/* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 4833268 6253991 8008577 * @summary Test formatting and parsing with non-Gregorian calendars * @run main/othervm -Djava.locale.providers=JRE,SPI NonGregorianFormatTest */ import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import static java.util.Calendar.*; public class NonGregorianFormatTest { static int errors; static final Object[][] JAPANESE_EN = { { "GGGG yyyy MMMM d", "Showa 1 December 31", new Date(1926-1900, DECEMBER, 31) }, { "GGGG yyyy MMMM d", "Showa 64 January 6", new Date(1989-1900, JANUARY, 6) }, { "GGGG yyyy MMMM d", "Heisei 1 August 9", new Date(1989-1900, AUGUST, 9) }, { "GGGG yyyy MMMM d", "Heisei 17 June 10", new Date(2005-1900, JUNE, 10) }, { "Gy.MM.dd", "S1.12.31", new Date(1926-1900, DECEMBER, 31) }, { "Gy.MM.dd", "S64.01.06", new Date(1989-1900, JANUARY, 6) }, { "Gyy.MM.dd", "H01.08.09", new Date(1989-1900, AUGUST, 9) }, { "Gy.M.d", "H1.8.9", new Date(1989-1900, AUGUST, 9) }, { "Gy.MM.dd", "H17.06.10", new Date(2005-1900, JUNE, 10) }, }; // Invalid dates for parse exception tests static final Object[][] EXCEPTION_JAPANESE_EN = { { "GGGG yyyy MMMM d", "Showa 1 December 10" }, { "GGGG yyyy MMMM d", "Showa 64 January 16" }, { "GGGG yyyy MMMM d", "Heisei 1 January 1" }, { "Gy.MM.dd", "S1.12.10" }, { "Gy.MM.dd", "S64.01.16" }, { "Gyy.MM.dd", "H01.01.01" }, }; static final Object[][] BUDDHIST_EN = { { "GGGG yyyy MMMM d", "B.E. 2469 December 31", new Date(1926-1900, DECEMBER, 31) }, { "GGGG yyyy MMMM d", "B.E. 2532 January 6", new Date(1989-1900, JANUARY, 6) }, { "GGGG yyyy MMMM d", "B.E. 2532 August 8", new Date(1989-1900, AUGUST, 8) }, { "GGGG yyyy MMMM d", "B.E. 2548 June 10", new Date(2005-1900, JUNE, 10) }, { "Gyyyy/MM/dd", "B.E.2469/12/31", new Date(1926-1900, DECEMBER, 31) }, { "Gyyyy/MM/dd", "B.E.2532/01/06", new Date(1989-1900, JANUARY, 6) }, { "Gyyyy/MM/dd", "B.E.2532/08/09", new Date(1989-1900, AUGUST, 9) }, { "Gyyyy/MM/dd", "B.E.2548/06/10", new Date(2005-1900, JUNE, 10) }, }; static final String FULL_DATE_FORMAT_JA = "GGGGyyyy'\u5e74'M'\u6708'd'\u65e5'"; static final Object[][] JAPANESE_JA = { { FULL_DATE_FORMAT_JA, "\u662d\u548c\u5143\u5e7412\u670831\u65e5", new Date(1926-1900, DECEMBER, 31) }, { FULL_DATE_FORMAT_JA, "\u662d\u548c64\u5e741\u67086\u65e5", new Date(1989-1900, JANUARY, 6) }, { FULL_DATE_FORMAT_JA, "\u5e73\u6210\u5143\u5e748\u67089\u65e5", new Date(1989-1900, AUGUST, 9) }, { FULL_DATE_FORMAT_JA, "\u5e73\u621017\u5e746\u670810\u65e5", new Date(2005-1900, JUNE, 10) }, { "Gyy.MM.dd", "S01.12.31", new Date(1926-1900, DECEMBER, 31) }, { "Gyy.MM.dd", "S64.01.06", new Date(1989-1900, JANUARY, 6) }, { "Gyy.MM.dd", "H01.08.09", new Date(1989-1900, AUGUST, 9) }, { "Gy.M.d", "H1.8.9", new Date(1989-1900, AUGUST, 9) }, { "Gyy.MM.dd", "H17.06.10", new Date(2005-1900, JUNE, 10) }, }; // Invalid dates for parse exception tests static final Object[][] EXCEPTION_JAPANESE_JA = { { FULL_DATE_FORMAT_JA, "\u662d\u548c\u5143\u5e7412\u670810\u65e5" }, { FULL_DATE_FORMAT_JA, "\u662d\u548c64\u5e741\u670816\u65e5" }, { FULL_DATE_FORMAT_JA, "\u5e73\u6210\u5143\u5e741\u67081\u65e5" }, { "Gyy.MM.dd", "S01.12.10" }, { "Gyy.MM.dd", "S64.01.16" }, { "Gyy.MM.dd", "H01.01.01" }, }; static final Object[][] BUDDHIST_JA = { { FULL_DATE_FORMAT_JA, "\u4ecf\u66a62469\u5e7412\u670831\u65e5", new Date(1926-1900, DECEMBER, 31) }, { FULL_DATE_FORMAT_JA, "\u4ecf\u66a62532\u5e741\u67086\u65e5", new