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CALENDAR TEST SCRIPT Masayoshi Okutsu 2005-03-18 Introduction ------------ Calendar Test Script is a simple scripting language to describe test cases for java.util.Calendar and its subclasses. It should be much more productive to use this script language than writing test programs in Java. A script looks like below. 1 locale ja JP JP 2 timezone Asia/Tokyo 3 new instance jcal 4 test day of week on Heisei 1 Jan 8 5 use jcal 6 clear all 7 set date Heisei 1 Jan 8 8 check day_of_week Sun The first line defines a Locale to be used for creating Calendar instances. Line 2 defines the current TimeZone to be Asia/Tokyo that is used creating Calendar instances. Line 3 creates a Calendar instance with the Locale and TimeZone instances. Its reference name is `jcal'. Line 4 indicates a start point for a test case with a short test case description. Line 5 designates `jcal' as the current Calendar instance. All calendar operation commands are applied to the current Calendar instance. Line 6 clears all of the calendar fields (e.g., ERA, YEAR, MONTH, etc.). Line 7 sets the ERA, YEAR, MONTH and DAY_OF_MONTH fields to Heisei, 1, JANUARY and 8, respectively. Line 8 checks if the DAY_OF_WEEK value is SUNDAY. If it's not, then a RuntimeException is thrown. Script Grammar -------------- A line is a comment, blank or command line. Any text after '#' is always treated as a comment and ignored, like a shell script. # This is a comment line. A command line consists of a command and its parameters, optionally followed by a comment. For example, set date Heisei 1 Jan 8 # The first day of Heisei `set' is a command to set `date' to Heisei year 1 January 8th. `Heisei' is a constant for the Japanese Heisei era value which is consistent with the Japanese imperial calendar implementation. `Jan' is a constant for Calendar.SUNDAY. The text after '#' is ignored. Keywords are case-insensitive. set DAY_OF_WEEK MON SET day_of_week Mon are the same thing. Lexical analysis is very simple. A command must be complete in a single line. Keywords and symbols must be separated by white space. For example, "$result+1" is parsed as one token. It must be written as "$result + 1". Variables --------- Variables can be used in any context to store an integer value and are referenced in any contexts where an integer value is required. A variable name must start with a '$', such as `$maxyear'. The integer value is handled as a long. `$result' is reserved for storing a result of a get commend operation. For example, executing the following command: get day_of_month sets $result to the get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) value of the current Calendar instance. (See NEW and USE commands for the current Calendar instance.) Commands -------- The following defines each command and its syntax. Keywords are described in upper case below. LOCALE language [country [variant]] Creates a Locale instance by calling new Locale(language, country, variant). country and variant are optional. Defining LOCALE overrides the previously defined Locale value if any. The initial Locale value is Locale.getDefault(). TIMEZONE tzid Creates a TimeZone instance by calling TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzid). Defining TIMEZONE overrides the previously defined Locale value if any. The initial TimeZone value is TimeZone.getDefault(). NEW INSTANCE calendarname Creates a Calendar instance by calling Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone, Locale). TimeZone and Locale are those defined by TIMEZONE and LOCALE commands (or their initial values), respectively. The instance is associated with `calendarname' and becomes the current Calendar instance to be used for testing. NEW GREGORIAN calendarname Creates a Calendar instance by calling new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone, Locale). TimeZone and Locale are those defined by TIMEZONE and LOCALE commands (or their initial values), respectively. The instance is associated with `calendarname' and becomes the current Calendar instance to be used for testing. TEST [comments...] Declares the beginning of a test case. `comments...' gives a short description of a test case. (Multiple lines are not supported.) The test system displays `comments...' to System.out. For example, the following command: test A test case for non-lenient mode will output: Test #n: A test case for non-lenient mode where `n' is a sequence number of TEST command lines appeared in a test script file. USE calendarname Specifies the current Calendar instance to use for testing by `calendarname'. If you need to use more than one Calendar instances, then you have to switch those Calendar instances by the USE command. ASSIGN value variable Assigns `value' to `variable'. `value' can be an integer literal, a variable name or a constant. Examples are: assign 2005 $year assign $result $temp assign Sun $Microsystems ASSIGN value variable IF condition Assigns `value' to `variable' if `condition' is true. `condition' is a relational expression as: value1 relOp value2 `relOp' must be one of >, >=, ==, !=, <=, <. EVAL expression Evaluates the given *simple* expression and assigns the expression value to $result if `op' is one of the arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, %). If `op' is one of the relational operators (>, >=, ==, !=, <=, <), then EVAL throws an exception if the expression value is false, or does nothing if the value is true. Note that an operator and values must be separated by white space. The following is an example of the ASSIGN and EVAL commands usage to get the next day of week value. Then, it's used to check the roll(DAY_OF_WEEK) result. get day_of_week eval $result + 1 assign $result $nextDayOfWeek assign Sun $nextDayOfWeek if $nextDayOfWeek > Sat roll day_of_week 1 check day_of_week $nextDayOfWeek CLEAR ALL Clears all the calendar fields of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.clear(). CLEAR field Clears the specified calendar `field' of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.clear(field).