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DO NOT EDIT! # af=afrikaans ce=chechene cs=checo et=est\u00f3nio hi=Hindi hy=arm\u00e9nio ig=igbo ik=Inupiaq jv=jv mk=maced\u00f3nio oc=proven\u00e7al os=oss\u00e9tico pl=polaco rm=Romanche ta=T\u00e2mil tg=tajique to=tonga afa=Afeghani (1927-2002) ang=Florim das Antilhas Holandesas art=idioma artifical awa=Awadhi bad=Dinar da B\u00f3snia-Herzeg\u00f3vina bai=bamileke Languages bam=Marco b\u00f3snio-herzeg\u00f3vino convers\u00edvel bug=Buginese cad=D\u00f3lar canadiano cel=idioma c\u00e9ltico chn=jarg\u00e3o chinook cpe=crioulo ou pidgin do ingl\u00eas cpf=crioulo ou pidgin do franc\u00eas cpp=crioulo ou pidgin do portugu\u00eas cus=idioma cuchita dra=idioma drav\u00edtico dyu=diula egy=eg\u00edpcio cl\u00e1ssico enm=ingl\u00eas medieval fiu=idioma ugro-fin\u00eas frm=franc\u00eas medieval frs=fr\u00edsio oriental gmh=alem\u00e3o medieval alto grc=grego cl\u00e1ssico gsw=alem\u00e3o da Su\u00ed\u00e7a hsb=sorbiano superior iba=Iban khi=khoisan lez=lezghiano mga=irland\u00eas, medieval (900-1200) nah=Nauatle nds=baixo alem\u00e3o nic=C\u00f3rdoba nicaraguano non=norse, old peo=persa arcaico (aprox. 600-400 a.C.) pra=idioma pr\u00e1cito pro=proven\u00e7al, arcaico (at\u00e9 1500) rom=roman\u00eas sai=idioma ind\u00edgeno sul-americano sal=salishan languages sgn=linguages de sinais ssa=idioma nilo-sariano tai=idioma tail\u00e2ndes tet=T\u00e9tum tog=togan\u00eas tyv=tuviniano wen=idioma s\u00f3rbio Armn=arm\u00e9nio Blis=s\u00edmbolos Bliss Egyd=eg\u00edpcio dem\u00f3tico Egyh=eg\u00edpcio hier\u00e1tico Inds=indus Laoo=Lao Lina=linear A Linb=linear B Sylo=siloti nagri Tale=tai le Taml=tamil Telu=telugu Xsux=cuneiforme sumero-acadiano Zxxx=n\u00e3o escrito Zzzz=inv\u00e1lido ou desconhecido AE=Emiratos \u00c1rabes Unidos AI=Anguila AM=Arm\u00e9nia AQ=Ant\u00e1rctica AX=Ilhas \u00c5land BF=Burkina-Faso BH=Bahrein BJ=Benim BW=Botswana BY=Bielorr\u00fassia CC=Ilhas Cocos CG=Congo-Brazzaville CM=Camar\u00f5es CX=Ilha do Natal CZ=Rep\u00fablica Checa EE=Est\u00f3nia EG=Egipto EH=Sara Ocidental FK=Ilhas Falkland FM=Estados Federados da Micron\u00e9sia FO=Ilhas Faro\u00e9 GL=Gronel\u00e2ndia GW=Guin\u00e9-Bissau HK=Regi\u00e3o Administrativa Especial de Hong Kong IR=Ir\u00e3o KE=Qu\u00e9nia KG=Quirguizist\u00e3o KN=Saint Kitts e Nevis KY=Ilhas Caim\u00e3o KZ=Cazaquist\u00e3o LA=Laos, Rep\u00fablica Popular Democr\u00e1tica do LV=Let\u00f3nia MC=M\u00f3naco MD=Mold\u00e1via, Rep\u00fablica da MG=Madag\u00e1scar MK=Maced\u00f3nia MM=Mianmar MO=Regi\u00e3o Administrativa Especial de Macau MP=Ilhas Mariana do Norte MS=Monserrate MU=Maur\u00edcias NC=Nova Caled\u00f3nia NL=Pa\u00edses Baixos PG=Papu\u00e1sia-Nova Guin\u00e9 PL=Pol\u00f3nia PS=Territ\u00f3rio Palestiniano QA=Qatar RO=Rom\u00e9nia SC=Seicheles SG=Singapura SI=Eslov\u00e9nia SM=S\u00e3o Marino TC=Ilhas Turcas e Caicos TJ=Tajiquist\u00e3o TM=Turquemenist\u00e3o TT=Trindade e Tobago UZ=Usbequist\u00e3o VI=Ilhas Virgens E.U.A. VN=Vietname YE=I\u00e9men ZW=Zimbabwe 009=Oce\u00e2nia 015=Norte de \u00c1frica 035=Sudeste Asi\u00e1tico 154=Europa do Norte