#!/bin/sh if [ ! -f "${II2RESOURCES}/basename" ] then echo "### I cannot upate myself because I am too old. Please use the II2.dmg available from the web. Bailing out..." exit 1 fi PROGNAME=`"${II2RESOURCES}/basename" "$0"` echo "### ${PROGNAME}: Started..." if [ -f "${II2RESOURCES}/ii2shfuncs.sh" ] then source "${II2RESOURCES}/ii2shfuncs.sh" ii2checksanity else echo "### ${PROGNAME}: Cannot load ${II2RESOURCES}/ii2shfuncs.sh." fi # Just for certainty in cas ii2.ii2 is made before i-Installer.pkg is made chown -R root:admin "${II2INSTALLDIR}/i-Installer.app" if [ "${II2RESOURCES}" != "${II2INSTALLDIR}/i-Installer.app/Contents/Resources" ] then papadir=`/usr/bin/dirname "${II2RESOURCES}"` papadir=`/usr/bin/dirname "${papadir}"` title="Different Location" msg="You have installed i_Installer in another location (${II2INSTALLDIR}) than the location of the i-Installer you are running now (${papadir}). The program you are running now has not been updated." "${II2RESOURCES}"/doalerter -s "${II2DOSERVER}" -V -t Alert -T "${title}" -I "${msg}." -1 "Accept" fi echo "### ${PROGNAME}: Finished." exit 0 # $Id: libtiff.configure 60 2006-09-24 19:16:00Z gctwnl $