This is a multi-stage test. Click on "done" when you have completed reading these instructions.

  1. PolicyTool will be invoked
  2. Click on "Add Policy Entry"
  3. Click on "Add Principal"
  4. Type "myalias" in the "Principal Name" field (leave "Principal Type" empty)
  5. Click on "OK"
  6. Confirm there is a message: 'myalias' will be interpreted as a key store alias. ... Click on "OK"
  7. Click on "Done"
  8. Open the "File" menu, and "View Warning Log"
  9. Confirm there is a warning: Warning: Principal name 'myalias' specified without a Principal class.
  10. Click on "OK"
  11. Open the "File" menu, and "Save As"
  12. Save using the file name "p1"
  13. Click on "OK" in the status message window
  14. Open the "File" menu and "Open Policy"
  15. Open the file named "p1"
  16. If the file opens successfully, the test passed. Otherwise, the test failed.