! Syntax Highlighting Patterns for Specman "e" ! rev 0.2 ! -- Added more keywords and adjusted highlight patterns. ! ! The foundation has been implemented and many of the keywords are ! recognized. Some may need to be trimmed and others added. Please ! feel free to improve, update and share. -- Peace Chen ! ! INSTALLATION ! ! In NEdit Version 5.0.1 and beyond, load this pattern by starting nedit with: ! ! nedit -import ! ! Then, check that the patterns were loaded correctly, and choose Save Defaults ! from the Preferences menu. The new patterns will now be incorporated into ! your own .nedit file, so the next time you start NEdit, you will no longer ! need to use -import. ! ! In version 5.0, without -import, you must edit your .nedit file by hand and ! add the contents of each resource below to the corresponding list in your ! .nedit file. Be sure to separate new entries with \n, and continue resource ! strings by escaping all newlines within a resource value with \ (backslash), ! leaving only the last line of the resource value not ending in \. nedit.highlightPatterns: \ e:1:0{\n\ cplus comment:"//":"$"::Text Comment::\n\ e comment:"--":"$"::Text Comment::\n\ string:"""":"""":"\\n":String::\n\ preprocessor line:"^[ \\t]*#":::Preprocessor::\n\ built-in funcs:"<(extend|add|as_a|unpack|pack|wait|gen|init|is|also|appendf|rise|fall|cover|run|change|post_generate|pre_generate|dut_error|that|)>":::Identifier::\n\ commands:"<(import|me|it|event|emit|start|state machine|when|while|do|for|each|if|else|case|default|using)>":::Keyword::D\n\ keywords:"<(|true|TRUE|false|FALSE)>":::Plain::\n\ storage keyword:"<(var|type|class|struct|list|item|keeping|keep|soft|unit|int|uint|bool|operator|register|export)>":::Storage Type::\n\ braces and parens:"[""<'""""'>""\\[\\]{}\\(\\)]":::Keyword::D\n\ subroutine call:"&\\w(\\w|::)*>|<\\w(\\w|::)*(?=\\s*\\()":::Subroutine1::D\n\ method:"&\\w(\\w|::)*>|<\\w(\\w|::)*(?=\\s*\\{)":::String1::D\n\ } nedit.languageModes: e:.e:"<'":Smart:None::3: