccessFlags.Kind.Field ; case "Method": return AccessFlags.Kind.Method; default: throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here"); } } protected String flagString(int flags, Element holder) { return flagString(new AccessFlags(flags), holder); } protected String flagString(AccessFlags af, Element holder) { return flagString(af, holder.getName()); } protected String flagString(int flags, String kind) { return flagString(new AccessFlags(flags), kind); } protected String flagString(AccessFlags af, String kind) { Set mods = null; switch (kind) { case "Class": mods = af.getClassFlags(); break; case "InnerClass": mods = af.getInnerClassFlags(); break; case "Field": mods = af.getFieldFlags(); break; case "Method": mods = af.getMethodFlags(); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String x : mods) { sb.append(x.substring(x.indexOf('_') + 1).toLowerCase()).append(" "); } return sb.toString().trim(); } protected void readAttributesFor(ClassFile c, Attributes attrs, Element x) { Element container = new Element(); AttributeVisitor av = new AttributeVisitor(this, c); for (Attribute a : attrs) { av.visit(a, container); } if (!keepOrder) { container.sort(); } x.addAll(container); } private int fileSize = 0; private HashMap attrSizes = new HashMap<>(); private void attachTo(Element x, Object aval0) { if (aval0 == null) { return; } if (!(aval0 instanceof Element)) { x.add(aval0); return; } Element aval = (Element) aval0; if (!aval.isAnonymous()) { x.add(aval); return; } for (int imax = aval.attrSize(), i = 0; i < imax; i++) { //%% attachAttrTo(x, aval.getAttrName(i), aval.getAttr(i)); } x.addAll(aval); } private void attachAttrTo(Element x, String aname, String aval) { String aval0 = x.getAttr(aname); if (aval0 != null) { aval = aval0 + " " + aval; } x.setAttr(aname, aval); } private void readCP(ClassFile c) throws IOException { cpool = new Element("ConstantPool", c.constant_pool.size()); ConstantPoolVisitor cpv = new ConstantPoolVisitor(cpool, c, c.constant_pool.size()); for (int i = 1 ; i < c.constant_pool.size() ; i++) { try { cpv.visit(c.constant_pool.get(i), i); } catch (InvalidIndex ex) { // can happen periodically when accessing doubles etc. ignore it // ex.printStackTrace(); } } thePool = cpv.getPoolList(); if (verbose) { for (int i = 0; i < thePool.size(); i++) { System.out.println("[" + i + "]: " + thePool.get(i)); } } if (keepCP) { cfile.add(cpool); } } } class ConstantPoolVisitor implements ConstantPool.Visitor { final List slist; final Element xpool; final ClassFile cf; final ConstantPool cfpool; final List bsmlist; public ConstantPoolVisitor(Element xpool, ClassFile cf, int size) { slist = new ArrayList<>(size); for (int i = 0 ; i < size; i++) { slist.add(null); } this.xpool = xpool; this.cf = cf; this.cfpool = cf.constant_pool; bsmlist = readBSM(); } public List getPoolList() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(slist); } public List getBSMList() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(bsmlist); } public String visit(CPInfo c, int index) { return c.accept(this, index); } private List readBSM() { BootstrapMethods_attribute bsmAttr = (BootstrapMethods_attribute) cf.getAttribute(Attribute.BootstrapMethods); if (bsmAttr != null) { List out = new ArrayList<>(bsmAttr.bootstrap_method_specifiers.length); for (BootstrapMethods_attribute.BootstrapMethodSpecifier bsms : bsmAttr.bootstrap_method_specifiers) { int index = bsms.bootstrap_method_ref; try { String value = slist.get(index); String bsmStr = value; if (value == null) { value = visit(cfpool.get(index), index); slist.set(index, value); } bsmStr = value; for (int idx : bsms.bootstrap_arguments) { value = slist.get(idx); if (value == null) { value = visit(cfpool.get(idx), idx); slist.set(idx, value); } bsmStr = bsmStr.concat("," + value); } out.add(bsmStr); } catch (InvalidIndex ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return out; } return new ArrayList<>(0); } @Override public String visitClass(CONSTANT_Class_info c, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { try { value = visit(cfpool.get(c.name_index), c.name_index); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_Class", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } catch (ConstantPoolException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return value; } @Override public String visitDouble(CONSTANT_Double_info c, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { value = Double.toString(c.value); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_Double", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } return value; } @Override public String