`field' must be one of the Calendar field indices, ERA, YEAR, MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH, WEEK_OF_YEAR, etc. GET MILLIS Gets the millisecond value of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.getTimeInMillis(). The value is assigned to $result. GET field Gets the `field' value specified of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.get(field). The value is assigned to $result. GET MIN field Gets the minimum value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.getMinimum(field). The value is assigned to $result. GET GREATESTMIN field Gets the greatest minimum value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.getGreatestMinimum(field). The value is assigned to $result. GET ACTUALMIN field Gets the actual minimum value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.getActualMinimum(field). The value is assigned to $result. GET MAX field Gets the maximum value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.getMaximum(field). The value is assigned to $result. GET LEASTMAX field Gets the least maximum value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.getLeastMaximum(field). The value is assigned to $result. GET ACTUALMAX field Gets the actual maximum value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.getActualMaximum(field). The value is assigned to $result. GET FIRSTDAYOFWEEK Gets the first day of week value of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.getFirstDayOfWeek(). The value is assigned to $result. GET MINIMALDAYSINFIRSTWEEK Gets the minimal days in first week value of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(). The value is assigned to $result. ADD field amount Adds `amount' to the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.add(field, amount). ROLL field amount Rolls `amount' of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.roll(field, amount). SET MILLIS value Sets the millisecond value of the current Calendar instance to `value' by calling Calendar.setTimeInMillis(value). SET field value Sets the `field' value of the current Calendar instance to `value' by calling Calendar.set(field, value). SET DATE era year month dayOfMonth Sets the date of the current Calendar instance to the date specified by `era', `year', `month' and `dayOfMonth' by calling Calendar.set(ERA, era) and Calendar.set(year, month, dayOfMonth). Please note that `month' follows the Calendar convention and is 0-based. (e.g., JANUARY is 0) SET DATE year month dayOfMonth Sets the date of the current Calendar instance to the date specified by `year', `month' and `dayOfMonth' by calling Calendar.set(year, month, dayOfMont). Please note that `month' follows the Calendar convention and is 0-based. (e.g., JANUARY is 0) SET DATETIME year month dayOfMonth hourOfDay minute second Sets the date and time of the current Calendar instance to the date and time specified by `year', `month', `dayOfMonth', `hourOfDay', `minute', and `second' by calling Calendar.set(year, month, dayOfMonth, hourOfDay, minute, second). Please note that `hourOfDay' is the 24-hour clock. SET TIMEOFDAY hourOfDay minute second millisecond Sets the date and time of the current Calendar instance to the date and time specified by `year', `month', `dayOfMonth', `hourOfDay', `minute', and `second' by calling Calendar.set(HOUR_OF_DAY, hourOfDay), Calendar.set(MINUTE, minute), and Calendar.set(SECOND, second). SET FIRSTDAYOFWEEK value Sets the first day of week value of the current Calendar instance to `value' by calling Calendar.setFirstDayOfWeek(value). SET MINIMALDAYSINFIRSTWEEK value Sets the minimal days in the first week value of the current Calendar instance to `value' by calling Calendar.setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(value). SET LENIENT Sets the lenient mode in the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.setLenient(true). SET NON-LENIENT Sets the non-lenient mode in the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.setLenient(false). CHECK MILLIS value Checks if the specified `value' is the same as the millisecond value of the current Calendar instance given by calling Calendar.getTimeInMillis(). If the values are different, an exception is thrown. CHECK DATE era year month dayOfMonth Checks if the date specified by `era', `year', `month' and `dayOfMonth' is the same date of the current Calendar instance. The calendar date is given by calling Calendar.get(ERA), Calendar.get(YEAR), Calendar.get(MONTH), and Calendar.get(DAY_OF_MONTH). If the dates are different, an exception is thrown. CHECK DATE year month dayOfMonth Checks if the date specified by `year', `month' and `dayOfMonth' is the same date of the current Calendar instance. The calendar date is given by calling Calendar.get(YEAR), Calendar.get(MONTH), and Calendar.get(DAY_OF_MONTH). If the dates are different, an exception is thrown. CHECK DATETIME year month dayOfMonth hourOfDay minute second Checks if the date and time specified by `year', `month', `dayOfMonth', `hourOfDay', `minute', and `second' are the same ones of the current Calendar instance. The calendar date and time are given by calling Calendar.get(YEAR), Calendar.get(MONTH), Calendar.get(DAY_OF_MONTH), Calendar.get(HOUR_OF_DAY), Calendar.get(MINUTE) and Calendar.get(SECOND). If the dates or times are different, an exception is thrown. CHECK DATETIME year month dayOfMonth hourOfDay minute second millisecond Checks