Date(1989-1900, JANUARY, 6) }, { FULL_DATE_FORMAT_JA, "\u4ecf\u66a62532\u5e748\u67089\u65e5", new Date(1989-1900, AUGUST, 9) }, { FULL_DATE_FORMAT_JA, "\u4ecf\u66a62548\u5e746\u670810\u65e5", new Date(2005-1900, JUNE, 10) }, { "Gyyyy/MM/dd", "B.E.2469/12/31", new Date(1926-1900, DECEMBER, 31) }, { "Gyyyy/MM/dd", "B.E.2532/01/06", new Date(1989-1900, JANUARY, 6) }, { "Gyyyy/MM/dd", "B.E.2532/08/09", new Date(1989-1900, AUGUST, 9) }, { "Gyyyy/MM/dd", "B.E.2548/06/10", new Date(2005-1900, JUNE, 10) }, }; public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault(); Locale[] locales = { Locale.ENGLISH, Locale.JAPAN }; try { for (Locale locale : locales) { test(locale); } } finally { Locale.setDefault(defaultLocale); } if (errors > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: " + errors + " error(s)"); } } private static void test(Locale locale) { Locale.setDefault(locale); // Tests with the Japanese imperial calendar Locale calendarLocale = new Locale("ja", "JP", "JP"); testRoundTrip(calendarLocale); testRoundTripSimple(calendarLocale, locale == Locale.ENGLISH ? JAPANESE_EN : JAPANESE_JA); testParseExceptions(calendarLocale, locale == Locale.ENGLISH ? EXCEPTION_JAPANESE_EN : EXCEPTION_JAPANESE_JA); // Tests with the Thai Buddhist calendar calendarLocale = new Locale("th", "TH"); testRoundTrip(calendarLocale); testRoundTripSimple(calendarLocale, locale == Locale.ENGLISH ? BUDDHIST_EN : BUDDHIST_JA); } private static void testRoundTrip(Locale calendarLocale) { DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL, calendarLocale); long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); t = (t / 1000) * 1000; // discard milliseconds testRoundTrip(df, new Date(t)); // H1.8.9 testRoundTrip(df, new Date(1989-1900, AUGUST, 9)); // H17.6.13 testRoundTrip(df, new Date(2005-1900, JUNE, 13)); } private static void testRoundTrip(DateFormat df, Date orig) { try { String s = df.format(orig); Date parsed = df.parse(s); if (!orig.equals(parsed)) { error("testRoundTrip: bad date: origianl: '%s', parsed '%s'%n", orig, parsed); } } catch (Exception e) { error("Unexpected exception: %s%n", e); } } private static void testRoundTripSimple(Locale calendarLocale, Object[][] data) { try { for (Object[] item : data) { String pattern = (String) item[0]; String str = (String) item[1]; Date date = (Date) item[2]; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(calendarLocale); sdf.setCalendar(cal); String s = sdf.format(date); if (!s.equals(str)) { error("testRoundTripSimple: Got '%s', expected '%s'%n", s, str); } Date d = sdf.parse(str); if (!d.equals(date)) { error("testRoundTripSimple: Got '%s', expected '%s'%n", d, date); } } } catch (Exception e) { error("Unexpected exception: %s%n", e); } } private static void testParseExceptions(Locale calendarLocale, Object[][] data) { for (Object[] item : data) { String pattern = (String) item[0]; String str = (String) item[1]; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(calendarLocale); sdf.setCalendar(cal); sdf.setLenient(false); try { Date d = sdf.parse(str); error("testParseExceptions: parsing '%s' doesn't throw a ParseException.%n", str); } catch (ParseException e) { // OK } } } private static void error(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); errors++; } private static void error(String fmt, Object... args) { System.out.printf(fmt, args); errors++; } }