visitFieldref(CONSTANT_Fieldref_info c, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { try { value = visit(cfpool.get(c.class_index), c.class_index); value = value.concat(" " + visit(cfpool.get(c.name_and_type_index), c.name_and_type_index)); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_Fieldref", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } catch (ConstantPoolException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return value; } @Override public String visitFloat(CONSTANT_Float_info c, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { value = Float.toString(c.value); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_Float", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } return value; } @Override public String visitInteger(CONSTANT_Integer_info cnstnt, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { value = Integer.toString(cnstnt.value); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_Integer", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } return value; } @Override public String visitInterfaceMethodref(CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info c, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { try { value = visit(cfpool.get(c.class_index), c.class_index); value = value.concat(" " + visit(cfpool.get(c.name_and_type_index), c.name_and_type_index)); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } catch (ConstantPoolException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return value; } @Override public String visitInvokeDynamic(CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic_info c, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { try { value = bsmlist.get(c.bootstrap_method_attr_index) + " " + visit(cfpool.get(c.name_and_type_index), c.name_and_type_index); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } catch (ConstantPoolException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return value; } @Override public String visitLong(CONSTANT_Long_info c, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { value = Long.toString(c.value); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_Long", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } return value; } @Override public String visitNameAndType(CONSTANT_NameAndType_info c, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { try { value = visit(cfpool.get(c.name_index), c.name_index); value = value.concat(" " + visit(cfpool.get(c.type_index), c.type_index)); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_NameAndType", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } catch (InvalidIndex ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return value; } @Override public String visitMethodref(CONSTANT_Methodref_info c, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { try { value = visit(cfpool.get(c.class_index), c.class_index); value = value.concat(" " + visit(cfpool.get(c.name_and_type_index), c.name_and_type_index)); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_Methodref", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } catch (ConstantPoolException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return value; } @Override public String visitMethodHandle(CONSTANT_MethodHandle_info c, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { try { value = c.reference_kind.name(); value = value.concat(" " + visit(cfpool.get(c.reference_index), c.reference_index)); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_MethodHandle", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } catch (ConstantPoolException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return value; } @Override public String visitMethodType(CONSTANT_MethodType_info c, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { try { value = visit(cfpool.get(c.descriptor_index), c.descriptor_index); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_MethodType", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } catch (ConstantPoolException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return value; } @Override public String visitString(CONSTANT_String_info c, Integer p) { try { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { value = c.getString(); slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_String", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } return value; } catch (ConstantPoolException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Fatal error", ex); } } @Override public String visitUtf8(CONSTANT_Utf8_info cnstnt, Integer p) { String value = slist.get(p); if (value == null) { value = cnstnt.value; slist.set(p, value); xpool.add(new Element("CONSTANT_Utf8", new String[]{"id", p.toString()}, value)); } return value; } } class AttributeVisitor implements Attribute.Visitor { final ClassFile cf; final ClassReader x; final AnnotationsElementVisitor aev; final InstructionVisitor iv; public AttributeVisitor(ClassReader x, ClassFile cf) { this.x = x; this.cf = cf; iv = new InstructionVisitor(x, cf); aev = new AnnotationsElementVisitor(x, cf); } public void visit(Attribute a, Element parent) { a.accept(this, parent); } @Override public Element visitBootstrapMethods(BootstrapMethods_attribute bm, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(bm.attribute_name_index)); for (BootstrapMethods_attribute.BootstrapMethodSpecifier bsm : bm.bootstrap_method_specifiers) { Element be = new Element("BootstrapMethodSpecifier"); be.setAttr("ref", x.getCpString(bsm.bootstrap_method_ref)); if (bsm.bootstrap_arguments.length > 0) { Element bme = new Element("MethodArguments"); for (int index : bsm.bootstrap_arguments) { bme.add(x.getCpString(index)); } bme.trimToSize(); be.add(bme); } be.trimToSize(); e.add(be); } e.trimToSize(); if (!x.keepOrder) { e.sort(); } p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitDefault(DefaultAttribute da, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(da.attribute_name_index)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (byte x : da.info) { sb.append("0x").append(Integer.toHexString(x)).append(" "); } e.setAttr("bytes", sb.toString().trim()); e.trimToSize(); p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitAnnotationDefault(AnnotationDefault_attribute ad, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(ad.attribute_name_index)); e.setAttr("tag", "" + ad.default_value.tag); Element child = aev.visit(ad.default_value, e); if (child != null) { e.add(child); } e.trimToSize(); p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitCharacterRangeTable(CharacterRangeTable_attribute crt, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(crt.attribute_name_index)); for (CharacterRangeTable_attribute.Entry ce : crt.character_range_table) { e.setAttr("start_pc", "" + ce.start_pc); e.setAttr("end_pc", "" + ce.end_pc); e.setAttr("range_start", "" + ce.character_range_start); e.setAttr("range_end", "" + ce.character_range_end); e.setAttr("flags", x.flagString(ce.flags, "Method")); } e.trimToSize(); p.add(e); return null; } private Element instructions(Element code, Code_attribute c) { Element ielement = new Element("Instructions"); for (Instruction ins : c.getInstructions()) { ielement.add(iv.visit(ins)); } ielement.trimToSize(); return ielement; } @Override public Element visitCode(Code_attribute c, Element p) { Element e = null; e = new Element(x.getCpString(c.attribute_name_index), "stack", "" + c.max_stack, "local", "" + c.max_locals); e.add(instructions(e, c)); for (Code_attribute.Exception_data edata : c.exception_table) { e.add(new Element("Handler", "start", "" + edata.start_pc, "end", "" + edata.end_pc, "catch", "" + edata.handler_pc, "class", x.getCpString(edata.catch_type))); } this.x.readAttributesFor(cf, c.attributes, e); e.trimToSize(); p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitCompilationID(CompilationID_attribute cid, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(cid.attribute_name_index), x.getCpString(cid.compilationID_index)); p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitConstantValue(ConstantValue_attribute cv, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(cv.attribute_name_index)); e.add(x.getCpString(cv.constantvalue_index)); p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitDeprecated(Deprecated_attribute d, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(d.attribute_name_index)); p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitEnclosingMethod(EnclosingMethod_attribute em, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(em.attribute_name_index)); e.setAttr("class", x.getCpString(em.class_index)); e.setAttr("desc", x.getCpString(em.method_index)); e.trimToSize(); p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitExceptions(Exceptions_attribute e, Element p) { Element ee = new Element(x.getCpString(e.attribute_name_index)); for (int idx : e.exception_index_table) { Element n = new Element("Item"); n.setAttr("class", x.getCpString(idx)); ee.add(n); } ee.trimToSize(); p.add(ee); return null; } @Override public Element visitInnerClasses(InnerClasses_attribute ic, Element p) { for (Info info : ic.classes) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(ic.attribute_name_index)); e.setAttr("class", x.getCpString(info.inner_class_info_index)); e.setAttr("outer", x.getCpString(info.outer_class_info_index)); e.setAttr("name", x.getCpString(info.inner_name_index)); e.setAttr("flags", x.flagString(info.inner_class_access_flags, "InnerClass")); e.trimToSize(); p.add(e); } return null; } @Override public Element visitLineNumberTable(LineNumberTable_attribute lnt, Element p) { String name = x.getCpString(lnt.attribute_name_index); for (LineNumberTable_attribute.Entry e : lnt.line_number_table) { Element l = new Element(name); l.setAttr("bci", "" + e.start_pc); l.setAttr("line", "" + e.line_number); l.trimToSize(); p.add(l); } return null; // already added to parent } @Override public Element visitLocalVariableTable(LocalVariableTable_attribute lvt, Element p) { String name = x.getCpString(lvt.attribute_name_index); for (LocalVariableTable_attribute.Entry e : lvt.local_variable_table) { Element l = new Element(name); l.setAttr("bci", "" + e.start_pc); l.setAttr("span", "" + e.length); l.setAttr("name", x.getCpString(e.name_index)); l.setAttr("type", x.getCpString(e.descriptor_index)); l.setAttr("slot", "" + e.index); l.trimToSize(); p.add(l); } return null; // already added to parent } @Override public Element visitLocalVariableTypeTable(LocalVariableTypeTable_attribute lvtt, Element p) { String name = x.getCpString(lvtt.attribute_name_index); for (LocalVariableTypeTable_attribute.Entry e : lvtt.local_variable_table) { Element l = new Element(name); l.setAttr("bci", "" + e.start_pc); l.setAttr("span", "" + e.length); l.setAttr("name", x.getCpString(e.name_index)); l.setAttr("type", x.getCpString(e.signature_index)); l.setAttr("slot", "" + e.index); l.trimToSize(); p.add(l); } return null; // already added to parent } @Override public Element visitMethodParameters(MethodParameters_attribute mp, Element p) { String name = x.getCpString(mp.attribute_name_index); for (MethodParameters_attribute.Entry e : mp.method_parameter_table) { Element l = new Element(name); l.setAttr("name", x.getCpString(e.name_index)); l.setAttr("flag", "" + e.flags); l.trimToSize(); p.add(l); } return null; // already added to parent } private void parseAnnotation(Annotation anno, Element p) { Element ea = new Element("Annotation"); ea.setAttr("name", "" + x.getCpString(anno.type_index)); for (Annotation.element_value_pair evp : anno.element_value_pairs) { Element evpe = new Element("Element"); evpe.setAttr("tag", "" + evp.value.tag); evpe.setAttr("value", x.getCpString(evp.element_name_index)); Element child = aev.visit(evp.value, evpe); if (child != null) { evpe.add(child); } ea.add(evpe); } ea.trimToSize(); p.add(ea); } private void parseAnnotations(Annotation[] ra, Element p) { for (Annotation anno : ra) { parseAnnotation(anno, p); } } @Override public Element visitRuntimeVisibleAnnotations(RuntimeVisibleAnnotations_attribute rva, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(rva.attribute_name_index)); parseAnnotations(rva.annotations, e); e.trimToSize(); p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitRuntimeInvisibleAnnotations(RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations_attribute ria, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(ria.attribute_name_index)); parseAnnotations(ria.annotations, e); e.trimToSize(); p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations(RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations_attribute rvpa, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(rvpa.attribute_name_index)); for (Annotation[] pa : rvpa.parameter_annotations) { parseAnnotations(pa, e); } p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitRuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations(RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations_attribute ripa, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(ripa.attribute_name_index)); for (Annotation[] pa : ripa.parameter_annotations) { parseAnnotations(pa, e); } p.add(e); return null; } private void parsePosition(Position ap, Element p) { Element te = new Element(); switch (ap.type) { case CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER: // 0x00 te.setName("CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER"); te.setAttr("idx", "" + ap.parameter_index); break; case METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER: // 0x01 te.setName("METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER"); te.setAttr("idx", "" + ap.parameter_index); break; case CLASS_EXTENDS: // 0x10 te.setName("CLASS_EXTENDS"); te.setAttr("idx", "" + ap.type_index); break; case CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND: // 0x11 te.setName("CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND"); te.setAttr("idx1", "" + ap.parameter_index); te.setAttr("idx2", "" + ap.bound_index); break; case METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND: // 0x12 te.setName("METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND"); te.setAttr("idx1", "" + ap.parameter_index); te.setAttr("idx2", "" + ap.bound_index); break; case FIELD: // 0x13 te.setName("FIELD"); break; case METHOD_RETURN: // 0x14 te.setName("METHOD_RETURN"); break; case METHOD_RECEIVER: // 0x15 te.setName("METHOD_RECEIVER"); break; case METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER: // 0x16 te.setName("METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER"); te.setAttr("idx", "" + ap.parameter_index); break; case THROWS: // 0x17 te.setName("THROWS"); te.setAttr("idx", "" + ap.type_index); break; case LOCAL_VARIABLE: // 0x40 te.setName("LOCAL_VARIABLE"); for (int i = 0; i < ap.lvarIndex.length; i++) { te.setAttr("lvar_idx_" + i, "" + ap.lvarIndex[i]); te.setAttr("lvar_len_" + i, "" + ap.lvarLength[i]); te.setAttr("lvar_off_" + i, "" + ap.lvarOffset[i]); } break; case RESOURCE_VARIABLE: // 0x41 te.setName("RESOURCE_VARIABLE"); for (int i = 0; i < ap.lvarIndex.length ; i++) { te.setAttr("lvar_idx_" + i, "" + ap.lvarIndex[i]); te.setAttr("lvar_len_" + i, "" + ap.lvarLength[i]); te.setAttr("lvar_off_" + i, "" + ap.lvarOffset[i]); } break; case EXCEPTION_PARAMETER: // 0x42 te.setName("EXCEPTION_PARAMETER"); te.setAttr("idx", "" + ap.exception_index); break; case INSTANCEOF: // 0x43 te.setName("INSTANCE_OF"); te.setAttr("off", "" + ap.offset); break; case NEW: // 0x44 te.setName("NEW"); te.setAttr("off", "" + ap.offset); break; case CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE: // 0x45 te.setName("CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE_RECEIVER"); te.setAttr("off", "" + ap.offset); break; case METHOD_REFERENCE: // 0x46 te.setName("METHOD_REFERENCE_RECEIVER"); te.setAttr("off", "" + ap.offset); break; case CAST: // 0x47 te.setName("CAST"); te.setAttr("off", "" + ap.offset); te.setAttr("idx", "" + ap.type_index); break; case CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT: // 0x48 te.setName("CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT"); te.setAttr("off", "" + ap.offset); te.setAttr("idx", "" + ap.type_index); break; case METHOD_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT: // 0x49 te.setName("METHOD_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT"); te.setAttr("off", "" + ap.offset); te.setAttr("idx", "" + ap.type_index); break; case CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT: // 0x4A te.setName("CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT"); te.setAttr("off", "" + ap.offset); te.setAttr("idx", "" + ap.type_index); break; case METHOD_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT: // 0x4B te.setName("METHOD_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT"); te.setAttr("off", "" + ap.offset); te.setAttr("idx", "" + ap.type_index); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("not implemented"); } te.trimToSize(); p.add(te); } private void parseTypeAnnotations(TypeAnnotation pa, Element p) { Element pta = new Element("RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotation"); p.add(pta); Position pos = pa.position; parsePosition(pos, pta); parseAnnotation(pa.annotation, pta); } @Override public Element visitRuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations(RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations_attribute rvta, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(rvta.attribute_name_index)); for (TypeAnnotation pa : rvta.annotations) { parseTypeAnnotations(pa, e); } e.sort(); p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitRuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations(RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations_attribute rita, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(rita.attribute_name_index)); for (TypeAnnotation pa : rita.annotations) { parseTypeAnnotations(pa, e); } e.sort(); p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitSignature(Signature_attribute s, Element p) { String aname = x.getCpString(s.attribute_name_index); String sname = x.getCpString(s.signature_index); Element se = new Element(aname); se.add(sname); se.trimToSize(); p.add(se); return null; } @Override public Element visitSourceDebugExtension(SourceDebugExtension_attribute sde, Element p) { String aname = x.getCpString(sde.attribute_name_index); Element se = new Element(aname); se.setAttr("val", sde.getValue()); se.trimToSize(); p.add(se); return null; } @Override public Element visitSourceFile(SourceFile_attribute sf, Element p) { String aname = x.getCpString(sf.attribute_name_index); String sname = x.getCpString(sf.sourcefile_index); Element se = new Element(aname); se.add(sname); se.trimToSize(); p.add(se); return null; } @Override public Element visitSourceID(SourceID_attribute sid, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(sid.attribute_name_index)); e.add(x.getCpString(sid.sourceID_index)); e.trimToSize(); p.add(e); return null; } @Override public Element visitStackMap(StackMap_attribute sm, Element p) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } @Override public Element visitStackMapTable(StackMapTable_attribute smt, Element p) { Element stackmap = new Element(x.getCpString(smt.attribute_name_index)); for (StackMapTable_attribute.stack_map_frame f : smt.entries) { StackMapVisitor smv = new StackMapVisitor(x, cf, stackmap); stackmap.add(smv.visit(f)); } stackmap.trimToSize(); p.add(stackmap); return null; } @Override public Element visitSynthetic(Synthetic_attribute s, Element p) { Element e = new Element(x.getCpString(s.attribute_name_index)); e.trimToSize(); p.add(e); return null; } } class StackMapVisitor implements StackMapTable_attribute.stack_map_frame.Visitor { final ClassFile cf; final ClassReader x; final Element parent; public StackMapVisitor(ClassReader x, ClassFile cf, Element parent) { this.x = x; this.cf = cf; this.parent = parent; } public Element visit(StackMapTable_attribute.stack_map_frame frame) { return frame.accept(this, null); } @Override public Element visit_same_frame(same_frame sm_frm, Void p) { Element e = new Element("SameFrame"); e.setAttr("tag", "" + sm_frm.frame_type); return e; } @Override public Element visit_same_locals_1_stack_item_frame(same_locals_1_stack_item_frame s, Void p) { Element e = new Element("SameLocals1StackItemFrame"); e.setAttr("tag", "" + s.frame_type); e.addAll(getVerificationTypeInfo("Stack", s.stack)); e.trimToSize(); return e; } @Override public Element visit_same_locals_1_stack_item_frame_extended(same_locals_1_stack_item_frame_extended s, Void p) { Element e = new Element("SameLocals1StackItemFrameExtended"); e.setAttr("tag", "" + s.frame_type); e.addAll(getVerificationTypeInfo("Stack", s.stack)); e.trimToSize(); return e; } @Override public Element visit_chop_frame(chop_frame c, Void p) { Element e = new Element("Chop" + (251 - c.frame_type)); e.setAttr("tag", "" + c.frame_type); e.setAttr("offset", "" + c.offset_delta); return e; } @Override public Element visit_same_frame_extended(same_frame_extended s, Void p) { Element e = new Element("SameFrameExtended"); e.setAttr("tag", "" + s.frame_type); e.setAttr("offset", "" + s.offset_delta); return e; } @Override public Element visit_append_frame(append_frame a, Void p) { Element e = new Element("AppendFrame" + (a.frame_type - 251)); e.setAttr("tag", "" + a.frame_type); e.addAll(getVerificationTypeInfo("Local", a.locals)); e.trimToSize(); return e; } @Override public Element visit_full_frame(full_frame fl_frm, Void p) { Element e = new Element("FullFrame"); e.setAttr("tag", "" + fl_frm.frame_type); e.addAll(getVerificationTypeInfo("Local", fl_frm.locals)); e.trimToSize(); return e; } private Element getVerificationTypeInfo(String kind, StackMapTable_attribute.verification_type_info velems[]) { Element container = new Element(velems.length); for (StackMapTable_attribute.verification_type_info v : velems) { Element ve = null; int offset = 0; int index = 0; switch (v.tag) { case StackMapTable_attribute.verification_type_info.ITEM_Top: ve = new Element("ITEM_Top"); break; case StackMapTable_attribute.verification_type_info.ITEM_Integer: ve = new Element("ITEM_Integer"); break; case StackMapTable_attribute.verification_type_info.ITEM_Float: ve = new Element("ITEM_Float"); break; case StackMapTable_attribute.verification_type_info.ITEM_Long: ve = new Element("ITEM_Long"); break; case StackMapTable_attribute.verification_type_info.ITEM_Double: ve = new Element("ITEM_Double"); break; case StackMapTable_attribute.verification_type_info.ITEM_Null: ve = new Element("ITEM_Null"); break; case StackMapTable_attribute.verification_type_info.ITEM_Uninitialized: ve = new Element("ITEM_Uninitialized"); offset = ((StackMapTable_attribute.Uninitialized_variable_info) v).offset; ve.setAttr("offset", "" + offset); break; case StackMapTable_attribute.verification_type_info.ITEM_UninitializedThis: ve = new Element("ITEM_UnitializedtThis"); break; case StackMapTable_attribute.verification_type_info.ITEM_Object: ve = new Element("ITEM_Object"); index = ((StackMapTable_attribute.Object_variable_info) v).cpool_index; ve.setAttr("class", x.getCpString(index)); break; default: ve = new Element("Unknown"); } Element kindE = new Element(kind); kindE.setAttr("tag", "" + v.tag); container.add(kindE); kindE.add(ve); } container.trimToSize(); return container; } } class InstructionVisitor implements Instruction.KindVisitor { final ClassReader x; final ClassFile cf; public InstructionVisitor(ClassReader x, ClassFile cf) { this.x = x; this.cf = cf; } public Element visit(Instruction i) { Element ie = i.accept(this, null); ie.trimToSize(); return ie; } @Override public Element visitNoOperands(Instruction i, Void p) { Opcode o = i.getOpcode(); Element e = new Element(i.getMnemonic()); if (o.opcode > 0xab && o.opcode <= 0xb1) { e.setAttr("pc", "" + i.getPC()); } return e; } @Override public Element visitArrayType(Instruction i, TypeKind tk, Void p) { Element ie = new Element(i.getMnemonic()); ie.setAttr("num", "" + tk.value); ie.setAttr("val", tk.name); return ie; } @Override public Element visitBranch(Instruction i, int i1, Void p) { Element ie = new Element(i.getMnemonic()); ie.setAttr("lab", "" + (i.getPC() + i1)); return ie; } @Override public Element visitConstantPoolRef(Instruction i, int i1, Void p) { Element ie = new Element(i.getMnemonic()); ie.setAttr("ref", x.getCpString(i1)); return ie; } @Override public Element visitConstantPoolRefAndValue(Instruction i, int i1, int i2, Void p) { // workaround for a potential bug in classfile Element ie = new Element(i.getMnemonic()); if (i.getOpcode().equals(Opcode.IINC_W)) { ie.setAttr("loc", "" + i1); ie.setAttr("num", "" + i2); } else { ie.setAttr("ref", x.getCpString(i1)); ie.setAttr("val", "" + i2); } return ie; } @Override public Element visitLocal(Instruction i, int i1, Void p) { Element ie = new Element(i.getMnemonic()); ie.setAttr("loc", "" + i1); return ie; } @Override public Element visitLocalAndValue(Instruction i, int i1, int i2, Void p) { Element ie = new Element(i.getMnemonic()); ie.setAttr("loc", "" + i1); ie.setAttr("num", "" + i2); return ie; } @Override public Element visitLookupSwitch(Instruction i, int i1, int i2, int[] ints, int[] ints1, Void p) { Element ie = new Element(i.getMnemonic()); int pc = i.getPC(); ie.setAttr("lab", "" + (pc + i1)); for (int k = 0 ; k < i2 ; k++) { Element c = new Element("Case"); c.setAttr("num", "" + (ints[k])); c.setAttr("lab", "" + (pc + ints1[k])); c.trimToSize(); ie.add(c); } return ie; } @Override public Element visitTableSwitch(Instruction i, int i1, int i2, int i3, int[] ints, Void p) { Element ie = new Element(i.getMnemonic()); int pc = i.getPC(); ie.setAttr("lab", "" + (pc + i1)); for (int k : ints) { Element c = new Element("Case"); c.setAttr("num", "" + (k + i2)); c.setAttr("lab", "" + (pc + k)); c.trimToSize(); ie.add(c); } return ie; } @Override public Element visitValue(Instruction i, int i1, Void p) { Element ie = new Element(i.getMnemonic()); ie.setAttr("num", "" + i1); return ie; } @Override public Element visitUnknown(Instruction i, Void p) { Element e = new Element(i.getMnemonic()); e.setAttr("pc", "" + i.getPC()); e.setAttr("opcode", "" + i.getOpcode().opcode); return e; } } class AnnotationsElementVisitor implements Annotation.element_value.Visitor { final ClassReader x; final ClassFile cf; public AnnotationsElementVisitor(ClassReader x, ClassFile cf) { this.x = x; this.cf = cf; } public Element visit(Annotation.element_value v, Element p) { return v.accept(this, p); } @Override public Element visitPrimitive(Primitive_element_value e, Element p) { Element el = new Element("String"); el.setAttr("val", x.getCpString(e.const_value_index)); el.trimToSize(); return el; } @Override public Element visitEnum(Enum_element_value e, Element p) { Element el = new Element("Enum"); el.setAttr("name", x.getCpString(e.const_name_index)); el.setAttr("type", x.getCpString(e.type_name_index)); el.trimToSize(); return el; } @Override public Element visitClass(Class_element_value c, Element p) { Element el = new Element("Class"); el.setAttr("name", x.getCpString(c.class_info_index)); el.trimToSize(); return el; } @Override public Element visitAnnotation(Annotation_element_value a, Element p) { Element el = new Element("Annotation"); Annotation anno = a.annotation_value; for (Annotation.element_value_pair evp : anno.element_value_pairs) { Element child = visit(evp.value, el); if (child != null) { el.add(child); } } el.trimToSize(); return el; } @Override public Element visitArray(Array_element_value a, Element p) { Element el = new Element("Array"); for (Annotation.element_value v : a.values) { Element child = visit(v, el); if (child != null) { el.add(child); } } el.trimToSize(); return el; } }