if the date and time specified by `year', `month', `dayOfMonth', `hourOfDay', `minute', `second' and `millisecond' are the same ones of the current Calendar instance. The calendar date and time are given by calling Calendar.get(YEAR), Calendar.get(MONTH), Calendar.get(DAY_OF_MONTH), Calendar.get(HOUR_OF_DAY), Calendar.get(MINUTE), Calendar.get(SECOND) and Calendar.get(MILLISECOND). If the dates or times are different, an exception is thrown. CHECK TIMEOFDAY hourOfDay minute second millisecond Checks if the time of day specified by `hourOfDay', `minute', `second' and `millisecond' are the same ones of the current Calendar instance. The calendar date and time are given by calling Calendar.get(HOUR_OF_DAY), Calendar.get(MINUTE), Calendar.get(SECOND) and Calendar.get(MILLISECOND). If the times are different, an exception is thrown. CHECK field value Checks if the value of the given `field' of the current Calendar instance is equal to the given `value'. If it doesn't, an exception is thrown. CHECK MIN field value Checks if the minimum value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance is equal to the specified `value'. If not, an exception is thrown. CHECK GREATESTMIN field value Checks if the greatest minimum value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance is equal to the specified `value'. If not, an exception is thrown. CHECK ACTUALMIN field value Checks if the actual minimum value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance is equal to the specified `value'. If not, an exception is thrown. CHECK MAX field value Checks if the maximum value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance is equal to the specified `value'. If not, an exception is thrown. CHECK LEASTMAX field value Checks if the least maximum value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance is equal to the specified `value'. If not, an exception is thrown. CHECK ACTUALMAX field value Checks if the actual maximum value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance is equal to the specified `value'. If not, an exception is thrown. EXCEPTION exceptionname Checks if the previous command threw the specified exception by `exceptionname'. For example, the following tests invalid date detection in non-lenient. set non-lenient set date 2005 Feb 29 # 2005 isn't a leap year. get millis exception IllegalArgumentException PRINT variable Prints the value of `variable'. PRINT INSTANCE [calendarname] Prints the Calendar.toString() value of the current Calendar instance or the instance given by `calendarname'. PRINT field Prints the value of the specified `field' of the current Calendar instance. The value is obtained by calling Calendar.get(field). PRINT MILLIS Prints the millisecond value of the current Calendar instance. The value is obtained by calling Calendar.getTimeInMillis(). PRINT MIN field Prints the minimum value of the specified field by `field' of the current Calendar instance. The value is obtained by calling Calendar.getMinimum(field). PRINT GREATESTMIN field Prints the greatest minimum value of the specified field by `field' of the current Calendar instance. The value is obtained by calling Calendar.getGreatestMinimum(field). PRINT ACTUALMIN field Prints the actual minimum value of the specified field by `field' of the current Calendar instance by calling Calendar.getActualMinimum(field). PRINT MAX field Prints the maximum value of the specified field by `field' of the current Calendar instance. The value is obtained by calling Calendar.getMaximum(field). PRINT LEASTMAX field Prints the least maximum value of the specified field by `field' of the current Calendar instance. The value is obtained by calling Calendar.getLeastMaximum(field). PRINT ACTUALMAX field Prints the actual maximum value of the specified field by `field' of the current Calendar instance. The value is obtained by calling Calendar.getActualMaximum(field). PRINT DATE Prints the date of the current Calendar instance in format "[ERA] yyyy-MM-dd". The date is obtained by calling Calendar.get(ERA), Calendar.get(YEAR), Calendar.get(MONTH), and Calendar.get(DAY_OF_MONTH). PRINT DATETIME Prints the date and time of the current Calendar instance in an ISO 8601-style format "[ERA] yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS{Z|{+|-}hhmm}". The date and time are obtained by calling Calendar.get(ERA), Calendar.get(YEAR), Calendar.get(MONTH), Calendar.get(DAY_OF_MONTH), Calendar.get(HOUR_OF_DAY), Calendar.get(MINUTE), Calendar.get(SECOND), Calendar.get(MILLISECOND), Calendar.get(ZONE_OFFSET), and Calendar.get(DST_OFFSET). PRINT TIMEZONE Prints the toString() value of the current TimeZone. PRINT LOCALE Prints the toString() value of the current Locale. Usage ----- The usage of the test script system at this directory is: $ javac -d classes --add-exports java.base/sun.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.base/sun.util.calendar=ALL-UNNAMED *.java $ java -cp classes CalendarTestEngine scriptfiles... A script file has suffix ".cts" by convention. If multiple script files are specified. Those files are sequentially executed as if those are a single test script. For example, if we have the following script files: file1.cts: locale ja JP JP timezone Asia/Tokyo file2.cts: new instance jcal new gregorian gcal test example use jcal print datetime get millis print $result use gcal set millis $result print datetime running CalendarTestEngine with those files will produce: $ java -cp classes CalendarTestEngine file1.cts file2.cts Starting file1.cts... Completed file1.cts Starting file2.cts... Test #1: example file2.cts:5: Heisei 0017-03-18T20:00:25.402+0900 file2.cts:7: $result=1111143625402 file2.cts:10: 2005-03-18T20:00:25.402+0900 Completed file2.cts [end of README]